Chapter 53 - She Caught Me Off My Guard

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Four. Whole. Days.

This girl cut me off completely for four whole days.

The truth will set you free. Yeah right.

From the minute I told Ashlyn about my addiction, I hadn't heard a word from her. This isn't even an exaggeration.

She barely looks at me, she hasn't uttered a word to me and she always tries to be out of my personal space.

Similar to what I did to her after the Tobi incident


We arrived at California after the UK stretch and after performing at one show in San Diego and one in Sacramento we were given some time off to rest and recuperate as we hadn't had much time to do so since the UK.

Ashlyn decided to go to LA in order to spend some time with her brother as well as Izzy and surely, we all went with along with her but we stayed at hotels instead while she stayed with Axl.

So yet another opportunity for her to ignore me.

Well fuck it.

She had to talk to me eventually. And I knew the best way to make that happen.

Insert Courtney.

Of course Courtney didn't live in LA, neither was she present in LA.

But Ashlyn didn't need to know that.

"So you finally told her and she's reacting exactly how Izzy told you she'd react. So that bozo wasn't lying after all" Courtney commented after I narrated all that had happened.

"Well she lashed out at him, she's only ignoring me so... I don't know which is worse"

Courtney was silent for a while as she seemed to be pondering.

"Kurt you know one thing, have you ever considered the fact that maybe Izzy had something to do with all these?" Courtney asked. "You already know he's not the hugest fan of you and Ashlyn. And we know he hates you a lot and while we're not sure, he might also have a thing for her. Don't you think he had something to do with all these?"

"I don't know Court. It shocked me as well but... Izzy could've easily told Ashlyn himself about my addiction. She would've come to confront me and God knows I don't have the heart to lie to her. I do wonder if Izzy's manipulating this whole situation but then again, I doubt he'd be able to." I explained.

"Well alright. I guess I'll trust Strads on that. But still keep an eye on that guy."

"Will do sister. And remember what I told you to tell Ashlyn"

"Yeah. I should ask to meet her at that diner which she'll most likely agree to and then she'll end up seeing you there instead"

"Atta girl" I said.

"Goodluck Kurt. Peace out" Courtney said as she hung up her phone.

Hopefully this worked out. It had to.

Chris (Ooh)

Los Angeles. The city of Angels.

The city currently inhabited by an angel.


Don't get me wrong, I didn't follow her all the way from the UK. I'm not a creep.

But sometimes life works in mysterious ways. And it turns out that LA was the next stop for Soubdgarden's tour.

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