Drunk - Winwin

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You and your friends decided to throw a party after all you passed on the final exams and now can start the vacation. Your group of friends were composed of about 5 people, and, with the friends of the friends, the party got big. You are excited for finally be able to rest and party, especially when your best friend, Winwin, will be there.

After getting dressed, you go to your friend's house. Everything is already settled. There are drinks on the table, snacks and games.

-Hey, Y/n! – Your friend greets you with a hug.

-Hey! – You say smiling and hugging her back. – I love the decoration you made. Finally, we can rest and enjoy the vacation. – You say looking around.

-Yees! Finally! The decoration took long, but it was worth it. – She looks at you. – I want you to have a lot of fun, okay? No rules today. – She says and you roll your eyes smiling to her.

You always were the diligent student. You care a lot to your grades and your friends were proud of you, even though they tease you about that. You don't take it seriously because you know it's true and that they support you. But today is different. You are decided to have fun and forget the rules.

Winwin gets to the party, and everybody greets him, including you. He is not so popular since he is quiet and doesn't like skinship so much. You always teased him about that by greeting him with a hug or holding his arm. At first, he used to try to run away from you, but as the years went by, he lets you do whatever you want, not caring so much about that.

-The nerd is not with a book today? – He asks joking and smirking.

-No, not today. – You say firmly. – Today I'm gonna party and forget about everything. – You say proudly, and he looks at you with an arched eyebrow.

-Wow... that's something we don't see every day. – He says taking a drink. You steal the drink from his hand and drink it in one go. He shows you an impressed face and you smile going to dance with your friends.

After some time, you and your friends decide to start with the games.

-Alright, people! We are gonna start with the games. The person who hits the cup with the ball, has to drink the shot and do the challenge. – Your friend says as everybody shouts excited.

You and Winwin play a lot, but he knows you are weak for alcohol. He notices you are tripping a bit and laughing too much.

-Wooow... you are reeeally good on that, Grace. – You say laughing and closing your eyes.

-Okay, no more drinks to Y/n, guys. She is already wasted. – Your friend says.

-I'm not! – You say and pout, crossing your arms. Winwin gets closer holding you by the shoulders from behind.

-Is it a little problem I'm seeing here? You don't want to throw up, right? Let's drink some water. – He says and you turn around.

-Oh! Look who is here, hehe. – You say to your friend pointing at Winwin. – He is Winwin. My best friend. – You say and your friend laughs of how cute you are when you are drunk. – You knooow, I like Winwin very much. – You say laughing.

-I like Y/n too. – He says giggling.

-Noo, noo! – You say waving your fingers in front of his face. – You like me, but it's not the way I like you. – You say and he makes a confused face. Your friend widens her eyes, knowing what it's about to come. You get closer to Winwin to whisper on his ear. – Don't tell Winwin, hehe. He can't know about that. – You say taking a breath. – I like him veeery much. – You say and he looks at you. – I want him as my boyfriend, buuut... he doesn't like me. Hehe. – You say stepping back.

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