Troublemaker - Haechan

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Again, the same group of friends were chilling at the pub. Haechan laughs out loud, joking around with his friends, until his eyes spot a different person leaving the school. He frowns, following the girl with his eyes, wondering if he had ever seen her around there.

-Hey. Iris! – He calls his friend, the other popular from his group, knowing she is the best person to ask that kind of question. – Who is that girl? – He asks and she chuckles.

-Her name is Y/n. She is new here. She came transferred from another city. I talked to her a bit. She is cool, but too nerdy. – She jokes and Haechan laughs. – She is one of those who pays attention, who writes during the classes and get high grades.

-Ooh. Is that it? – Haechan says, looking at you from afar. – Thanks, Iris. – He says and she winks at him, coming back to her previous conversation.

Walking calmly while checking your social media, you suddenly feel someone beside you.

-Hi! – A boy says, and you frown, finding that a little weird that he is talking to you out of the blue.

-Hi. – You answer.

-I'm Haechan. Nice to meet you. – He says and reaches out his hand for you. You slowly shake it, a little taken aback. – You are Y/n, right? The new student.

-Yes, I am. So, you are the famous Haechan. – You chuckle and Haechan gets surprised.

-Oh, you know me? – He says and you nod.

-Some people told me I should stay away from a boy called Haechan, because he is a troublemaker. – You say and he scoffs, making you laugh.

-It was Iris, right? She always says that kind of thing about my person, but I can tell you I'm the best person for you to be close with. – He says cockily, and you arch an eyebrow.

-Oh, is that it? – You say with a shy smile looking down.

Haechan was not expecting this meeting to be like that, but your shyness and, at the same time, boldness, made him interested about you. He loves to meet new people and to be popular, but this time something woke up his curiosity. You had something different in you, in your smile.

-Of course. We are from the same class, so we gotta be friends, right? – He says and you get confused.

-But I didn't see you in class today. – You say and he giggles.

-Well, today I slept too much, so I couldn't go, but I can show you the neighborhood, if you want. I know each part of this city. What do you think? – He asks and you hesitate.

-Uhm... right now? – You ask and he nods with a smile. – I can't right now... My parents are waiting for me. They will be worried if I come back late. – You say and Haechan arches an eyebrow.

-Come ooon! It's gonna be fun! – He says and you smile. By his fame on school, you know the type of boy he is. It's that type that a girl like you wouldn't be around, but you can't deny that he is handsome. His leather jacket already tells you he is gonna be trouble, so why are you willing to accept his offer?

-Uhm... I don't know, Haechan. – You say and he rolls his eyes.

-Alright, alright. I knew it even before talking to you. You're too daddy's princess to go around like that. – He says looking away, and you frown.

-What do you mean? – You ask.

-You are that type of girl who gets high grades, who never does nothing wrong and who doesn't get late at home. Translating, a boring life. – He says, putting his hands inside his pockets.

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