Bold - Jisung

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          Checking your purse one last time, you hear your cellphone ringing. You pick up the call rolling your eyes.

-Anna, are you ready? We're gonna be late for the bus. – You say to your cousin, looking at your watch.

-I'm ready, I'm ready! Don't worry. – She giggles, making you laugh.

          You two take the bus and some hours later, you get to your family house. In fact, today your family decided to gather for a special moment.

-It's been so long since the family gathered like that! – Your cousin says, excited. – Do you know who your mother invited too? – Anna asks and you look at her curious. – Jisung. – She says and your eyes slightly widen in surprise.

-Jisung? Really? Woah. I think I don't see him in years. We always used to play together when we were kids. – You chuckle, remembering of those moments with your childhood friend.

-Yeah, that's true. I'm kinda curious to see how he is. Your mom told me he is a man now. That he is tall like a tree, and that she almost didn't recognize him. – Anna says and you roll your eyes.

-You know my mom is a little dramatic, right? Jisung is probably the same, just a little grown, but in the end, he is just the shorty cute crying baby. – You say and you two laugh.

-Do you remember when he used to say that he liked you and that you two would get married even though you are 3 years older than him? – She continues to laugh.

-Yeah. I wonder if he remembers that. He was so cute and small in that time. – You say, getting in the house with your cousin.

          Hearing footsteps at the entrance, your mom runs to the living room to greet you. Loud conversations are happening between everyone and your eyes spot a different figure in all that crowd. A tall and slim boy who had changed a lot throughout the years, but who you wouldn't ever forget. Jisung. 

          Your eyes widen a bit in surprise. You recognized him right away, but at the same time, he was so different. His lips curve in a smirk as he gets closer to greet you.

-Hi, noona. Long time no see. – He says, stopping in front of you.

-J-Jisung? Woah... is that really you? – You ask, a little impressed. The short boy who you used to tease with silly nicknames now got you looking up to see his face. – You're so tall. – You say and he chuckles.

-Oh. Looks who is the shorty now. – He jokes, checking your face out. – You also changed a lot, noona.

-Did I? – You say, not expecting that.

-Yeah. You've got even cuter. – He says, looking at your eyes, and you suddenly felt shy by the compliment. Not only his appearance is different, but also his personality. You remembered him as that shy boy from the past, but now he can say such thing so easily. 

-Oh! I see you two have already met. – Your mom says, stopping beside you. – Can you believe how grown is our Jisung? He is a man now! – Your mom says and you glance at him, seeing a proud smile on his face.

          Some minutes later, all the family and friends have dinner, and then, they sit in circle on the floor to play cards while talking.

-So, Y/n must be happy to see Jisung again. You were pretty close when you were young. – You uncle says. – I still can remember when they were sooo small and cute together. Jisung always used to say he would marry Y/n, right? Do you remember? – He says to the others and they all agree. – Now I think you are old enough to get married. Maybe Jisung still wants it. – He jokes and your cheeks blush a bit.

-Uncleee! Stop! – You whine and Jisung chuckles. 

-I said that in the past, but she dumped me many times, uncle. I think she doesn't like me. – Jisung jokes around too and you slap his arm.

-Maybe he grew a little taller, but he is still a little boy in my eyes. I see him as someone who I need to take care of, just like when we were kids. – You say and your family laughs. – Anyways, I'll grab something to drink. I'll be right back. – You say and stand up, going to the kitchen.

          You leave the living room, wanting to run away from all the provocation your family is doing. You drink a cup of water, not noticing the boy who followed you to the kitchen too.

-So you still see me as a younger boy who has no chance with you at all? – Your hear his deep voice behind you and you jump, getting startled. You turn around, seeing him leaning on the wall with his arms crossed in front of his chest. – Come on, admit it. You had a crush on me when we were younger too. – He says and you laugh. 

-No, I didn't. You were 13 and I was 16. No way. – You say smirking and he chuckles.

-Yeah, but now that we are older, the difference is not that visible. Don't you think I look mature? – He asks, arching an eyebrow, and you scoff.

-No. Still the same brat as before who used to get dirty with mud in the rain. – You say and he chuckles, looking down, starting to get annoyed by your teasing.

          Standing straight, he walks to you slowly. You follow him with your eyes and your breathing stops when he puts both of his hands on your sides, pinning you on the sink. His tall figure looks at you from above, and you hold onto the counter behind you to keep your balance, due to the proximity.

-Are you sure? – He asks in a low tone, and somehow, your heartbeats get faster. – I'm not that shy little boy anymore, Y/n. Now I'm 21, and I bet I can make your nervous by now. – He says and you gulp. 

-Hey, what are you doing? Somebody can see us. – You say and Jisung smirks, seeing the red color in your cheeks. His hearted-smile is just like when he was a kid, but now it looks so attractive.

-Tell me, Y/n. Are you dating someone? – He asks and you scoff.

-No, I'm not, but I go for the olders. – You joke and he laughs, still close to you.

-I can be better than your olders. – He says as his eyes glance at your lips. You feel his hand holding on your waist, and you let out a low gasp, holding on his forearm out of reflex, making him grin. – I think I'm getting you flustered, Y/n.

          His hoarse laugh echoed by the kitchen as you felt him gluing his body on yours. Your breathing broke its rhythm when you focused on his eyes. You had to admit. He is right. He is no longer a silly boy, and he showed it to you in the boldest way you had ever seen, and now you're like that, getting shaken by him. 

          He leans his face down, brushing his nose on yours. Without even notice, your lips were a little open, just waiting for him to meet them. He saw you closing your eyes and he smirked again. You could feel his hot breath hitting your skin, curious to see if he was all talk or not.

-Jisung! Y/n! We are waiting for you!

          You hear your mom shouting from the living room, and a second later, Jisung pecks the corner of your lips. You open your eyes, looking at him again, actually waiting for something else than what he had done, and he knew that.

-Coming! – Jisung shouts back, with that smirk on his face.

          He winks at you, taking his hands away from your waist and from the counter, proceeding to go to the living room with a proud aura. You sigh, rolling your eyes, feeling your heart bumping loudly inside you.

-I hate that little brat. 

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