Shy - Winwin

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You couldn't even believe it. Sometimes you caught yourself wondering if it was all imagination or not. You are dating Winwin. The guy of your dreams, the one you had a hella crush on, and who you couldn't breathe next of without almost dying from a heart attack.

You always thought he was out of your league. He is the most handsome man you had ever seen, and you never really created expectations that you could have a chance with him. Jokes on you, the destiny decided to be good for you for once, and Winwin slowly grew closer to you.

You have always been a shy person. Whenever your eyes laid on him, your heart would beat crazily and your face would get warm, but somehow, he found this side of you the cutest thing he had ever seen. He was the one to take the first step and asked you out after some time.

However, getting in a relationship with him was not a verdict for you to not be shy anymore. In order to respect your time to get used to him, he is taking it slow. You get flustered easily, and you can't even blame yourself. It's Winwin who we are talking about. When he gave you a first kiss, you felt like your heart could explode at any time. The problem is, despite of your shy personality, watching the other couples being all lovey-dovey makes you jealous.

-Just tell him you want to make out with him or whatever. – Your friend says, grabbing a slice of pizza on the table.

-Shhh! Speak lower! – You say, glancing around while your friend laughs. – It's not that easy. I can't say it like this. – You sigh, looking at him from afar, perfect as usual while talking to his friends.

-He is your boyfriend. There's nothing wrong. I'm sure he will love it, because he loves you. – Your friend says, seeing you looking at him. – Courage, sis! You need to be bolder! – She encourages you, and you nod. She is right. You must win against your shyness if you want to really act as a girlfriend.

You go towards him, seeing him saying goodbye to his friends. His eyes spot you and quickly an eye-smile grows on his face.

-Hi, baby. How are you? – He says, stopping in front of you. Just with his voice, he can already send you to Heaven, but now you have to keep your focus.

-Hi. I want to... ask you something. – You say, and he arches his eyebrows, curious.

-Okay. Tell me. – He smiles, and you gulp.

-Uhm... But I can't tell you here. I would like to talk when we are alone. – You say, deviating your eyes from his, making him even more confused.

-Alright. Let's go, then. – Winwin says immediately.

You should have imagined it would be this fast. Winwin always pays attention to everything you say, and now, getting to his apartment, you can't run away anymore. Just like your best friend said, it's time to be courageous.

-So, tell me what it is. You're making me nervous. – Winwin jokes, looking at you. You bite your lips, hesitating to tell him you want to grow closer with him. Normally he is the one who initiates this kind of thing, so now your heart is starting to accelerate. Winwin notices your sudden silence and gets worried. – Is everything okay? - He asks, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. It seems so easy for him, but so hard for you.

-Yeah. Everything is great. I just wanted to ask you to... uhm... Can I... hug you? - You ask, and he stares at you, showing you that cute confused puppy face of his. You look away, already feeling your heart beating fast.

-Do you want a hug? - Winwin asks, and you nod slightly.

It's the first time you ask something like that to him. You see his arms opening, and you immediately take a step forward, leaning your head on his chest and involving him with your arms. You love his hugs, and you were missing them for a long time now. Your shyness slowly fades away when you feel him hugging you back. You let out a long sigh as he leaves a peck on the top of your head.

-What is it? Are you missing me? – He asks in a low tone, feeling you nodding in his chest right after. You pull away, looking at him again, feeling his arms releasing you from the hug.

Before he could completely move away, he feels your hands slightly holding onto his shirt, making him stop in place. He was not aware of what was inside of your head, but he noticed you had something to say. If you wanted to take a step forward as a girlfriend, you had to do it on your own, and show him your side you want him to see.

You turn your eyes to him, immediately meeting his gaze focused on you. Your hands climb up to his shoulders as you feel your heart bumping inside your chest. What would be his reaction to everything you are feeling? You had started dating not so long ago. Do you really have this type of freedom to touch him whenever you want? But your friend was right. He didn't move a single inch. He wasn't stiff. On the other hand, he looked calm as usual.

You gulp, slowly getting on your tiptoes. His eyes follow you getting closer, until you finally touch your lips with yours. You don't really know how to explain, but there's something different on being kissed and kissing someone. And feeling him like that, accepting you after so much courage, is like winning a competition against yourself.

You pull away again, and he could swear that the view of your blushed face after having taken the lead was the most attracting thing he had ever seen. His eyes are hypnotized looking at you, taking his hands to your waist, caressing it, to pull you closer again. And just like that, a boost of confidence rushed into you, throwing your arms above his shoulder and caressing his neck. His hands explored the skin of your waist, travelling by the edge of your shirt.

It was way more of what you have planned, but you can say it is even better. Your breathing is heavy, and even with all the courage you built up for this moment, having to look at him inside that living room after what you had just done is embarrassing.

-What I did... Was it weird? - You ask in a low tone, still close to him.

-Kissing me? Of course not. - He chuckles, taking your hand in his, letting a small kiss on it. - You don't need to ask. Whenever you want to hug, kiss or touch me, you can do it. I'm yours, aren't I? - He winks to you, and you smile.

-Then... - You say, and he lays his head, curious. - I want more kisses and hugs. - You joke as your cheeks get warm again, making him laugh.

-Yes, love. - He says smiling, getting closer again as you cup his face.  

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