Best Friend's Older Brother - Jaemin (Last Part)

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          Opening the door, your best friend gets in the house followed by you who entered right after her. You closed the door behind you and the slow footsteps hitting the stairs could already be heard. You look up, seeing Jaemin coming at your direction, and you hold back the smirk growing on your face.

-Hi, Jae. Y/n and I have some homework to do, so I called her over. We're gonna stay in my room. - Your best friend says, but Jaemin already knew about that.

-Alright. Good luck. - He says and his sister smiles, proceeding to go upstairs. You walk behind her, passing by Jaemin, who locked his eyes on yours and brushed his hand on yours discreetly, making you giggle.

          After some minutes in her room, you decided that it was time to create an excuse. Not that it would make any difference. You couldn't focus on any homework after all.

-I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick. - You say and your best friend nods, continuing to write.

          You stand up and go to the door as a wide naughty smile comes to your face. You close the door looking around, searching for any clue of him in all that dark hall. Everything is so quiet that it even looks like the house is empty, but then you feel someone holding your wrist and pulling you to another room.
          You let out a low gasp which is quickly muffled by his lips on yours. He pushes the door using his hand while the other runs to your waist. Low giggling sounds echo by the room as you both smile between the kisses. Walking clumsily by the room with you glued on him, Jaemin bumps on his beside-table, letting his lampshade fall.

-Shh! Your sister is gonna hear us. - You whisper in a heavy breath while he starts to kiss your jaw.

-She must know someday, right? - He says, stroking his long fingers in your hair.

You pull away, looking at him in the eyes, now already used to the dark lighting.

-If she finds out, she is gonna be mad at me. - You say with a worried face, but Jaemin just smiles. His gaze travelling from your eyes to your lips.

-Why would she be mad? - He asks and you chuckle, pecking his lips again.

-Because her best friend is making out with her brother. I mean, that's kinda weird. - You say, seeing that beautiful smile of his which never left his face. The words ''making out'' couldn't sound sexier for him than when you say it.

-It's not weird. For me it feels very good. - His ambiguous jokes are a plus in his personality. You roll your eyes, passing your arms above his shoulders. - Do you want to hide it forever? - He asks, caressing your cheek with his thumb.

-Uhm... I don't know. But it's kinda fun. - You giggle, and he pulls you closer again.

          He couldn't deny it. You are right. This little adrenaline every time you're at his house is really addicting, but it ended before you thought when the door burst open, with his sister standing there. You and Jaemin moved away from each other fast, staring at her.

-I knew it. I knew you two were together behind my back. - She says and you can feel your heart beating fast.

-Uhm... We just- - You try to explain yourself, but she interrupts you.

-No! Don't talk to me. I knew something was happening when you started to act weird. I always called you to my house as your best friend and you just came here because of my brother? This is so... - She frowns, sighing. - gross. - She finally says, and your eyes slightly widen.

-Why are you talking like this? You're overreacting. - Jaemin says and his sister looks at him with watery eyes.

-You always do this, Jaemin! I can't have any friend that they start to like you and ignore me, but you never gave attention to any of them, so why did you decide to steal my best friend now? - She asks with anger in her eyes.

-He didn't steal me from you, sis. I'll always be your friend. I was just thinking on the right moment to tell you. - You say, but her eyes don't even glance at you.

-We are not friends anymore. Don't come to my house ever again. - She says leaving the room.

          Days go by and you haven't gone to your friend's house. She's been avoiding you and not answering your messages, what made you terribly sad, but the worst of it all is that you haven't seen Jaemin since what happened. What should be just a flirting game became a whole new feeling to your heart.
          Sighing, you roll on your bed again, not being able to sleep. Your mind fights with itself wondering if you should have ignored Jaemin from the beginning and not starting anything with him, but then you immediately admit to yourself that it would be impossible. You were attracted to him from the first day you laid your eyes on him, and you never thought something like this would happen, nor that your friend would take it to such personal level.
          In the middle of the dawn at your house, something disturbs the silence. Your phone vibrates nonstop with Jaemin calling you.

-Hello? - You pick it up as your heart races by seeing his name on the screen.

-Hi. Open your window. I'm gonna get in. - He says and you widen your eyes, getting out of your bed in a jump.

          Opening the window, you see Jaemin in the garden, already jumping the fence. He gets to your room with a heavy breath and a kind of messy hair. Not letting any more time to admire him, he quickly pulls your arm and shocks your body against his. The contact with his skin reminded you how much you missed him. Wet kissing sounds spread by the room until you got your foreheads together to breathe.

-What are you doing here? - You whisper to him with your eyes shining.

-You weren't coming to my house, so I came to yours. - He says and you smile, cupping his face and caressing it.

-Come here, sit down. - You say, pulling him by the hand to sit on your bed. You two lean you back on the headboard. - I thought we wouldn't see each other anymore. - You say looking at him feeling him intertwining your hands.

-Just because my sister threw a tantrum? No way. - He jokes and you chuckle. - I've been talking to her about it slowly. We had a conversation today and it seems she is not that mad anymore. I had to explain that you were very worried about losing her friendship and that it was not fair to treat you this way just because I like you. Try to talk to her tomorrow. I'm sure she misses you too. - Jaemin says and all your mind caught was the part ''because I like you''. Until this day, you hadn't said anything about your feelings to each other. You surely were attracted one to another, but you thought you were the only one who really grew feelings.

-Did you really mean it? - You ask and he looks at you.

-What? - He asks. - That I like you? - You nod hesitantly. - Is it not obvious? - He says moving closer again to give you a kiss. You giggle, cupping his face and closing your eyes. His hand tightens on your waist as he leans against you on the bed. Your back arches, wanting to get closer to him, but your old wooden bed doesn't help you with the noise.

-Easy. My parents are gonna hear us. - You say in his lips, and he opens his eyes.

-There's always somebody to hear us. - He says in a playful annoyed tone. - I haven't even tried to make you loud yet. - He says and you hit him in the arm, glaring at him. - Just kidding... - He says, making you laugh when kissing him again. 

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