A Forgotten Tale of Lost Kingdoms (Prologue)

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Long, long ago there was a kingdom. A kingdom that existed before the Cookie Kingdom, the Dark Flour War, even before the rule of the Ancient's kingdoms. Within this kingdom was a great ruler. This ruler brought joy and great prosperity to many cookies. He even had a successful life and wonderful family. This great ruler goes by Golden Sugar Cookie.

Along side this kingdom was a kingdom of the worst of fears. With odd creatures who will become a cookie's greatest nightmare and even fool cookies as they appear as cookies. These creature were even called "Night Terrors". This kingdom was called the Kingdom of Fears. All though with their odd, oozing, and terrifying appearance and acts, these creatures were sweet and kind. They even had a ruler some what similar to them, but yet their ruler was different from the Nightmares. Their ruler was able to become anything that would encourage a cookie. He brought courage, trustworthiness, and hope to his kingdom. This ruler was best know as Courage, or as a cookie, Courage Cookie.

These two kingdoms were close. Both Golden Sugar Cookie and Courage Cookie were like brothers. They were always there for each other. Golden Sugar Cookie's family was also such great friends with the one of Courage Cookie's.

Golden Sugar Cookie's said beloved one, Sugar Syrup Cookie, wasn't mentioned much in this story. Sadly, she died of a mysterious circumstance, allowing little to be known about her story. Her death was quite drastic for the kingdom, especially Golden Sugar Cookie. He was left to raise his five children who soon would become rulers of their own kingdoms.

You may think it was like raising regular children alone, but these cookies were quite odd and more than a hand full. They were completely different from each other and their parents. Golden Sugar Cookie wasn't able to figure out why they were born like this.

The eldest, Bitter Choco Cream Cookie, was quite... bitter. He was rather cold to his father and had odd interest. From what this tale says, Bitter Choco Cream Cookie always had a liking of being... a jam-ish soul. When he was young, he would love to kill anything he finds such as blueberry birds, cashew rabbits, and acorn squirrels, unless his mother told him not to, and always showed an interest to causing pain and such sorts. His father was concerned why his son was like this, but brushed it off and ignored it.

Next is Royal Lily Cookie. Royal Lily Cookie was well known for being a jokester, hypocrite, and as well as two faced. As her older brother would say, "One to always wear a mask to all thee did not trust". Royal Lily Cookie would act different to all she meets and knows except with her brother and mother. She would usually act her normal self in front of them. She was always was rather annoying to her older brother, but they still loved each other. Royal Lily Cookie always had interest of knowing everything such as magic, mechanics, and in everything she finds in books. Although she has these interest, she would often use them as a way to hide her true self. Her father tried making sure she was set straight from all her jokes and nonsense, as he called it.

Now we have Chhurpi Cheese Cookie. She was a cookie to have rude, heartless remarks to everyone. She would usually avoid saying these remarks to her family especially her father, for she did not want to be punished. To her mother and siblings, Chhurpi Cheese Cookie would practice say nicer and kinder remarks. Although she might say awful words to her siblings, she still loves them ever so much. Chhurpi Cheese Cookie would even push and help Bitter Choco Cream Cookie and Royal Lily Cookie to be more open and extroverted like she was. Golden Sugar Cookie made sure to set Chhurpi Cheese Cookie straight with punishments if she were to say anything rude to him.

Vanilla Spice Cookie. She was the quietest of all the siblings. She would usually spend her time in castle library buried in books. Although she was silent and always reading, Vanilla Spice Cookie was rather greedy. Every time Vanilla Spice Cookie spots something she wants, she will try and usually succeed in getting it. Vanilla Spice Cookie would even use others to try and get what she wants. Even begging her father for a small pet dragon. Even this dragon had greed as strong as hers, especially for shiny objects. Her other siblings and mother try helping her to share than just take things for herself and letting her greed grow. Royal Lily Cookie would even join her in the library and help each other with their inventions, magic, and anything they find. Golden Sugar Cookie didn't have a single care about her greed, and saw it as a good sign of a future ruler, so he just spoiled his own daughter.

