Housemates - Taeyong

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-Hey, Y/n. - You hear Taeyong calling you, coming from the bathroom. You look up from the kitchen, seeing him drying his hair with a towel, not taking long to notice his bare chest in front of you.

-I've told you not to walk around shirtless, haven't I? - You say, turning around and opening the fridge so he couldn't see your cheeks getting red.

-I don't see the problem of being shirtless at my house. - He jokes, leaning on the counter with a smirk.

-Our house. I'm here too, you know. - You clean your throat, taking a deep breath.

-Anyways, I wanted to ask you if I can bring some of my friends here to eat something and play some games. - Taeyong says and you shrug.

-Sure. If you don't mind me being home, and if you keep everything clean after. - You say, and he smiles.

-Deal. - He says, going to his room.

-When are they coming? This weekend? - You ask from the kitchen.

-They are arriving in 10 minutes! - Taeyong shouts from his room, and you widen your eyes, running to where he was.

-Hey! You just pretended you were asking me. You've already called them without me knowing. - You say in an annoyed tone, watching him putting on his shirt. Taeyong just chuckles, walking towards you, who were at the door.

-I just knew you are an amazing housemate and wouldn't mind it, but I can tell them you don't want them here. - He says, and you roll your eyes.

-Urgh... no, they can come. But ask me next time. Like, really ask me. - You say with narrowed eyes, and he smiles naughtily, caressing your chin playfully before going to the living room.

And just like he said, his friends got there minutes later. A few boys and girls get in greeting him with hugs and kisses. You observe them from the kitchen while slowly ''drinking some water'', pretending you didn't want to know who would come. The entire group arrives when a last girl gets in. She has a wide smile in her face, and passes her arms above Taeyong's shoulders, hugging him tight for at least 4 seconds, what you found a little too much. ''Great. That one wants him.'' You think, rolling your eyes.

-Hey, Taeyong, you didn't tell me you had such cute housemate. She could join us. - One of Taeyong's friends says, looking at you from afar.

-Uhm... Yeah, if she wants. Y/n! Do you want to join us? - Taeyong calls you, and your curiosity ends up taking you to their gathering.

You sit down in one of the couches, seeing that girl from before beside Taeyong. Of course she would sit next to him.

-So, since we are all friends, I can ask. - The girl says, resting a hand on Taeyong's leg. - Is there something going on between you and Y/n? You know, you live here together in an house just for you. - She asks, and your eyes go to Taeyong, who is taken by surprise.

-Hahaha, no. We are just friends. Friends who live together. - He says, and you immediately start to get annoyed. You know there is nothing between you and Taeyong, and that's what annoys you.

-Really? You're strong, Y/n. If it was me, I wouldn't just be friends with Taeyong. - She says, and you arch an eyebrow scoffing. Taeyong laughs, taking his cup to pour a drink.

-I think Taeyong is the strong one. It would be a dream to live with a beautiful girl like Y/n. - The guy beside you says with a smirk. You quickly glance at Taeyong, who had his eyes on the guy. A light smile formed on your lips, deciding to annoy him in the same way.

-We don't need to be housemates to be more than friends. - You say to the guy, and the group shouts in excitement. You glance at Taeyong again, and strangely, his laughing face was not there anymore. ''What? He can flirt around, but I can't?'' You think, taking a drink too.

The night continued with some card games and snacks. The more the girl flirted with Taeyong, more you got mad and flirted with the random guy beside you. Obviously, you were just doing that to affect Taeyong and to convince yourself that you were not dying inside and looking stupid. The worst of that all is that the guy was really thinking you were into him, but little did he know you had no interest at all.

-Urgh... I think I'm way too drunk. Hahahaha – The girl says, throwing herself on Taeyong. You were almost standing up to kick her out of the house. Maybe she thinks she is at her own house by almost laying on your couch and drinking like she wants to forget the entire night.

-It's better if you don't drink anymore. - Taeyong says, putting her cup on the other side of the table. - Do you want me to call a cab for you? - He asks, and the girl laughs drunkily.

-Ugh? Why going home if I can simply sleep here? What do you think? Have you got some space in your room for me? - She asks with a malicious tone. Your stomach rolled in disgust, not even wanting to imagine the scene of that girl really staying for the night in your house and with Taeyong.

-I think you don't know what you are saying. Are you always that straight forward? - Taeyong asks, looking at her as she smirks.

-Want to really see me being straight forward? Why don't we start now what we're gonna do later? - The girl says and leans over, pulling Taeyong by the shirt and kissing him on the lips.

Your mouth opens in surprise, feeling your heart breaking by seeing Taeyong kissing another girl in front of your eyes. All that game you played all night long had finally shattered you. Standing up, you leave the living room without any warning. Taeyong pushes the girl away, watching you walking to your room, and immediately standing up too to follow you.

-Y/n! Hey! Wait. - He reaches you despite of your fast steps, pulling you by the arm to turn you to look at him. His eyes widen in shock seeing tears coming out of your eyes, getting totally speechless.

-Let me go. I'm not feeling well, so I'm staying in my room. You can continue what you were doing. - You say, pushing his arm away, but he pulls you back again.

-No. You're... crying. I'm sorry. I didn't want to kiss her. - He says, with a worried face, and you scoff, wiping your tears off.

-You clearly did. And you know what? You don't need to worry. We're just housemates after all, right? I'm just too stupid to think that you... - You sigh heavily. - Forget it. You don't need to feel bad for me. It was my fault. You don't own me anything. – You say as he stares at you in silence. His eyes run by your face nonstop while his hand still holds your wrist. – Just go and-

You suddenly get interrupt when Taeyong pulled you closer, giving you a kiss. Goosebumps go up your back as your eyes shut in reflex. His friends were still talking loudly, but his attention now is at something else.

The shock from what he did made you take some seconds to correspond him. He pecks you lips, feeling you finally moving forward. Your breathing loses its rhythm as you open your mouth, deepening the kiss. After so long, that's how it feels like to kiss him. You had tried to imagine that many time, and it was just like you expected. It was crazily good.

-Taeyong! Where are you? – One of his friends shouts from the living room, and you pull away, looking back at him.

Your heart beats fast seeing his gaze watching you minutely before grabbing his cellphone inside his pocket. He puts it on his ear, calling someone, making you curious.

-Good evening. I would like to call a cab to the 12th Avenue, number 7. – He says, winking at you, making you chuckle. – Yeah. Right now. Thanks. Bye.

He finishes the call, putting the cellphone back in his pocket. His eyes glance from your eyes to your lips, getting closer again. And just as if something magnetic, you close your eyes, getting your lips together one more time.

-I'm gonna send them away. Be right back. – He says, going to the living room.

You take a deep breath, recovering from what had just happening. Now it seems a very good idea to be housemates. 

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