Something More - Jeno

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Today was finally the big game. The final basketball match everyone was looking forward to see, and you would be there, of course, since your best friend is playing.

You were an enthusiastic of his games since the beginning, and he always love to see you there to support him more than any other person. In today's case, it's a special game. His team got to the finals of the national championship. You know he is probably nervous and focused on doing his best in the game, so you organized a surprise for him.

Together with the other girls who were close with the players, you decided to do a cheering group. Matching clothes, make up, war cry, banners and all. This way the team would surely feel more motivated to win.

Looking around in a frown, Jeno tries to find you in the middle of all the crowd. Were you late? Or maybe you forgot about his game?

-Are you looking for Y/n? – Chenle, his teammate, asks while coming closer. It was already usual for them to have you around with Jeno.

-She is not here yet. That's weird. – Jeno says, swinging side to side to search for you from afar.

-She must be almost here. Are you not going to not play if she is not here, right? – Chenle jokes, and Jeno clicks his tongue.

-Of course not. I just... want her to be here. – Right when Jeno completes his phrase, his eyes widen, spotting you in the middle of the group of girls.

All the team looks at your group as their chins drops in surprise. You are all wearing their game shirts. Each girl which the member they are rooting for. Your makeups had the color of the team, and in your hands little flags that you did all together.

-Wow. Do we even have cheerleaders? – Jisung asks excited as the team walks closer to you.

Jeno's eyes were always drawn to you. That's what the boys always tease him about. But this time he felt it on his skin. He just can't look anywhere else. You are just too beautiful for his eyes. You smile widely while jumping from excitement, giving him a tight hug when he finally gets to you.

-Hi, winner! What do you think of my cheering group idea? – You say, turning around to show him your outfit. On your back, you had his name and his number written in a large font "23 JENO".

-You're wearing our shirt. And with my name. – Jeno says looking surprised.

-Sure. You're my favorite. – You say, and he can't deny that his heart skipped a beat by listening to you saying that. His eyes checked you out head to toe while his hand held yours.

-You're looking perfect on it. – Jeno lets it out without even thinking. It's impossible for him not to admit. And for the first time, you felt a different sparkle between you. The air was different by the way his gaze looked at you.

-Thanks. – You say, feeling his hand squeezing yours. Was it just in your head? Could it be just him showing you how grateful he was?

-I have to go now. The game will start soon, and the team wants to gather before it. – He says, and you nod excited.

-Alright. I'll be here cheering all the time. You can do it! You are the best! – You say, and he chuckles seeing your excitement.

Watching him running to his team, you feel your heart beating fast. That's the feeling of a big game. You want him to win more than anything. You know how much he's been practicing for it. It's like if his victory was yours too.

Getting to the team, Jeno takes a deep breath, starting to warm up for the match. His eyes glance one more time at you who was talking to the other girls, probably organizing the crowd while his name is shining bright in your back.

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