The youngest of the five siblings, Miracle Berry Cookie. This young cookie was already a hand full on his own. He was well known for his great amount of energy and his insanity. Miracle Berry Cookie would always cause all sorts of pranks from the most harmless to the most terrible. Being one of the two jokesters, Miracle Berry Cookies would always make jokes, pranks, and annoy Bitter Choco Cream Cookie with Royal Lily Cookie. Many people would be furious at him for his pranks. His siblings just endure with his insanity, though, their mother would always know how to handle him properly, and their father not so much. Like with Royal Lily Cookie, their father, Golden Sugar Cookie, would try to put him straight.

All five siblings were best friends with the son of Courage and one other cookie who's name was never mention. All the tale tells is a cookie who's dough was of gingerbread and has more courage than the bravest of cookies. The son of Courage Cookie was always seen with the five siblings. His son had the ability to show both nightmares and courage.

After the death of Sugar Syrup Cookie, Golden Sugar Cookie put drastic measures upon the entire kingdom, including his own children. He then even started neglecting them and focused more on the growth of his kingdom. The five siblings and their closest of friends were all left with what they now had. Each other.

As time has gone by, the five siblings grew farther from their father. Even with some gifts such as small trinkets to even new pets, their father would never stop his work. Later on, instead of becoming rightful rulers of their father's kingdom, they all left to establish their own kingdoms. Each sibling established a kingdom for all those cookies looking for a place that is safe and feels like home. They became successful rulers indeed. Soon after this, the son of Courage Cookie was to replace his father's rule and be crowned.

Everything was peaceful until a terrible tragedy occurred. Both King Golden Sugar Cookie and Courage Cookie were murdered. This caused fury amongst all the other kingdoms. Courage Cookie's son was devastated, yet anger grew quickly. Instead of following his father's footsteps, he began spreading Nightmares across Earthbread. The five other kingdoms fell into war with each other and the Kingdom of Fears. Their other best friend sought to figure out how to stop this war.

As he did, the new ruler of the Kingdom of Fears wouldn't stop till he figured out who killed his father. He wanted revenge. The five siblings grew far, far apart. Blame was set on each ruler. Who killed Golden Sugar Cookie and Courage Cookie? Accusations were everywhere. All that is known is that there was a traitor, a traitor within these kingdoms. The king of the Kingdom of Fears soon then took it a step too far.

There was lost of hope throughout all of Earthbread. All there was were strawberry jam, hatred, and screams. The Nightmare king was taking his revenge a step too far. He began killing anyone in his way, even the innocent. The five other siblings and gingerbread friend needed to stop him.

With the power of each sibling, they made there magic into mythical stones that resemble soul jams. With the help of the gingerbread friend, the six of them cornered the dreaded Nightmare king. Using the soul jam related stones, they locked away and banished the king into a forgotten land the angels and demons of the Divine and Sprit of Flames called, The Inter. Although they saved Earthbread from great disasters and fears, the gingerbread cookie disappeared and the stones they used shattered. There families were left to protect the shattered bits of the stones they found, for if the piece were in the wrong hands, the Nightmare king will come again to attempt to destroy the world once more.

You may think everything was peaceful now, but think again, my friend. The siblings still argued, fought, and sadly... killed. They blamed each other to be traitors, the death of their father, and disappearance of the closest of friends. They sent armies to each other. They did their best to protect their kingdoms and families. From what was left by the tellers of this tale, the five siblings killed each other off over anger, guilt, confusion, and of course... fear.

No one knows the truth behind this story. Nobody even remembers these kingdoms existed. What ever happened to the families of the rulers of these kingdoms and Nightmare king? Will we ever find out what happened to these mythical stones? Will the truth of this forgotten war be told as a tale once more? With a new age of rulers and cookies, maybe the mystery will be solved. One thing cookies must and will know...

"Nightmares never die."

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