Chapter 39 - I Need An Easy Friend

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You know it's kind of hard to adjust to being away from someone you've spent literally every second of every day for the past two months with, especially when she's the one who told you to stay away, no pun intended.

But I had to respect her wishes and I stayed away. And boy did it suck.

I missed her yes, but other than that... I was bored outta my mind! God!

So believe me, I was more than relieved to see her standing at my door. Wasting no time, I pulled her into an affectionate hug which she reciprocated.

"So, you couldn't stay away from my sexy ass could you?" I joked as I motioned for her to get into my hotel room. She eyes scanned around the room and she whistled. "Wow"

"Yeah." I said simply. My room was... needlessly big with a lot of extravagant amenities. But all an effort by David Geffen to keep Nirvana's lead singer happy.

Or so he thought.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm great. Issues with my stomach here and there, just been very very bored and I missed my best friend." I said genuinely. Ashlyn gave a sad smile.

"I'm sorry, I just needed space for a while" She said. "I was in a bad mood yesterday" I nodded as she said down on my bed with a sigh. "I'm sorry. I know you did nothing wrong. It was all Jeff"

"Well no surprise there" I said with an eye roll.


"You're really defending him? He fucking punched you! See what he did to your eye!" I pointed out.

"Yeah but... I've forgiven him. It hurt yeah and I was freaking pissed off but, it's Jeff. Plus he apologized" She said, biting her lip nervously seeming unsure as fuck. I stared her down suspiciously.

"No, he didn't. He didn't just apologize. Did he?" I asked.

"Well... he apologized but..."

"Let me guess, he promised to 'stay away from you' in order not to ever hurt you again. Then out of guilt you ran back to him and forgave him" I guessed. Her mouth dropped wide open which confirmed my suspicions. "Ashlyn that's textbook manipulation. Izzy knows this. He also knows you love him so he found your weak spot and..."

"Oh Kurt. That will do" She groaned, placing her hands on her face in frustration. "I didn't come all the way here to here you nag about Jeff. I get it. You too have issues..."

"Ashlyn. He punched you. I can't get over that"

"Yes but he didn't mean to!" She defended.

"He wanted to punch me. Think about that. Someone who claims to love you was going to punch the guy he knows you care about. And he was willing to do so in your presence. What does that say about him? Huh? Or imagine if the tables were turned, what of if I punched you in the face..."

"You would never do that" She breathed out. "Kurt. I get it. Jeff did a shitty thing. He punched me and God does it hurt. But he owned up to it and was willing to let me go. That takes guts. And if you remember as well, you ignored me after kissing Tobi knowing fully well it hurt me. I forgave you because I knew you weren't in a right frame of mind. So who's the real joker here?" She asked. I sighed.

True. She's smart. I knew this. And I also knew she loved Izzy. That was something that wasn't gonna change anytime soon.

It bugged me but i can't let that get in the way. I really don't want her to resent me for it.

So on that note, I took in a deep sigh.

"You're right. You're absolutely right Ash. You're always right" I said genuinely. "And while it hurts me to say it, if you decide on giving Izzy another chance, while I wouldn't prefer it, I won't also get in your way"

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