Chapter 65 - Appreciate Your Concern

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"Where's my sister, Kurt?" Axl asked inquisitively as he searched around for his sister. "I wanna talk to her"

"She said she was going out for lunch and she wanted to be alone for a while" I responded as I grabbed my coat. "And I'll be gone for a while too, I'm heading back home"


"Krist and Dave are here and they're coming over" I informed. Axl shrugged, saying nothing. "Oh and Ax?"

"Yeah?" Was all he said as I punched him hard in the face nearly making him lose his footing. "That was for what you did to Ashlyn"

Axl said nothing, but held his jaw in pain as I stepped out of the house, still holding my fist in pain. It hurt pretty badly, I had to admit.

But it felt good. Especially due to the fact that it was overdue.

I really didn't wanna display any form of violence in front of Ashlyn as I consciously reminded myself time and time again not to do so. And I made sure to hold Michael back as well because she had such a clean and clear image of him.

But Axl, no.

He's a good brother and all but until he learnt how to keep his anger in check, he was always gonna have issues.

"And at last we are reunited with the elusive Kurt Cobain" Krist mocked, making me laugh as I gave him and Dave friendly hugs. "Like I said, since Ash came into our lives we've barely had time to just sit down and chill"

"Tell me about it" I mumbled as I brushed a hand through my hair. "I'm fucking stressed out." I whispered again. I was very sure Dave and Krist were wondering what was going on.

I guess it made sense to finally come clean.

"Does it have to do with Ashlyn?" Krist asked as worry crossed Dave's face.

"It has everything to do with that girl. She's going through a lot and right now, I feel like I barely know her anymore. She's so tense around me. I just wonder what happened to her" I sighed. "Well, I guess, what else happened to her" I corrected.

Krist and Dave gave each other confused looks as they looked back at me.

"What happened to Ashlyn Kurt?" Dave asked. I took in a deep breath.

"I don't wanna go into a lot of details but she was nearly raped by Izzy when we were in LA. He also drugged her drink back at Reading. Well, he was one of two people who did. Turns out someone else did but we have no idea who."

Krist and Dave looked extremely horrified.

Especially Dave for some odd reason.

"Izzy? Oh my God!" Dave exclaimed.

"Yep. We're all still in shock. Ash was with me for three days after being discharged then one night she just up and packed up her stuff then came back here to Seattle. I guess she didn't anticipate that we'll all follow her" I chuckled. We all actually cared about her a lot.

Krist and Dave shared worried expressions. Heck the color from Dave's skin was actually drained.

The hell?

"You two know something I don't?" I asked.

"Um... what night exactly did Ashlyn leave LA?" Dave asked.

"Um... about four nights ago. Why?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "Is something wrong?"

"Uhh... We kinda told Izzy to check up on her for us... when you were away with Courtney cause we know how you two are and we knew you'd never let him see her alone otherwise" Dave ranted. "Izzy told us he never made it to her room though because he was drunk. But after what you just said... now I don't really believe him. Kurt... is everything okay?"

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