Spider Man - Mark

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She is there again. In the same place as usual, or, better saying, as long as I know. She is reading a book this time. Probably studying for something, as she is typing on a laptop now and then.

I observe her with attention. She intrigues me, but I never dared to bother her moment of peace (or I should say it's mine instead). What a girl like her would be doing in a park like this so late? Who knows.

In the middle of my thought, I hear a loud gasp coming from her. She stood up from the bench she was sitting, and my eyes widened when I look towards where she was looking in shock. A man was pointing a gun at her, and that made my heart jump.

-P-Please. – Her voice came out trembling in fear, begging for that man not to hurt her, but I'll not let it happen.

I jump from the tree I was previously hiding, drawing attention of both of them. The man widens his eyes and points the gun at me and shots, making a loud noise. She gasps loudly again with her hand on her face. Louder than before. But I'm not an amateur. I knew he was gonna shot me, and that's why I shot him with my web, making him fall on his back. The guy quickly gets up to run away, but before I decided to follow him, low sniffs make me look back at that girl.

-Are you okay? – I ask, getting close to her and she nods, looking at me with a surprised face. – It's not good to stay here so late. You were in danger just now.

-I'm sorry. – She says in a low tone, and the tears under her eyes somehow made my heart ache. It was not her fault. She was just reading a book.

-U-Ugh, I mean... it's not your fault. But you gotta take care around here. – I say looking at her and see her eyes deviating to the side of my face.

-Omg... you are bleeding. – She says with a worried face. I take my hands to my cheek and my fingers get dirt with blood.

-Oh. I think the bullet earlier grazed on me. – I say looking at her again, and she opens her purse in a rush, looking for something.

-I'm so sorry. I didn't think it would happen. I just wanted to meet you. That's all. If I knew something like this would happen, I... - She says fast, and I interrupt her, a little confused.

-Meeting me? Ugh? Did you know I was here? – I ask and she gulps. She finally stops checking her purse, now with a band aid in her hand.

-Yeah... I saw you here one night and... I thought that if I kept coming, maybe someday I would see you again. – She says and my eyes slightly widen.

-Uhm... - I scratch my nape, not knowing what to say. – Well, ugh... I... I don't know why you would want to meet me. I mean, yeah, I'm a superhero or whatever it's called. Normally kids like me a lot and ask me for pics and autographs. If you want some, I can do it, and... - I stop talking hearing her chuckling. Her shy smile somehow made me freeze.

-No, uhm... I don't want a pic or a photograph. I mean, it would be cool, but... It's just that it's not about your fame as a superhero. I always wanted to meet you because I thought that... you have a great power and you could be just like those bad guys, but you chose to get yourself in danger every day to save people you don't even know. You are courageous, and I admire you a lot. – My mouth opens a little in surprise. I wasn't expecting that.

-Woah... Uhm... That's... very kind of you. I... - I hate myself in these moments. She is here speaking good things of me, and I can't even manage to say something. While I was trying to find words, I see a drop of blood fall on the ground. She checks her purse again, taking a tissue and wiping off the blood from the mask.

-Uhm... I would ask you to let me take care of that, but... that would need you to take your mask off. – She says and I stay silent, just looking at her. Her hand backs away from me, but I nod slowly. She widens her eyes, surprised. I must admit that even myself was surprised by that, but something in her made me trust her.

We sit in the bench she was previously studying. I hold onto the hems of my mask and pull it over my head, revealing my face. She is breathing fast, and her eyes scan my face with attention before she clears her throat and starts to clean the wounding. Her hands are trembling, and I couldn't take my eyes off her.

-So, what's your name? – She asks, waking me up from all my thoughts. – I believe your name is not Spiderman, right? – She jokes and I smile.

-My name is Mark. – I say and she smiles. Still taking care of the wounding, I hear her chuckling. – What?

-Nothing. I just... didn't imagine you like this. – She says and I laugh.

-Disappointed? – I joke back, and she looks at me fast.

-No, no. It's just that... I didn't imagine you would be... so cute. – She says, and my heart jumps inside my chest.

-Uhm... - I laugh nervously. – Thanks. You... You also are... uhm... You know... very pretty. – Ugh, Mark. You're so terrible at that. She laughs, covering her mouth with her hand, and without even realizing, I was smiling too. She is so beautiful.

-I think I made Spiderman blush just now. – She jokes with red cheeks too, and I chuckle, getting even more shy. I don't know what's happening to me today. I'm losing all my coolness in front of her.

She finishes putting the band aid on my face. She breaths in, looking like she wants to say something, but stops in the midway.

-Thank you for saving me, Mark. – She says looking deeply, but softly at my eyes while her hand rests on my face, caressing the wound. Damn. What's happening?

-You're welcome. – I simply say. To be honest, what else could I say? At this point I would put myself in danger for her whenever she needs me to.

The way she is looking at me right now... I want to kiss her. I never felt like this for a person I had saved. That's a problem. I feel my breathing getting faster. Ugh! What am I doing? Why is there so much tension here?

Her eyes dropped to my lips. Shit. Her face comes close to mine, and I just close my eyes. I feel my heartbeat increasing more and more when I felt her lips on mine. I quickly open my mouth, letting the kiss deepen. I can't help it. It was a natural thing, and dang... This is the best kiss I've ever had.

I don't know how to explain. It's delicate. I can feel her lips trembling on mine, probably because she is still on shock with everything that happened. She slightly holds onto my arm, and I let her. We kiss slowly and hesitantly, and my conscience keep telling me I shouldn't be doing that because she was a person in danger who I saved. But I can't stop.

We pull away and her eyes deviates from mine. Her cheeks and ears are so red and all I wanted to do right now was run around the street jumping and scream like a little girl.

-U-Uhm... - She laughs nervously, and I'm there hypnotized like an idiot. – That's... was not on my plans. Sorry. – She says, looking everywhere but at me.

-It's okay. – I say and she giggles, finally looking at me again.

-I think it's better if I come back home now. – She says and I clear my throat.

-Yeah, yeah. Sure. – I say, nodding and putting on my mask again.

I drop her off her house to assure she is safe this time. Before getting in, she turns around, looking at me again.

-Will we... meet again? Or do you prefer not to...? - She asks me with hesitation, and I smile, finding that extremely cute. I take my mask off again, so she could see my face.

-Don't go to the park in the late night again, ok? – I say and she nods with a kinda sad expression. – I'm gonna find you, so don't worry. – I say and she looks fast at me, surprised.

-Alright. – She whispers and I smile, saying goodbye with a last peck on her lips. – Bye, Mark. 

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