When You And Your Best Friend Miss The Last Bus - Doyoung

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-Weird. It's taking so long. It said each 20 minutes, right? – You ask looking around the street and checking the watch.

-Uhm... Y/n. – Doyoung calls your name, and you look at him. – We lost the last bus. – He says, and you widen your eyes.

-Was it the last one? Isn't there anything else passing by? – You ask, and he scratches his head nervously, searching on google what to do. – Oh, my gosh. How are we gonna go home? We are far away, and there was only that bus. – You ask yourself, starting to feel anxious.

-Calm down. I'm gonna fix it. Don't worry. Let me think for a moment. – Doyoung says, walking in circles in front of the bus stop.

It was his idea to go to the beach with a group of friends. He invited you too, and after talking to your parents about it, they let you go. He had assured them that he would take care of you and everything, but now he found himself in a difficult position.

All your friends were already gone, and he didn't see the time going by when talking to you. His chest gets tightened seeing you in that bus stop late in the night. The way you started to rub your arms tells him that you're feeling cold, even if you never complained to him about anything. Taking a deep breath, he decides to stop being a chicken and to do what he promised he would do: taking care of you.

-Let's go. Forget it. We can find a place to stay the night. It's safer than staying here at this hour. – He says, and you stand up quickly following him.

-Are you sure? We can wait a little bit more. I don't mind it. – You say, but he shakes his head.

-No. There will be no more bus until the morning, so this is the best option for now. – He says, taking your hand on his, passing you to his other side of the sidewalk, far from the road.

His gaze somehow seemed to have changed. Was it because he was worried about the situation? You didn't know, but the way his hand was suddenly holding yours with so much confidence made your heart skip a beat.

After walking for some minutes, you see a hotel nearby. You get there, and luckily there was someone at the reception.

-Good evening. I would like two rooms for tonight, please. – Doyoung says, and the receptionist smiles.

-No problem, sir. That will be $600. – The woman says, and you and Doyoung widen your eyes.

-$600? Why so expensive? I just saw in the website it was $100 for a room. – Doyoung says, and you gulp.

-Sorry, sir. These rooms are not available. We are in the summer season and in front of the beach, so it gets full quickly. – The receptionist says, and Doyoung looks down.

His eyes run, looking at the floor as if he was trying to solve a math problem, and you know why. Doyoung was actually saving money to buy a new camera for his photography course. Actually, coming to the beach today was a good idea for something fun and cheap.

-Uhm... give me just one room for her. I'm gonna wait outside. – Doyoung says, and you immediately hold on his arm.

-What? What do you mean? I can wait outside with you. I don't mind. You don't need to spend with me. I can sleep on the beach. – You say desperately while the receptionist waits to see what's the final decision.

-No, Y/n. I won't let you sleep on the street for an entire night. There's no way I'll let it happen. Don't worry about the money. It's gonna be okay. – He says, but you feel your heart hurting. How are you going to stay at a hotel while he is outside?

-Then stay with me in the room. You don't need to be outside. We can share it. – You say, and Doyoung sighs, deviating his gaze from yours.

-I don't think your parents would like the idea of you sharing a room with another guy. I have to respect it. I promised to them I would take care of you. – He whispers so only you could listen (not that the receptionist didn't know what it is about). You clench your jaw, holding tighter onto his arm.

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