Arranged Marriage - Kun Part 3

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Hearing the front door opening, you leave the room, rushing to the leaving room to greet Kun. Lately he has been working longer than usual, making him arrive late at home. Your eyes shine finally seeing him after a long day, not fully admitting how much you missed him. If he is arriving late, he has a reason for it, so you wouldn't want to sound complaining when he is already having so much in mind, but dang. Watching him taking off his blazer with a heavy sign, revealing his torso hidden by his white button up shirt makes it even worse.

-Hi, baby! How was your day? – You ask, patiently waiting for him. He turns around, not answering the question. The tiredness in his face was noticeable.

His feet drag him closer to you as his eyes scan your face minutely, bringing question marks to you head. A drunkish smile grows on his lips before his arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer and gluing you on his body in a tight hug.

Your skin shivers feeling his nose brushing on your neck, taking a deep breath, as if you were the oxygen he had to breath to live. Your hands hold on his shoulders, feeling your feet flying as he slightly lifts you up.

Slowly putting you down, he pulls away, looking at your eyes again.

-Hi, love... - His voice comes out husky, and he immediately leans down, kissing your lips. Your eyes close, feeling him quickly deepening the kiss. His intensity was not unwelcomed, but deep down you knew something wrong was happening. Slowing the pace, you peck his lips, caressing his face.

-What is it? Did something happen today? – You ask, and he sighs, hugging you again. – Is something going on at work? Wanna talk about it? – You say, affectionately caressing his hair.

-Things are not good on the company. Not good at all. – He says, and you frown, getting worried about his tone. Kun pulls away, running his hands by his face. – We tried to solve the problem, but... it's all a mess. Worse and worse as the days go by. We lost most of our investors. – He pauses, sighing again as you look at him in concern. – The company is going bankrupt.

You couldn't hide your shock, even though some gossips have been running around the community. Kun pretended not to hear them, but the truth is that everybody knew that the situation of Kun's dad's company was becoming concerning, and now you finally found out why.

-Going bankrupt? But... how did it happen? Is that why you've been working so much? – You ask, and he looks away.

-I don't know what to do now. – He says, with deep and disappointed eyes. – I'm sorry, Y/n. – Your mouth opens in surprise, seeing his eyes getting watery.

-Why are you apologizing? – You say, cupping his face and making him look at you. – You don't need to apologize to me. We're gonna do something to solve it.

Easier said than done. Even if you want so bad to help Kun, he seems inconsolable. Just like you expected, things wouldn't be easy. At times like this, all those polite smiles who promised so much suddenly turn their back at you.

"Oh, honey... What a unlucky stroke. I mean, you married a rich man and now he lost everything. Better thinking on divorce. Maybe you can find another one while you are still young."

You heard all the kinds of absurd from the high society, once again showing how horrible people can be. And that's was not even the start.

-Excuse me. You're Y/n, right? – A voice wakes you up from your wandering thoughts. You put your coffee down, placing it on your company's table. You thought that coffee would help you to focus on work, but you were wrong.

-Mrs. Qian. Yes. – You say, correcting the young man walking close to you. You don't remember having ever met him, even if he is calling you by your name in a so informal approach. The man chuckles, sitting down on the chair in front of yours, and you frown, finding that weird.

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⏰ Last updated: 9 hours ago ⏰

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