Security Guard - Taeyong

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Getting in your room without looking back, you sense the door taking a little longer to close, meaning that the other person who was following you got in the room as well. You throw your purse on the bed aggressively, starting to take off your earrings while the boy walks in circles with his hands on his hips, a long sigh leaving his nose.

-Do you have any idea of what you have done? Of what could have happened? – He finally says after many minutes in silence.

-I just wanted to have some fun, Taeyong. I was out for just 5 minutes. – You say in an annoyed tone while taking off your necklace and bracelets. All of them costing at least some thousands of the most expensive currencies in the world. – You're my bodyguard. Not my owner. – You say and he scoffs, visibly about to lose his cool.

-Your dad hired me to keep an eye on you because you're a walking target for your dad's enemies, but apparently you have no sense of that since you purposely accepted to meet a bunch of mafia members in the VIP area of the club. – He says and you smirk, not facing him.

-They looked nice though. – You say and Taeyong tights his fists.

At the beginning, he thought it wouldn't be a hard job. All he had to do was being the bodyguard of a rich daughter of a CEO from a famous company. He had done things even more dangerous, so he accepted it right away by the salary they were offering.

It started easy. He followed you everywhere with some distance. Going to shopping mall, watching you while you hung out with her friends, being there when you were home or when you went to club. But after some time, you ended up getting closer. He was like a close friend of yours. You got used to tell him secrets, and asking him for advice, and also tease him by asking him to do things, or even hiding from him just to see him worried.

With time, you noticed that you were interested on him. You wanted to grow even closer, even if it was in secret, but even if he also seemed to like you, he always stayed professional. He never crosses the line. He never let himself get shaken by your tentative, and that annoyed you. You wanted him, and you knew he was down for you too. Tired of all that stupid game, you threw everything up and got yourself in danger, just to draw his attention. Just to make him mad. Just to see how he would react. Just to see if he really cared.

-You could have been kidnapped, or even worse, you could be dead right now. Luckily, I saw you getting in that room, and took you out, but your dad is gonna punish me for that. – He says and you turn around, looking at him.

-That's what you're afraid of, right? Getting scolded by my dad. You don't give a shit about me. – You say and he steps closer.

-That's not true. – He says in a low tone, looking at your eyes.

-Then, prove it. – You say, getting even closer to him. He stares at you, checking your face out. Your breathing hits his face, and with only an inch separated your mouths, but he sighs, looking away, bringing a disappointment feeling to you.

-I hope this is the last time you do something like that. – He says, turning around to leave the room. You look at floor, clenching your jaw. – I'm at the main hall if you need me. – He says, holding onto the doorknob.

-Wait. – You say, and he looks at you again, getting in his position. You stand in front of the mirror, looking at him by the reflex. – Before you go, help me with my dress. Can you undo my corset? – You say and he looks at your back, seeing that the ribbon covered all the way, until your lower back. He gulps, as you stare at him.

-I'm gonna call Mary. She can do that for you. – He says, turning around again.

-No. – You say and he pauses. – I want you to do it. – You say and he sighs, walking closer.

He stands behind you, raising his hand until the middle of your shoulders. He pulls the ribbon, untying the lace as your eyes fit him with attention. His warm hands touch you and your skin shivers. The fabric slowly passes through the holes of the corset, progressively exposing your body. His movements are careful, as if he was touching something very delicate, but his heart is beating fast against his chest.

The ribbon is finally completely untied, and the view of your naked back facing him almost made him lose his mind. He imagined his fingers running by your skin while his lips peck your nape. His breathing gets irregular, and even if he was good on acting tough, in that moment you had caught him.

You let your dress fall on the floor, and he looks away, grabbing your nightgown on the hanger beside the mirror. You take it, putting it on, and turn around, now facing him. Your eyes check his face out, and he swore that you were the most beautiful thing he had seen in his entire life.

-Anything else? – He asks with a deep voice.

-Kiss me. – You say and he stays silent, looking at you. – It's an order. – You say firmly and he leans his face down.

His lips touch yours slowly, and you saw your stomach rolling. Your hands cup his face as the kiss gets deeper. You feel him wrapping you with his arms, and you melt at his embrace. Your nails scratch his nape and groans escape from his mouth. You pull away and your eyes meet. You look at him with a worried gaze, wondering if he had kissing you like that just because of your order, or because he really felt something. Taeyong smiles, putting a strand of hair on the back of your ear, and gets closer again, leaving a sweet peck on your lips. You chuckle, hugging him tight, and his arms hug you back. 

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