Confess To Me - Jisung

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-Jisung, that girl is here again. She is probably waiting for you. – Jisung's workmate says, and Jisung eyes spot the girl in question. Jisung takes a deep breath, getting ready to talk to her, knowing what is about to come.

-Good morning, miss. Would you like anything to drink? – Jisung asks, waking you up from your daydreams.

Your eyes shine immediately, seeing him standing behind the counter perfectly dressed in social clothes: a gray tie, a white button up shirt and a suit vest above it. He waits for your answer while drying a coffee cup with a dish clothes, and you can just admire how handsome he always is.

-You look so handsome today. – You say, looking at his face, and Jisung widens his eyes, looking fast at you. Seeing your little eyes scanning him without breaking the stare, he clears his throat, deviating his gaze.

-How do you say something like that directly to someone like that? Urgh... - He says, sighing.

-Ugh? What's the problem? It's very obvious, isn't it? Specially after what I said yesterday. – You say, and Jisung's cheeks blush in a slight red color. Yes, the thing you said to him yesterday. Now he remembers it.

-You must be very used to say that to anyone, since you seem not shy at all. – Jisung says, putting the coffee cup with the others, inside the cabinet.

-Hey! What are you saying? I don't say I like someone all the time. I said that only to you. Because I like you, Jisung. I like you a lot. – You say, leaning on the counter and resting your chin on your hands, looking at him with lovely eyes. Jisung glares at you as your feet swing in the air.

-Stop saying that. Will you want something to drink or not? – Jisung says, putting his hands on the counter, trying to be serious with you, but it seems like nothing he would do would actually scary you and send you away.

-Oh... actually, I came here just to see you. I was missing you. – You say sighing.

-If you won't order anything, then go away. I have a lot of work to do, and you're disturbing other clients who want to order something. – Jisung says, and glances at you, who is biting your lips, thinking hardly what you should do.

-Okay! If I order something, I can stay longer, right? – You ask, sitting straight on the chair, after having the brilliant idea.

-Yeah, in this case, yes. – Jisung says and sees you opening a wide smile.

-Then, I want a cappuccino, please. This way I can stay longer with you. – You say with a smile, resting your chin on your hands again to admire him preparing your coffee.

-You won't stay longer with me. I'll just prepare your coffee and you will drink it in silence in that table over there. – Jisung points at a table, and you nod obediently.

He sighs, turning around and taking a coffee mug inside the heater, trying to ignore the little eyes staring minutely at him.

You couldn't help it. The day you first got in that store and put your eyes on Jisung, you fall in love right away. He was the boy of your dreams. Tall, handsome, mysterious, talented, and had a romantic eye. Maybe it is too cliché to have a crush on the coffee guy, but this time you fell hard.

You started to visit the store every day. You would order the same thing just to watch him working. And after days in a row, you finally decided to speak up and confess to him. "Jisung, I like you!" You said firmly. What you weren't expecting was him to dump you in the same moment. "Uhm... sorry. I don't know you." Of course, you had observed him for a long time, but he didn't know you yet, so from that day on, you continued to visit him and talk to him, even if he sometimes doesn't look amused by that.

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