Live For You - Jeno

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I remember that night every day. It will never be forgot, because I don't want to forget it. The night my life had no purpose until she came to me.

-Did you see who Lady Y/n brought to the party? - I hear someone saying her name from afar. A table with two women, probably from high society judging by their clothes and their gaze full of superiority, started to gossip.

-Yes. How dare she bring a fairy to the party? I can't even enjoy my meal properly. - The other says, glaring at me. - Just because she has some power from the royalty, it doesn't mean she can walk around with the scum of society.

The ladies seem to be very disturbed by my presence. Or better saying, most people here. Not really because of who I am, but because of what I am. Fairies and humans have been coexisting for thousands of years, but that doesn't mean they like each other. It's exactly the opposite. Between all the species (such as werewolves, wizards or vampires), the one humans hate the most are fairies. That's why I was so surprised when she did what she did.

At that time, my mind was sunk in emptiness and darkness. All I had inside me was rage. I'm not proud of who I was, but I don't blame myself either. I had never had hope and had no perspective in life, so I understand that I could act that way. That's why it makes me so confuse, to this day, about why she chose me.

After the 15th war, a lot of species were captured and held captive, and I was one of those. I even lost the count of how many days I was kept inside of a glass box, prepared specially for fairies, just planning a way to escape, but it was useless. I saw many of them being taken away, probably to be slaves or soldiers for another reign, but in my case, I was convicted I would die there. Nobody wanted fairies. We are the last to be chosen due to our ''fame'' of being treacherous. Despite the known ''angelical beauty'' which marks our species, people tend to be cautious with our special powers of manipulation.

-I want him. - She said, pointing at me. The soldier beside her widens his eyes, completely shocked.

-My highness, don't you see the way his eyes shine? That thing is a fairy. It will probably be problematic and a waste of time. Don't you prefer a werewolf? Even a gnome is better. - The soldier says, trying to convince her, but her eyes were focused on me.

-I like him. He is the one I want. - She says, and the merchant shrugs, taking the keys to open the glass box.

-Be careful now that he is out. - The merchant says, dragging me closer to her with my cuffs held in chains. - I thought this one would never leave, but I see there are still people who want them.

A few years went by, and I still don't understand why she did it. She has been good to me since that day. She never judged me for what I am. The worst is that I have nothing to give her to show my gratitude, so the only thing I do is granting my whole life to her.

-Wash your mouths before speaking of Jeno, you discourteous. - Y/n says, and the two women get flabbergasted.

-What did you call us? Discourteous? Because of this dirty fairy? You own us respect, lady! You are no more worthy than us here. You are the one being discourteous for bringing that to this formal party. If you really want to walk around with him, he can at least wait outside where he is accepted! - The woman says, and Y/n stands up in anger.

-Master, I can wait outside until the party is over. There's no problem. - I say nervously, trying to fix the situation.

-Why should you wait outside in the rain and in the cold? That's ridiculous. He has the same right of coming to this party just like any of us! - She says to the woman in a scandalized tone. - If he is not accepted here, neither am I. - She grabs my wrist and starts to walk away fast.

-Master! You don't need to do this. You are more important than me. I don't mean anything. - I say, and she stops, turning around to look at me with teary eyes that made me freeze.

-Don't you ever say that again. - She says firmly, with a trembling voice, staring deeply at my eyes.

-Pardon. - I say, shocked by her reaction.

We come back to the castle. Her steps punch strongly the floor as I follow her to her room.

-This is so... Urgh! I'm so angry. - She says, throwing her scarf on her bed aggressively. Noticing my silence, she turns around fast, looking at me, seeing my calm expression. - Don't you get angry when you hear them talking about you like that? - She asks, and I sigh deeply.

-I'm not affected by their words. You were the only one who gave me any value, so why should I listen to them? I only care about what you say of me. My life is yours. If you tell me to live, I will live for you. If you tell me to di3, I will di3 for you. - I say seriously, and she sighs, walking closer to me.

-You always say these things, but I would never tell you to di3 for me. It's more likely if you di3, I will want to di3 too. - I can't prevent the chaos in my heart whenever she says something like that. How can she say that when I'm the one who was saved? I don't deserve any of that sentiment. Still, she always looks at me with those eyes. - Your eyes shined. - She says giggling.

-I'm sorry. - I say, frowning and closing my eyes. - I try to control it, but it's still a bit hard. - I open my eyes again, and she takes her hand to my face. Caressing my cheek, she scans my eyes and I feel them changing again.

-Your eyes are my favorite thing in you. I love to watch them changing colors. - She says, smiling as I look at her. The eyes of a fairy are the only thing that can make people identify us fairies. Reason why we normally try to hide it when we are next to other species. - Or maybe you are using your fairy power to make me like them? - She says, and I widen my eyes.

-No! I would never dare to. - I say, and she chuckles, throwing her arms on my shoulders and hugging me tight.

-I know. - She says, touching her face on my neck. She takes a deep breath as I involve her back with my arms. - You smell just like... the pine trees moistened with the early morning dew from the woods. It feels so relaxing.

Her tone sounds calm. From the many things I heard from people about myself, she is different from any of them. She always can find something good on me when even myself can't see it.

-Is it because you're a fairy? - She asks, still hugging me.

-Probably. - I answer. She seems to be very curious about my specie.

-Are the other fairies good on archery like you? - She asks again.

-Some of them yes. Even better than me, I must admit. - I say, and she laughs. I smile, chuckling too. I love to make her laugh. Suddenly, she pulls away fast, looking at me firmly.

-You don't know how to fly, do you? - She asks, waiting anxiously for my answer.

-No, master. - I say, and she nods.

-Yeah. You have no wings. - She says, thinking out loud. Looking back at me, she stares for some seconds as her face becomes serious. - Do you miss your family?

-My family is you. - I say without hesitating.

-You know the meaning of your words, right? - She asks, and I frown. - Family is forever. Are you willing to stay with me forever, Jeno? - She asks as her eyes run frenetically by mine. I take a step back, kneeling in front of her.

-Until the day I di3, and if there's an after that, I promise, I'll be loyal to you, and only you. - I say and look up. Her eyes look at me in the kindest way someone ever looked at me. She kneels too, cupping my face with her two hands and touching her forehead with mine.

-Then, it's forever now. - She whispers, and leaning her face down, she seals her lips with mine. 

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