Nightmares - Mark

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        You and Mark are dating for a year now. He is a good and caring boyfriend to you. You always try to be the best girlfriend because you love him very much.
          After a sleepover at his house with movies and snacks, you wake up in the morning beside him in the bed. You had a great night, but now you are feeling a bit bad. You had a nightmare. In this nightmare you were still not dating him, but you were flirting with each other. You started to develop feelings for each other, but some other girl you didn't know showed up and he lost interest in you. You tried to call his attention and you could feel the pain of seeing him talking to and smiling at the other girl, in a way that you could say that he was in love with her. In that nightmare, you heart was broken. You had lost him, the boy you like.
          After this nightmare, you wake up. Looking at your right side, Mark is there, still sleeping. His beautiful eyes and lips making your heart melt. But you are feeling your heart ache. That dream was very real for you. The way he was looking at that girl was the way he looks at you. A sudden unknown feeling builds inside of you, fearing that this dream becomes real and he gets tired of you. You know it was just a dream and that you would get over it, but it's still recent and you are impacted.
          Mark moves in bed and opens his eyes. He looks at you and notices you are staring at him. He chuckles. 

-Good morning, baby. Why are you staring? - He asks with a husky voice, finding that funny. 

-Nothing... I was thinking about other things. - You say and Mark furrows his eyebrows. He doesn't know if it's his impression, but you seem different. He smiles and gives you a kiss on the forehead. You get up and go to the bathroom. 

          After taking care of your hygiene, you and Mark go to the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. 

-So? What do you want to eat? - You ask him while taking a pan. 

-Let's make pancakes. I can get some ice cream. What do you think? - Mark asks back hugging you. You smile, not looking at him. 

-Yeah. It seems good to me. - You say. 

-Look at me. I want a kiss. - He says while pouting. You turn around, but that dream is still messing with your head. Your heart aches just thinking about that. You give him a quick peck on the lips and turn around again, but Mark was not asking for just a peck, and you know that. He furrows his eyebrows again, thinking that you are kind of weird. - Is everything alright? Are you mad with me? - He asks concerned. You laugh it off, not wanting to talk about the dream. It's a silly thing anyway. Not a big deal. 

-No, I'm not. Haha. Go grab the ice cream, go! - You say patting and pushing him by his butt. He shrugs and goes. 

-Do you want to go out today? Maybe go to the beach. - He says coming back with the ice cream. 

-Uhm... Sorry, my love. Today I don't feel like going out. You can go by yourself if you want though. - You say. 

-No, no. It's no fun without you. Let's stay home then. - He says and you smile. 

          The day goes by and you are still feeling the effects of that dream. Even worse right now, you remembered when you called Mark and he looked at you, but he ignored and kissed the other girl. You bite your bottom lip feeling your heart beating fast. "How can a dream make me so sad?" You think with yourself.
          Going to the living room, Mark is watching a basketball match. You sit on the couch a little far from him. You are usually very clingy and Mark is already used to that. Noticing that you sat far from him, he glances at you. 

-Hey! - Mark calls you and opens his arms signaling to you to lay on his chest. 

-I'm good here. You can watch the game better. - You say and show him a side smile. He stares at you for a couple of seconds and snuggles closer. 

-Uhm... Are you... on your period? I thought it would be in 2 weeks. - He asks and you look at him confused. 

-What? I'm not. - You say and he stares at you again. 

-It's because you seem a little... distant? - He says trying to not get you upset. 

-It's nothing. - You say, but he doesn't look convinced. 

-Did I say something wrong last night? - He asks and you chuckle. 

-No. It's just... something silly. Don't worry about that. I'm gonna be better soon. - You smile and he makes a confused face. 

-Silly? Tell me what it is. - He asks, not even caring about the match anymore. 

-No, really. Forget it. - You laugh and push his face away because his gaze is seeing your soul. 

-Tell me, dude! I won't stop bothering you until you tell me. You are mad with me. I want to know what it is. - He says staring at your eyes intensely. You roll your eyes and sigh, seeing that he won't stop. You start to play with your fingers and look down. Mark pays attention to you like his life depends on it. 

-Promise me you won't laugh. - You say playing with the pillow. 

-I won't. - He says. 

-Well... - You start. - Last night I had a nightmare... - You say not looking at him. 

-Yes...? - He asks already knowing where this is going. 

-And... we were not dating each other. We were just flirting around. - You say remembering the dream. - I started to like you, but out of nowhere you started to ignore me! - You say and Mark looks at your angry face. - And then, you started to flirt with another girl in front of me! - You say and look fast at him. Your eyes are teary and angry. Mark presses his lips together holding a laugh. He thought he has done something bad. In real life at least. 

-No way... I did that? - Mark asks, pretending to be surprised.

-Yes. AND YOU KISSED HER! IN FRONT OF ME! - You say and look down again crossing your arms. - Do you know how much it hurt? It's a dream, but it felt so real. - You say looking ahead. 

-NOOO! Mark, what are you doing, man? - Mark asks punching the couch. You wipe your teary eyes, sniffing heavily. Mark starts to laugh. 

-I know it's silly, okay? I just didn't like seeing you like that. - You say embarrassed, playing with the pillow again. Mark giggles. 

-Look at me. - Mark says and you glance at him. - I would never ignore you. Especially because of another girl. - You sniff again. - I am yours. You can be sure of that. - He says getting closer and giving kisses in your cheek. 

          You nod turning to face him. He looks at your eyes and grins before glancing at your lips. You glance at his lips too, already missing his touch. With a hand on your tight, Mark gets your lips together with his in a passionate kiss. You cup his face with your two hands, diving your fingers on his straight hair. Pulling it slightly, you feel your body heat up. 

-I'm yours. And you are mine. I want it to be very clear. - He whispers into your lips. You smirk and bite his bottom lip. He looks at you with lustful eyes, knowing you are teasing him. 

-Yeah, babe. I'm all yours. - You look back at him with the same eyes. 

          The nightmare? You don't remember it anymore. You feel embarrassed for even get mad about it. Mark is crazy for you and he has no shame to show you that everyday. 

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