Boyfriend - Haechan

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***This imagine was inspired on the song Boyfriend by Justin Bieber***

Walking by the halls of the university, it should be another common and boring day for Haechan after all the classes he had, but suddenly, his eyes spot something that called his attention. To be exact, not something, but someone.

His gaze follows the girl in front of him as his eyes brighten up, slightly widening. He feels something in him waking up. He had fallen in love at first sight.

Forgetting what he had to do, he immediately follows the girl to the refectory, seeing her sitting in the same table as his friends, what was very weird since he never saw her before. Surprisingly, that girl who called his attention is friends with Louis, one of his best friends, and she introduced her as her classmate who got transferred recently: Y/n. While Louis was talking nonstop, you could notice Haechan's gaze on you, making you curious, until he lets out a funny question.

-Do you wanna be my girlfriend? – Haechan says out of nowhere, and Louis chokes on her drink, looking at him fast. His eyes were running by your face, with a silly smile on his lips.

-U-Uhm... Sorry, but I don't even know you. – You say, finding that a little weird.

-You know me. I'm Haechan and you are Y/n, right? But if you want to know me better, we can do it. – Haechan smiles at you, and you get speechless.

-Sorry, Y/n. I don't know what's the matter with him. He is normally not like that, but he must be a little crazy today. I think we can go to the class now. – Louis says, standing up as you nod.

-Yah! I'm not crazy. Let's talk more, Y/n! Louis! – Haechan shouted as the two girls walked away.

He had not started it in the best way, but even so, his mind couldn't stop thinking about you. Maybe he still could do something to get your attention and talk to you a little bit more.

In the next day, Haechan spots you walking by the hall again.

-Hey, Y/n! – Haechan shouts your name, and you turn around, watching him coming closer with fast steps. You take a deep breath, remembering of yesterday's scene, hoping that he would not be one of those weird guys again.

-Oh, it's you. Haechan, isn't it? The guy who asks girls to go out with him the first time he sees them. – You joke, and Haechan scoffs with a side smirk, walking beside you.

-I don't ask girls out like that. You were the first one. People say it only happens once in life. Falling in love at the first sight. – He says, winking at you. You shake your head, finding that guy really weird, but at the same time funny.

-Wow. Is that how they fall for you? Sorry, but I prefer the gentleman guys. – You say, deviating your eyes from him.

-I can be a gentleman. I can be whatever you want me to be. Funny, romantic, affectionate, cute, serious. I just want you to go on a date with me. – He says, looking at your eyes, and you roll your eyes. This boy is really bold to say all of this directly for you.

-I don't go out with guys I just met. You don't know anything about me, so I doubt that you are really in love. You don't even know the things I like. – You say, crossing the halls while Haechan follows you without stopping.

-You can tell me what you like and what you don't. Or you can take a chance. You never know. I can take you places you had never been before. I will give you the world if you ask me. I got money so, I will make you have the best day of your life. – Haechan stops, seeing you stopping walking too. You roll your eyes, finally looking at him again.

-You won't give up, right? – You ask, arching an eyebrow.

-Nope. – He says smiling.

-Then, let's see how long you can keep this. The answer is no. – You say smiling back, getting in the classroom and leaving Haechan behind.

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