Bold - Jisung Part 2

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-Y/n! Get ready to go out in an hour. We are going to your uncle's house. - Your mom says, and your heart skips a beat.

You couldn't help your mind not to think about a specific person: Jisung. Since the last time you went to your uncle's house, you have been having this weird feeling. Just thinking about Jisung makes you nervous. Obviously, that has a reason. Your last meeting was very shocking, especially for what he did. Apparently, his little ''joke'' had a huge impact on you, and you found yourself thinking about that for days.

Your head replayed many times how he looked at you and how flirty he was that day. The fact that you closed your eyes when he was about to kiss you makes you twist your face from embarrassment when he backed away with that mocking laugh. He totally pranked you, and now you can't bear to appear in front of him again. Well, it's not like he lives in your uncle's house. He is simply his neighbor. So, if you don't tell you are going there, he won't show up this time.

-Y/n! I missed you. - Your uncle says, hugging you. - Since you were coming today, I decided to call Jisung too so you wouldn't feel bored. - He says and you widen your eyes, seeing Jisung waving from afar inside the house.

You heart went to the moon and back, not believing it was happening. You politely cursed your uncle inside your mind, but you couldn't run away now. You sigh deeply, getting in the house.

-Good thing to have called you today, right, Jisung? I'm sure you were missing Y/n. - Your uncle says, and Jisung smiles innocently.

-I was missing her a lot. Thank you, uncle. - Jisung says and looks at you. You look away, not being able to even hold a gaze with him.

The day felt long. You spent all the time not looking directly at Jisung's eyes, or that's what you tried to do, but you found yourself being caught now and then when you glanced at him.

-Y/n, we are gonna go to the market to buy some things for the dinner. Stay here with Jisung and we will come back soon. – Your mom says, and you widen your eyes.

-What? No! – You whisper-yell at her. – Don't let me here alone with him. What are we even gonna do together? – You ask seeing her taking her purse.

-Well, I don't know. Watch a movie or whatever. – She says, walking to the door.

-B-But...! Will you let a boy and a girl alone in a house like that? Do you not worry? – You ask, and she turns around looking at you, scoffing.

-It's Jisung. You always stayed alone together. He is a good boy. He is gonna take care of you. So, I'm going. Bye.

Your mom closes the door and you sigh deeply. Walking slowly to the living room, you see Jisung on the couch, looking for something on Netflix to watch. He has his elbows rested on his legs, looking concentrated at the screen. Just by looking at him like that makes you feel nervous, thinking about that day when he was so close to you. You wonder how you should act from now on. Should you just pretend it didn't happen and keep the friendship? Is it awkward for him too?

-Are you gonna stand there until they come back? – Jisung asks, waking you up from your thoughts. You clean your throat, walking towards the couch and sitting on the opposite side, leaving a big gap between you. Jisung looks at you and laughs. – You're sitting so far away. Why are you avoiding me? Is it because what happened last time? – He asks and you scoff, looking away as your cheeks blush.

-No. I mean, I didn't imagine you turned into a playboy like that, but I think for you it's kinda normal to do stuff like that. – You say and Jisung arches an eyebrow.

-Me? A playboy? No way. I don't do things like that. It was only with you. – He says, smiling of your little flustered expression. – I think you aren't used to that either, noona. Would you prefer if I had kissed you? Is that why you got angry? - He asks and you cross your arms.

-You wish. I'm not thinking about your little joke, so, don't worry. - You say, looking at the TV.

Jisung smirks, sliding closer to you and leaning over, pinning you to the couch and getting his face a few inches from yours. You widen your eyes as your heart jumps inside your chest, seeing his eyes glancing at your lips.


-Sorry, I just wanted my phone. - He says, taking his phone on the sofa arm beside you, and jumping back to his original seat.

You breathe out heavily, wanting to just chok3 him. He is clearly playing with you, and you are falling for all his games.

Your phone vibrates and you see a message from your mom. ''Hey! We are coming back. We were faster than I thought, so we will be there in some minutes.'' You read it and an idea comes to your mind. Jisung could be very bold, but he doesn't know that even more than being shy and getting flustered by him, you were also a very proud person.

-I know what you're doing, okay? - You say, breaking the silence, and Jisung looks at you curious. - The thing is: if I really wanted you to kiss me, would you be courageous enough to do it? - You ask, and Jisung laughs.

-Don't play with me. You are the one who is not courageous. Since when we were kids, you were afraid of everything. - He says with a proud smile.

You stand up, sitting next to him, taking him by surprise.

-I changed very much throughout the years, Ji. I'm not afraid of kissing you. - You say, glancing at his lips.

Jisung lays his head on the sofa back, looking at you with a naughty smile on his face.

-I doubt it. You are too shy for this stuff. That's why it's so fun to tease you. – Jisung says, mocking you. Also laying your head, you get closer to him. Your face being just some inches apart. He can feel the warmth coming from your face, which made his heart start to race.

-What if I really do it? What are you gonna do? – You whisper, but he stays silent. He didn't think you would really do it in the end.

Surprisingly, the one flustered now is him. Gulping nervously, Jisung licks his lips seeing you getting closer and closer. Your noses brush on each other and you see his eyes closing as he slightly opens his mouth. You smirk, feeling him leaning forward, but you slowly back away.

-Come on... Kiss me. - Jisung groans with his eyes closed.

-Y/n, we are home! – You two hear the front door opening, and you pull away. Jisung opens his eyes in an annoyed frown.

-Just kidding. – You say, showing him your tongue.

Jisung scoffs, now noticing what you did. You had thrown a prank on him too, just like he did, and you got him. You stand up from the couch, ready to go to the living room to greet your mom, but before you could leave, Jisung stands up too and holds your wrist, pulling you back.

-Enough with the games. – He says and crashes his lips with yours.

Your eyes widen in surprise as you feel your stomach rolling in butterflies. Jisung pulls you by the waist against himself, and all your instinct told you was to shut your eyes. Bending his head, his body relaxes, feeling you holding onto his shoulders and reciprocating his kiss, until you heard a loud gasp.

-Oh. My. Gosh. - You pull away fast, seeing your mom shocked, standing next to living room's door. - What's happening here? You guys are- - She stutters as your uncle comes running to know what's all that noise.

-What? What's it? - He asks your mom.

-They were kissing just now! - Your mom says, and your uncle opens a big smile on his face.

-No waaay! Finally! You got it, kid! - Your uncle says, giving him a tight ''bro hug''.

-Thanks, thanks. - Jisung laughs with a proud face. - Mom, I'm really a part of the family now. - He says as your face goes red.

-What do you mean ''a part of the family''? You stole that kiss! Mom, don't believe him! - You say, pointing at him.

-It didn't feel like you were not liking it though. You kissed back pretty much. - He says, and you run your hands by your face.

-Urgh! - You leave the room totally embarrassed, not knowing that later all the family would know about it. 

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