Entering Dragon City

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They sky was beginning to cloud up and weather starting to heat up. The sounds of swords clanking, the scent of local foods being made, and cookies talking was coming from up ahead. The group of cookies were headed towards Dragon City, the city built by dragon hunters themselves. Some of them which have visited the city more recently then the others have.

"Dragon City? No, I'm afraid I never heard of it." Cappuccino Cookie said as she looked up from the map. "Really? Well I never heard of a cookie who has never heard of Dragon City." HollyBerry Cookie spoke. "I assume you know the place well?" "Why, of course! I use to come here very often before the Dark Flour War." HollyBerry Cookie proudly spoke. "And during..." Wild Berry Cookie mumbled. "So what exactly is Dragon City?" Gouda Cheese Cookie asked out of curiosity. "It's a city built by dragon hunters." "Dragon hunters?" Some scorch marks were able to be seen in some areas as they continued walking. "Well according to the map, we'll be entering Dragon City soon." Cappuccino Cookie stated.

They continue walking to then see the entrance of the city. Cookies were were talking, working, or even singing and telling stories. They walked in, unknowingly being followed. "Hehe... soon time to get those two cookies..." something or someone said, watching from behind the trees and bushes. "Welcome to Dragon City!" HollyBerry Cookie proudly spoke. They all looked around to see cookies waving at them and greeting them. "Swords, crossbows, pikes arrows! Sharpest in the lands here!" There were cookies selling items and some merchants as well. "Are we sure it's safe here... those creatures from the Berry Kingdom could have came here before us." Wizard Cookie sounded skeptical as he looked around. "I'm sure it's safe. If anything was wrong, the cookies here would have already known." HollyBerry Cookie sounded confident with her answer.

They continued walking to then here some cookies talking, "Have you heard what happened to the Berry Kingdom?" "No? What happened, I didn't here anything about it." "A dragon attacked leaving the kingdom empty. Cookies escaped, but those who didn't are said to have been killed." "Hmm, looks like news of it is spreading..." Dark Cacao Cookie muttered. The cream wolf that was walking behind the group noticed something and looked around. It barked and Coffee Cheesecake Cookie turned around. "Huh? What is it Chaí?" The cream wolf just barked again, staring at her. "Wait... where is..." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie looked around. "Uhm... guys... we have a problem."

Everyone turned around confused. "What happened?" "Uhm... Cappuccino Cookie is gone." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie casually said. "What do you mean she's gone?" Gouda Cheese Cookie asked, a bit frustrated. "She's gone." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie replied. "How did we lose her already?" Raspberry Cookie asked. "I don't know, I only noticed because her cream wolf wouldn't stop barking." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie said as she put her hands in her sweater pocket. "Yet you sound like you don't care?" Mocha Cookie asked. "That's because I really don't." She shrugged. "Isn't that her over there?" Black Raisin Cookie asked as she point to a cookie holding a staff. It was Cappuccino Cookie and she was walking away. "Where is she going?" Cappuccino Cookie turned the corner, no longer being visible.

The group followed to try an catch up to her. They all turned to corner to lose her again. "Is this a normal thing with you five?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked. The four cookies shook their head. "No... she usually doesn't wander off without telling us..." Nightshade Berry Cookie said as he looked around. They continued to look for Cappuccino Cookie only to have no luck. "I think we should split up to find her. We may have more luck this way. We can meet up somewhere such as the city square or the inn." Wild Berry Cookie suggested. "I agree. We can meet up and that Dragon Monument." HollyBerry Cookie said as he pointed to a statue of a dragon that seemed to have once held something. They began to split up and search the city.
The ancients were in a group as they looked around the city. "I can't believe we lost this cookie..." Dark Cacao Cookie muttered under his breath. "Cao, you shouldn't get upset with a small detour. Plus, Cappuccino Cookie must have a reason to have wandered off." Pure Vanilla Cookie tried to reason with Dark Cacao Cookie. "Hey Vanilla, didn't you sometimes wander off when we came to a new place when we were younger?" Golden Cheese Cookie asked. "Did I?" Pure Vanilla Cookie tried to remember past adventures. "You were always interested with new places. Even to the point you snuck away from home to do so." HollyBerry Cookie added. White Lily Cookie was falling behind as she was distracted by the surroundings. "You even lied about not being of royalty so you could go on those adventures, and we even bought it for some time." Dark Cacao Cookie said as he looked down at the short blond cookie. "Well... you knew how my parents and siblings got when I went out on my own... especially to the types of adventures we went on." Pure Vanilla Cookie replied.

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