Chapter 26 - Too Close For Comfort

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Maybe it was the thrill of being in the UK, the excitement of the festival, the giddiness that came with meeting so many of my idols in just one day. I didn't know what it was.

But it was sure keeping me up.

I felt like I had drank a truck load of coffee. I was restless and extremely invigorated.

What this a good thing?

Probably not.

So, deciding that I needed to burn off all this excess energy somehow, I grabbed my swimsuit, put on an over-sized T-Shirt and shorts, grabbed a towel and made my way for the hotel pool. And I think that might have been one of the best ideas I'd had in recent times.

Swimming was always soothing. And doing so at night was extremely nice.

And what made it even nicer was the fact that I was the only one there.

Or so I thought.

"Guess you're not the only one with the idea of a midnight swim" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around and my eyes nearly bulged out of my sockets.

Chris Cornell, who I had met earlier in the day.

Soaked and shirtless.

"Uhh... yeah. Um... I guess it doesn't hurt" I said as I tried to shake off the initial shock. Chris smirked at me and stared for a bit before swimming once more.

I let out a sigh of relief.

I was still a teenager after all. Stupid hormones.


I said sooner or later. I guess it would be sooner.

I didn't expect to see her of all people swimming at this time of night but I guessed it was destiny.

And boy did she look hot.

I could understand Kurt's obvious fondness towards her. It was cute.

She was cute.

I watched her swim for a bit until she decided she wanted to take a rest so she went to sit on one of the pool chairs and dried herself off.

So I decided to make my move. I didn't think I had to do much though. She definitely seemed attracted to me.

Most females were.

Like Elvis Presley once said, it's Now or Never.


As the initial shock of seeing a half-naked and wet Chris Cornell wore off, I put my mind into swimming and my body felt incredibly cool and relaxed.

What a nice way to end such an amazing day.

"Hey, is the space next to you taken?" I heard Chris say. I looked up to him and smiled slightly.

"Well we're the only ones here. Knock yourself out" I said expected him to sit at the pool chair next to me. Instead he sat at the same pool chair I was sitting, only a few inches away from me.


I scooted over a bit giving more space between us and was satisfied at the outcome.

"Ashlyn right?" He asked. I nodded, a bit flattered that he'd remembered my name.

"Yeah. And you need no introductions, I know you're Chris Cornell" I said as he laughed softly and looked back at me.

Despite the darkness, I realized he stared at me the exact same way he did earlier on in the day. And I just couldn't tell what it was.

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