The Day After - Taeyong

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          I opened my eyes calmly as I woke up. The white blankets were close to my face and I sighed deeply feeling the smell of lavender. Stretching my arms above my head, I feel the soft fabric touch my skin. I look down to my body seeing it being covered just by the underwear and my mind instantly replays the memories of yesterday.
          The tender touch of his hands kissed my skin while my lips brushed into his. I look up remembering how intense was that moment. The first time we had such deep connection. I let out a chuckle, still feeling flustered by the words he said. He started it in a gentle way. I always knew he was romantic, and that's why I fell in love with him.
          The gap between our bodies was no longer there. My heart was beating so fast and my skin shivered. His eyes travelled hypnotized as my face blushed hardly. I looked away, covering my face, but his hand slowly pulled them out of the way as he pronounced: "Gosh... you're so beautiful."
          He was enchanting. His hair covered a bit of his view before he looked up with closed eyes and sighed heavily. I was thinking about that moment for quite long time. I love him. More than I could imagine I could. It was indescribable. I have no regrets. No regrets at all. But now it seems like we are not the same. That was a very important step and even so, I don't know how to face him. What should I say now? How can I know if it was also good for him? Was it like the dreams you always had? Should I ask? Should I not ask? Will he act different from now on?
          I sigh quietly and turn around in the bed. He is not there. I stand up and quickly grab an oversized T-shirt which was thrown on the dresser last night. Passing in the bathroom, I wash my face and leave. Hearing some clanks in the kitchen, I walk to there without making any noise to see Taeyong cooking something in the stove. He is wearing black sweatpants and his naked back faces me. His wide shoulders move frenetically while he prepares the eggs and I bite my bottom lip looking down. Even doing something so common, he looks astonishing. I want to go there and hug him from behind as I shower his back with kisses.
          I decide to walk to him. With crossed arms, I go towards him and he hears my footsteps. Turning around, he smiles to me and his eyes run up and down once again. 

-Good morning. - He says and turns off the stove to look at me. He leans on the counter with his hands beside him. My eyes instinctively are attracted to his chest and abdomen and I quickly look away to anything else more than that. 

-Good morning. - I say back and look at his eyes from below. My cheeks heat up remembering everything that happened. Every word he said and the face expressions he made. Every sensation he made me feel and that I made him feel. Was everything there, immaculate, in my head. 

          I turn around to grab my mug, making Taeyong a little confused for not have greeted him with a kiss. I sip the coffee inside my cup and suddenly feel arms wrapping me from behind. His hug is so warm and lovely that it makes my heart race. He puts his chin on my shoulder and it feels like we complete each other, like puzzle pieces. He gives a kiss on my cheek and another one on my neck as his hug tightens up. 

-I made breakfast for us. Are you hungry? - He asks resting his chin on my shoulder again. I wonder how can he act normal again after last night. I nod without looking at him. 

-Yes. Thank you, Taeyong. I'm gonna grab some plates for us then. - I say and he loosens the grip, but before I could go, he stops me with both of his hands on each side of me. I turn around slowly and look at him. 

-You are not... looking at me in the eyes. Is everything okay? - He asks and I clean my throat directing my eyes up at his. His face is close to mine and I'm sure he can see the red on my face. I nod, assuring him that everything was okay. 

          Taeyong pulls his arms back and stands straight looking at me. He shows me a sweet smile and interlocks my fingers with his. 

-I want to tell you something. About the previous night. - He says and my face blushes even more and my heart races as I look down. I can't believe he is going to talk about that. Just like that? I thought we were going to pretend it didn't happened. - I want you to know that I know it's a little awkward. - He starts and I look at him. He is not looking back. His eyes are directed to our hands as he plays with it. - Yesterday was so important to me and I feel so happy that I'm not able to keep that quiet inside me. - He shows silly giggles, like a kid. Looking up, he locks his eyes with mine. - You were looking so perfect... so gorgeous... that it makes me want to replay it in my head over and over again. - He says and I smile looking down. - I love you. I love you very much. And waking up with you beside me... seeing you in wearing my t-shirt in the morning... making breakfast to you and kissing you... - He laughs looking away. - It's the best feeling I'm having in my entire life. - He sighs and looks at my eyes again. - I hope you have had the same experience I did. - He says making me speechless.

          With just some words, he made me melt. I was so shy around him after we had such intimacy, but I didn't remember that he is the love of my life. Yes, he is not a stranger. No, he won't go away once I wake up in the morning. He will be there everyday. He is the one who touches me with love. A love he doesn't show to anyone else. I was feeling shy from yesterday, but after he said that I knew. We both are one.

          Taeyong looks at me intensely, waiting for my answer. I look at him back, not even knowing how to respond. I just acted like my heart was telling me to. I rested my hand on his neck and got closer to kiss him in the lips. Taeyong immediately returned the kiss. Passing my arms above his shoulders, I hug him tight and approach my body to his. His hands went to my waist while we kissed deeply. Lifting me up, he puts me on the counter and stands in front of me. Pulling away, I take my hands to the side of his face, looking at him in the eyes. I let out a giggle and Taeyong smiles. 

-Sorry for feeling so embarrassed. - I say and he shakes his head. - You were so gentle last night and I know it couldn't be more perfect than that. - He smiles again, glancing at my lips. - I love you, Taeyong. - I say and hug him again, putting my head on the crock of his neck. He holds me too, kissing my head. - I'm so happy too. Thank you for understanding me. You are perfect, my love. - I say and he holds me one more time, taking me out of the counter. I check his face out with my hands on his chest and he gives me one more peck on the lips. 

-Let's eat? - He asks into my lips and I nod. 

-But I think the eggs are cold now, honey. - I say and he stops. Turning his head, he looks at the pan seeing the eggs resting there. 

-You're right. - He says looking at his art as if it couldn't be saved and I laugh. He is so cute! 

-We can warm it up. Turn the fire on and I'll organize the table. - I say and he nods smiling. 

          I take the plates and the mugs. Coming back to put the cutlery, I spot the same image of minutes ago. My handsome partner cooking and wearing black sweatpants with his undressed back calling me for a hug. I bite my bottom lip and run to him wrapping him with my arms. Showering his back with kisses, he giggles happily. I run my hands all the way from his chest to his abdomen and he continues to prepare the food. Smelling his essence, I sigh relieved. 

-I love you, baby. - I say with my head leaned on his back. 

-I love you.

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