My Safe Place - Lucas

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-Y/n, come here fast. It's happening again. - Kun says before you hang up, close your book and put it inside your backpack. 

          Leaving the library, where you were previously studying for your next presentation at the university, you take your car keys inside your pocket and start your car, quickly heading over WayV's dorm.
          Getting there, Kun opens the door for you. 

-Where is he? - You ask him. 

-He is in his room. - Kun says as the other members looks at you worried. 

-Okay. Don't worry. I know how to deal with it. - You say and go to his room. 

          You open the door slowly and see Lucas sitting on his bed breathing irregularly. He looks at you relieved to know you are there. 

-Y/n... - He says starting to cry. The members, not knowing what to do about that, called you. -Guys, can you give me some time with him? - You say to them. Kun nods dragging everyone out of the room and closing the door behind him. You turn to look at him. - Lucas... Is that happening again? - You ask throwing your backpack on the floor and sitting next to him on the bed. 

           Lucas is your childhood friend. Actually, your best friend. You two know everything about each other and you trust him with your life, as he does with you too. Even though you two are not always together, because he is an idol, you always talk to him by the phone or meet him now and then. And something you know about him is about his panic attacks. 
          Lucas has them since he was kid and at first you were scared, not knowing what to do. But as you saw how his mother calmed him down, you learned how to do it too, and as time went by, you are the only one who can make him calm down now. Before, he had not so many attacks, but as the idol life came, they have been more and more constant. 

-I- I can't breathe. I- - He says between hiccups. 

-Calm down, relax. - You say slowly and calm, taking his hands and caressing it. - You know how to breathe. 

-I'm gonna die, Y/n. I can't this time! - He says desperate. You take your hands and cup his face so that he could look at your eyes. 

-Look at me. - You say and he looks. - Yes. Now, breathe out. The air is all inside you. You need to let it out. - You say as he breathes out, still anxious. - Yes. Very good. Now, breathe in. Slowly. - You put your hands on his chest making a movement of breathing in and out. - You have the control. Everything is fine. I'm here with you. - You say as his breath starts to normalize. His tears fall down. - What is it this time? Talk to me. 

-I'm not getting the choreo. Weizenies... They are going to be disappointed. The concert is near and I can't even do a move right. - He says putting his hands on his face. You sigh worried about him. You move on his bed, leaning until you are sitting with your legs spread, putting his pillow on your chest. 

-Come here. Lie down. - You say, signaling to him to lay on your chest, between your legs. He lies down breathing deeply again. - Don't think about that. You know that when you are like that, you can't sing or dance well. You must rest a bit and come back to practice after. You will get this choreo. I know that. - You say caressing his hair. He stays in silent. - You are the most talented person I know. You are sweet, warm hearted, you sing and dance so well. You got all the way here with your efforts. Weizenies are there to support you. Don't think you can't do it anymore. Because you can do anything you want. - You say. 

-If you are with me, I can keep going. - He says playing with his fingers. You giggle. 

-You can do it by yourself But I will always be here for you if you need me. - You say, still caressing his hair. He leans his head back on your shoulder with his eyes closed, turning to place his head on the crock of your head. Who would think that a boy this big would be calmed down by you, a little shorty girl? - I love you. - You say to him. He opens his eyes and looks at the roof thinking. You always say these things to him. It's kind of normal for you two. You always calm him down and say beautiful things to him. 

            After some minutes breathing and feeling your hand on his hair, he turns his look at you. He adjusts himself to sit beside you, sliding down a bit so he could stay at the same height. 

-Thank you. - He says being really honest. - You are always here for me. If it was not you... I don't know if I could be here today. - He says looking at you. You chuckle looking down. He gets closer and gives you a kiss on the cheek. - Thank you. - He says still close and gives another kiss on your cheek.

          Not pulling away, he keeps kissing your jaw. You start to blush. Actually, you like him. For a long time now. You don't know when it started, but you can say that it was enough to you just being able to help him at those moments. 

-Hey... What are you doing? - You ask him not understanding why he is giving you so many kisses. One kiss was kind of normal, but so many like that makes your heart starts to beat faster. 

-I'm thanking you. - He says, still giving you slow cheek kisses, getting more and more closer to your lips. 

-I know, but... - You start to talk, but you don't know exactly what to say. 

-Shh... Just let me kiss you. - He whispers with his eyes closed as he continues with his kisses. You are still not looking at him, just frozen there. 

          He raises his hands and pulls your chin a little to his side, so he could have more space to kiss you. Getting closer, he kisses the edge of your lips. You heart feels like it would explode. Pulling even more your chin, he finally reaches your lips. He gives plenty of pecks there. You melt receiving his love, with your eyes closed just feeling the texture of his lips. Now, opening his mouth, he deepens the kiss pulling you by your neck. The room is in completely silence, bringing a peaceful vibe. All you hear is the sound of you and Lucas kissing each other.
          Finalizing it with a last peck, you two open your eyes. 

-Uhm... I know that you wanted to thank me, but... - You start to say, but he interrupts you. 

-It's not only that. - He says and you stay quiet trying to understand what he means. - I want to be by your side. Not only as my best friend. I need you. You are my peace. You are the place I come back to feel safe. - He says and gives you one more peck. - You feel it too, don't you? - He asks and you nod. - I love you too. Stay with me. - You smile as your eyes get teary. - Don't cry! - He says smiling widely at you. 

-Sorry, sorry. I'm not. - You say wiping your eyes. - Thank you for being here when I need too. - You say kissing him one more time. 

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