Chapter 36 - One More Time Around

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Great. After a fucking spectacular performance at a fucking festival I get fucking punched in the face by my brother's fucking best friend.

What I do to deserve this?

My face stung as an after effect from that devastating punch I took at the hands of Izzy. Ouch.

I didn't hold it against him because I knew Izzy would never hurt me intentionally but it did make me put a lot into perspective.

He was willing to get violent in front of me and he was violent enough to wanna punch Kurt. In a way that shredded the perception I had of Izzy as a non-violent person. But it confused me all the more.

If he couldn't get violent with Chris Cornell who assaulted me then why would he get violent with Kurt?

Hmm. It definitely didn't add up.

Something wasn't right.

But before I could ponder more on that thought, I got into the elevator and the phrase 'speak of the devil and he will appear' rang in my head as before the doors closed, I was joined by a staggering, stuttering Chris Cornell who reeked of alcohol.

But what did I really do to offend the universe?

I stepped aside as he got in and mumbled nonsense. Then he turned over to me and I started shaking with fear.

What now?

" pretty. I know you. You re...remind me of some...pretty" He slurred as he poked the tip of my nose and giggled.

Yes, Chris Cornell giggled.

The stuff of nightmares.

I looked at him cautiously as I pressed the button for my floor. I noticed Chris didn't press any for his floor.

"Chris, aren't you going to your room?" I asked. He blinked then giggled again.

"I... why yes. My room. In Sea...sea...Seattle Washington. At the space needle!"

Okay he definitely didn't know where he was or where his room was. Heck, it was a miracle he even made it this far into the elevator.

"Okay fine Chris. I'll... and I pray I don't regret this but I'll take you to your room" I offered. I still remembered his room from when last I went there.

I shivered slightly at that awful memory.

"Thanks sweetheart. You're taking me to the space needle!" He said with his voice full of excitement and I couldn't help but laugh.

He still didn't sit right with me but a drunk Chris Cornell was hilarious.

Plus I couldn't just let a drunk man wonder about especially a celebrity of Chris's status. Despite all that he did to me, he is still a human being.

The elevator stopped at his floor and I helped Chris to his room making sure to walk slowly in order for him not to trip and fall.

When we finally got to the front of his room door, I left him to stand on his own without support as I used that time to catch my breath.

"So, where's your key Chris?" I asked. He looked confused for a second like he didn't understand what I was saying. "Key. Lock. Open. Room. Chris Cornell" I said, making sure to pause after each statement.

"Oooh. Key. Open." He said with a smile as he reached into his pocket and brought out a pen. "You're welcome. Do you want an autograph?"

An frustrated groan left my lips at that statement. I wasn't gonna start searching through Chris's pockets because one, so weird. And two, I'm sure he lost his key.

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