When Your Boyfriend Gets Cute While Drunk - Jisung

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It's your first day meeting Jisung's parents. Even though you and Jisung were friends for a long time, you hadn't really met his parents. But now it's a special occasion: you started to date him.

Even feeling a little nervous, you accepted the invitation immediately. His mother had called you for a dinner at their house, and you couldn't feel any happier for it. If she invited you, it's because they want to know you better and create ties, which is very important.

The dinner went out well. You did your best to make a good impression, and apparently, your slight shyness was considered cute and polite. After some hours, the family started to undo the table, and you noticed Jisung's gaze a little different than usual. He was looking at nowhere, as if no neurons were left inside his brain.

-Ugh, I knew it would happen when I saw his dad bringing all those drink bottles. – Jisung's mom sighs, standing beside you with her hands on her waist. – I think he got drunk again. Y/n, can you take him to his room, please? He will need some sleep before coming back to normal. – You nod, walking towards Jisung.

-Ji? Your mom said that it's better if you rest a bit in your room. What do you think? – You ask, and he turns his gaze at you, nodding and taking a deep breath.

He stands up, and you get in the house. His steps are a little tipsy, walking side to side while he holds your hand. You had never seen him drunk in your life, but somehow, he looks a little cute. His cheeks are red, and his eyes seem tired, just like a baby, which makes you giggle.

-Urgh... I can't focus my eyes. Everything is spinning. I shouldn't have drunk so much. – He says, sitting on the bed while you give him a cup of water.

-Take a rest and it will be over soon. – You say, noticing his gaze fixed on you.

His eyes run by your face nonstop, making you curious. Once again, you feel his hand reaching yours, intertwining your fingers. He pulls you closer, and you take a step forward as he lays his head on your chest. Your cheeks blush, feeling his arms wrapping you in a hug, as he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes.

-Are you going away? Stay with me. – He mumbles in a lazy tone, and your heart starts to beat faster. Normally he wouldn't get so close to you. He is always so shy about these kinds of touch. "Is it because he is drunk?" You think, not moving a single muscle.

-Uhm... I think I should come back. Your mom is waiting for me. I should be helping her to clean up. – You say, and he raises his head, looking at your face.

-Don't worry. She will take care of that. It's your first time here. – He says tightening the grip around your waist.

-Yeah, but... even so... - You hesitate.

-What is it? Do you not want to stay with me anymore? – Jisung asks in a whining voice, as his eyes slowly blink.

-Of course I do... - You say, seeing a cute smiling forming on his lips as he stares at you.

-I was nervous today. I wanted everything to be perfect. – He says in a low tone.

-It was perfect. Of course it would be. It was me who was nervous. – You say, resting your hands on his shoulders, and he frowns. – I wanted to cause a good impression, so they would like me. They are your parents after all. – You say, and he chuckles.

-How can they not like you? You are perfect. – He says, and you smile shyly.

Strangely, this little moment you are having feels so comfortable. The way Jisung looks so fragile makes him even more cute than he already is. You start to listen to your deep thoughts, taking a hand to his hair, caressing his head. Jisung sighs, closing his eyes again. He must be feeling sleepy, but he is fighting against it. His eyes open again, admiring your face one more time.

-You are so pretty. – He says suddenly, surprising you. – You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen. – He pauses, as his eyes glance at your lips. – Whenever I see you, I feel I get so silly. You make me silly. Since the first time. - He chuckles huskily. – I love you so much. – Jisung in his drunk state could easily make your heart flutter. You knew he will surely be embarrassed for the things he is saying in the next morning, but at the same time, it's like he is an open book right now.

-I love you too. – You answer feeling his arms pulling you closer again as he tilts his head up asking for a kiss. You lean forward, cupping his cheek, giving him a light peck on the lips.

-I'm getting sleepy... - He says, yawning.

-Take a rest. We can talk later. I'll be downstairs with your parents. – You say, but Jisung pouts.

-I got a better idea. Sit down for a bit. – He says, patting the bed, pulling your hand to sit down. You do as he says, just for him to lay his head on your lap, making you chuckle.

-Then you turn into a clingy baby when you're drunk. – You joke, and he laughs.

-I'm not drunk. I'm just... a little dizzy. – He says, speaking slower as you run your fingers by his hair. His eyes still stare at you while you caress his cheek, wondering how someone can be so perfect like him.

His hand meets yours, taking it to his lips, and leaving a kiss on your palm. Even if he is your boyfriend, this type of thing he does never fails on making your heart flutter.

-Stay by my side... forever. Okay? – He mumbles, and you nod, looking lovely at him. – I can't live without you anymore. – He whispers, closing his eyes.

-I'm not going anywhere. I promise. – You say, caressing his hair, feeling the grip in his hand loosening, falling in a deep and cozy sleep while your fingers run by the strands of his hair. 

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