Chapter 29 - All In All Is All We Are

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"What the hell is up with her?" Dave asked as we all watched the girl run away.

Christ this was getting disturbing.

"I dunno. She seemed alright during the interview. What gives?" Axl asked. "I don't wanna finally get my sister back only to have her acting like this"

I noticed Krist paying attention to me as I was in deep thought. He raised an eyebrow as if he knew what I was thinking and I nodded my head in agreement.

"I think she was assaulted" I stated as Dave and Axl snapped their heads toward me. "I was in denial before but c'mon. She's been dreading any and all physical contact all day. Ashlyn loves physical contact! Especially with me!"

"I... no. It can't be" Axl exclaimed looking terrified. "No. There's something else. There has to be. You're practically always with her Cobain!"

"You did say yesterday she left the room. Who knows what happened after?" I wondered. Axl shut his eyes tightly and groaned.

"God. I'm a fucking terrible brother" Axl muttered.

"Hey Axl it's still a theory..." Krist started but Axl duly cut him off.

"No it's not! I know it's true. It totally explains everything. I don't know why she's being so silent. Doesn't she trust us enough, doesn't she trust me?" Axl ranted obviously feeing like a piece of crap.

"It's kinda hard for people to talk if that's the case. But don't worry. I know... or I think I know what would make her feel better. Or at least what would get her to open up" I said. I came up with the plan yesterday and I just pray it pushes through.

"Okay, I trust you with my sister. I really do. But I'm still hurt. And if someone did do something to her, I wanna find the asshole and deal with him" Axl yelled before storming off. "Unbelievable!"

"That's the legendary Axl Rose anger" Dave commented as we watched Axl walk away with anger. "But assault, are we sure we're not going too far. She could be on her period for all we know"

"No, that was last week" I stated. Krist and Dave looked like they had something to say but I cut them off immediately.

"Someone's been keeping track" Krist teased. "But I just hope she's alright. And I hope she talks"

"I really don't know how I'm gonna enjoy the rest of the festival now. I'll just ask Courtney for Frances and head back to the hotel as well" I said. Krist came over to me and put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Your girlfriend will be fine alright?"

"She's not... I hope so" I said with a sigh.

I really hoped so.


"There is no way I wanna believe someone actually did something to my sister. There has to be another explanation" I vented to Stephanie who wrapped her arms around my shoulder lovingly. "Babe you don't even wanna know how my head is right now. I feel like beating someone to a pulp"

"And you'll get to. But you need to calm down. And stay strong for yourself and your sister." Stephanie advised. "Why don't you tell me a nice memory you have of when you guys were younger? That'll take you're mind off things"

"Well... you're right."

Flashback, 1979

"Do you want anything for your birthday sweetie?" I asked as I walked Ashlyn through the local park as she held her doll close to her chest.

"I just want Dad to stop beating you" She said. My heart stopped slightly at that request. "I also wouldn't mind a Brian May action figure" She added which made me chuckle. She was really just a kid.

She was just five after all.

It made me sad, a five year old shouldn't really go through the trauma of an ultra pretentiously religious abusive father who had nothing good to offer.

Also the trauma of seeing me get beat up for no reason literally every day must've been too much for her. She loved me.

"Let's go sit on that bench William and eat our ice cream!" She said as she pulled me over to one of our favorite benches in that park. I got a scoop of vanilla while she got chocolate chip. Her favorite at that time. "Hey, what's this?" She said as she noticed a flier for a Queen concert which was on the bench. "William can we go? Please? I wanna see Brian May!"

I smiled at her slightly. I would've also loved to see Queen but first of all I didn't have any money and second, she was four. I didn't even trust myself to look after a four year old during a Queen concert.

"Why do you love Brian May so much?"

"He's cool. He plays very well and he's just con... confi... I don't know the word but you do" She said as I laughed.


"Yeah that's it."

"Don't beat yourself up. You're a whole lot more articulate than I was at your age"

"Ar... what?"

"Nevermind. You're smart and you're gonna be even smarter. I'm sorry but I don't have enough money to afford a ticket. But one day, I promise you. You will see Brian May. Heck, you might even talk to him"

"Will he sign my doll?" She asked with an excited gleam in her eyes.

"He'll sign whatever you want. I promise"

"It must have been hard all these years without her" Stephanie said, her eyes looking teary.

"You have no idea Steph. She's my only real family member" I said with a sigh. "Which is why I'll be damned if anyone does anything to her. If what Kurt said is really true. I'm gonna break that perpetrator apart limb by limb"

"I know you will babe. But let's be totally sure alright. In the mean time just try to calm down. Your sister's tough, she'll be fine"

"I hope so" I said with a sigh.


Kurt Donald Cobain you're a fool for love.

Here I was, while a festival, THE festival of the year was going on a few kilometers away. But here I was, carrying a baby and knocking on the door of someone who isn't even my girlfriend.

All because I care.

"Who is it? I swear if it's..." She started as she opened the door then looked somewhat... relieved as she saw me. Then her eyes widened with excitement as she set her eyes on Frances. "Baby!" She squealed as she took my daughter in her arms and did a little spin. "I love children so me. Thank you!"

"This is my daughter. Frances Bean Cobain."

"Hi Frances" She spoke in a soft voice. "I'm Ashlyn. It's a pleasure to meet you. You're so beautiful" She said as she placed a kiss on Frances's head. My daughter gleamed in joy and kissed her cheek. "Awwn so cute"

"So, am I permitted to come in?" I asked teasingly. She giggled and nodded which was my cue. I did so and shut the door gently behind me as Ashlyn sat down on the bed and started playing with Frances. "So she's got you in a good mood huh?"

"A great mood. I've always wanted a younger sibling" She said as she kept her focus on Frances. "Plus she's so pretty. Nice work" She said patting my leg teasingly.

"I'm happy you're happy." I said, deciding not to bring up whatever was bringing her down. Like Dave said, she would talk duly after the festival. "I like you a lot Ash, you know that"

She looked at me with joy still radiating from her green eyes. The urge to kiss her...

"I like you a lot too, Kurt Cobain"

The best thing to do now was just to sit back and enjoy my time with a girl I

The things I do because I care.

But honestly, I would've like it any other way.

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