Chapter 48 - The Hunt

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"How do you feel now babe?" Kurt asked, running his soft though calloused fingers over my face. "You're warm"

"Yeah." I said with a little cough. "Side effects"

"Fuck." Kurt swore under his breath and he continued caressing my face.

Unsurprisingly, Kurt stayed with me all through the night to this morning.

But surprisingly, so did Stone and Jeff. Which I'm really thankful for.

I had just gotten discharged and prescribed with some Adrenalin medications for some reason and Kurt and I were on our way to getting the fuck out of this place. I was more than thankful for that because I detest hospitals.

"Good morning guys" I said cheerfully to Jeff and Stone, making sure to place a friendly peck on both of their cheeks. I see Kurt roll his eyes so I giggle and peck his lips instead. That seems to make him feel better.

"If it isn't my favorite couple" Stone teased.

"Yep, that's us!" Kurt said with a smile as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I rolled my eyes but leaned into him affectionately.

"Jeffy, so cute. To think just about two years ago she was just a little kid" Stone teased as he wiped away a fake tear. Jeff rolled his eyes at stone then turned back to the us.

"Anyways, what are you guys doing today?" Jeff asked.

"Well, I wanna go see my brother. I'm sure he must be worried sick. Hopefully, he didn't kill anyone" I said in a worried tone. Knowing Axl, he probably had some poor bartender up against the whole by the throat or something.

"Well I wanna go confront Chris" Kurt said seriously. I turned my head over to him and gave him an unsure look. "Ashlyn..."

"I don't want to believe Chris did it. No." I said, shaking my head profusely. "He can't be that obsessed. I rather have some random asshole be the perpetator than Chris"


"It's not fucking fair Kurt!" I yelled as tears began to pour out of my eyes. "I'm legit tired of Chris! I don't want anything to do with him. That guy petrifies me. He fucking makes me sick!"

Jeff, Stone and Kurt seemed to share worried glances as I wiped some of the tears away. I felt really bad for raising my voice at them but I couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you guys" I said in a softer tone. "I just don't want anything to do with Chris."

"I can understand" Jeff said. "But aside Chris, who else would wanna do that to you?"

"Literally every guy there" Kurt said with an eyeroll. "Perverts." Jeff, Stone and I all stared at Kurt blankly. "What? She's hot"

"Okay..." Jeff trailed off. "So basically, we have no idea who the culprit is and we have literally no suspects"

"I don't know. But for a few days I've had this eerie feeling of someone watching me that I haven't been able to shake off. Maybe I wasn't so far off" I said with a sigh. "But then again, I have no idea who it could've been"

We were all quiet for a while as our brains rattled, trying to think of possible ways to resolve this situation.

"We have Chris though" Stone said making me sigh. "Sorry Ash, but it wouldn't hurt to do some fishing around with Chris"

I took a good look at the guys before letting out a huge sigh. I wasn't the biggest fan of doing this but I guess we had to start somewhere.

"Well then, let's go pay Chris Cornell a little visit" I declared reluctantly, hoping that I wouldn't regret it."

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