Taking Care Of You - Haechan

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          Opening your eyes slowly, you frown feeling something in your belly. You whine checking the time on your cellphone. It's 3:39am. The room is still dark since it's the middle of the dawn. You shrink on bed in a fetal position, not wanting to wake up the person next to you who was in a deep sleep, but when you feel a long and warm arm wrapping your waist, you knew your plan had not worked.

-Uhm... - The sleepy boy lets out a sleepy hum. – What's it, baby? – He mumbles in a deep voice. – Why are you awake? – He asks, still with his eyes closed on the pillow as his face dives on the back of your head. You sigh, caressing his arm.

-I think I got my period. My belly is hurting a little. – You say and Haechan's eyes open. His hand goes to your belly, slowly caressing the area.

-Do you want me to take a medicine for you? – He asks and you smile, feeling his caring touch on your skin.

-No need, love. You're tired. – You say, not wanting to bother him.

-Where is it? I'll take it for you. – Haechan gets up, walking towards the kitchen.

-It's in my purse, inside the pocket. – You say and after some minutes he comes back with the medicine, a cup of water and a heating pad for your belly.

          You chuckle, sitting on the bed while he puts everything on your bedside table. He walks to the other side of the bed again, and you turn around after having taken the medicine. You never thought Haechan could be so caring and mature in the relationship. He always understands when you are in these moments and takes care of you with all the love of the world, which makes you fall in love with him even more.

          Still not sleeping, he lies on bed on his side, looking at you. His hand starts the massages again, slowly running his hands by your belly. It always works so fast. The pain goes away like it's nothing.

-Is it getting better? – He asks in a low tone, and you snuggle closer to him, leaving the heating pad behind.

          Haechan open his arms and you nod, diving in his neck. He caresses your hair feeling you hugging him tight. Peppering sweet kisses on the top of your head, his hand travels by your back, until it gets to your low back. He knows you normally feel it hurting there too.

-I love you so much. – You say and he chuckles. You get so fragile and needy of his love when it happens. He hates to see you suffering, so he does everything he can to make it go away.

          Pulling away a bit, you observe him. How could you love someone that much? You don't know. You rest your hand on his cheek, also caressing his skin and his hair. You would do anything for him, even though he never asks for it.

          You pull his chin down to look at you. His brown eyes are a little closed due to the time of the morning, and his round and filled lips makes him look even cuter. You get closer and seal your lips with his in a soft peck. He closes his eyes, enjoying the moment, knowing this is your way to thank him by everything. You shower him with kisses, which make him smile. His lips feel so soft and kissable that without realizing, the kiss becomes deeper, and Haechan never refuses it.

          Slowly and lazily, your mouths kiss each other with intensity. Haechan leans on his arm, getting a little on top of you, since you can't move too much, or your pain would come back. You hold onto his face, fingers touching his ear and hair as your tongues move around.

          Feeling the lack of air, you two pull away looking at each other. It seems like you could see your whole future being like that. Together, forever. Taking care about each other. Being there in the hard moments, but always carrying on. Who would say that a so called "brat boy" could make you think about having a family? Of growing older with someone until all the strands of your hair were white while watching your grandchildren playing in the garden?

          He slides down on the bed, until he reaches your belly, leaving many kisses there. You watch him while caressing his hair, but suddenly, a naughty smirk appears on his lips. You know what it means. He does that every time. Biting. Playfully, he opens his mouth biting your belly, and you slightly hit his head.

-Ouch. – He says dramatically.

-No playing time now. Let's sleep again, Hyuck. – You say chuckling. He slides back to his pillow with a smile on his face.

-Is it better now? No need of more massages? I can do it all night long if you need. – He says in a cute tone, and you smile.

-It's okay now. The pain went away completely. – You say and he shrugs proudly. – Thank you, my love. – You say caressing his cheek. Haechan nods, taking you hand and kissing your palm.

-Good night, beautiful. – He says, closing his eyes.

-Good night, Haechannie. – You say back, getting in your place on his chest. His smell fills your nostrils, working like a perfect sleeping pill. 

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