Lost Keys - Yuta

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          After a long day of work, you can finally go home and sit on your couch. Normally you don't stay after your expedient, but today you got late and had to rush to the work. Despite your efforts, you arrived late and you had to stay longer.
          Getting at the front door, you search for your keys inside your bag. 

-Where is it? - You say to yourself already tired of the day. You just want to get in and make something to eat. 

          You decide to give up and put your bag on the floor. Bending your knees, you search for it properly, opening all the compartments and starting to get nervous for not finding it. 

-Oh no... - You say worried. That's it. You forgot your keys at home. The door locks automatically and now you are stuck out of your house. 

          You start thinking about what you could do. Your best friend was in a trip, so she can't help you right now. Looking around, you go to your neighbor's house. You knock the door, but nobody answers. You sigh. Looking at the other house next to yours, it's not even worth to knock there. The person who lives there is just an old man. He couldn't help you with anything. You think of your workmate as well, but you are not so close with him like that to call him to help you to get in your house. It would be awkward. 

-There's no more options. I will have to call him. - You say sighing heavily. You start to search for his number. Your ex-boyfriend's number. After some rings, he answers it. 

-Hello? - He says a little confused that you are calling him. 

-Hi, Yuta. Ehrm... - You don't exactly know how to ask him help. 

          You and Yuta dated for two years and broke up some months ago. He is a very popular guy at his university and you didn't mind that, until some girls start to cross the line. As Yuta is a out-going guy, he treats everybody well and sometimes people misunderstand that. You had a fight because you noticed how touchy a girl was getting with him. Confronting Yuta, he said it was nothing, but you insisted that it was weird and that you didn't like the proximity. Thinking you were just jealous, Yuta talked back, resulting in a big fight. You two broke up and didn't talk ever since.
           It was a tough moment for you as you liked him very much, but you decided to let he go and you made all you could to forget him. You went on trips with your friends, you had fun, you learnt to spend time by yourself and you concentrated in your work. Everything was going well, but now you have to face him again if you don't want to sleep on the street. 

-Erhm... I'm calling you because... Today I got late for work and... I ended up forgetting my keys at home and now I'm stuck out of the house. - You wait some seconds, but he doesn't say anything. - Uhm... Could you help me to... get in here? - You say. 

-Uhm... You want me to go there? - He asks. 

-Yeah, I mean- - He interrupts you. 

-Is there no one else? - He asks. You pause for some seconds. 

-You know what? Forget it. I'm gonna call a locksmith. You don't need to worry. - You say, now regretting to have called him. 

-No, no! It's ok. I can help you. It's gonna be fast anyway. - He says. 

-Are you sure? - You ask. 

-Yeah. I'm getting the car keys. See you there. - He says and hangs up. 

          You put your phone back inside your pocket and wait. You are not believing you are going to see him again. You slap yourself mentally for that. "Congratulations, Y/n. It will be awkward as hell." You say mentally. After some minutes, he arrives. You spot him and your heart races. You look at the other side with your arms crossed. 

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