The Heart Truly Knows

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Although under stone and sand of the scorching melting desert of the cheese covered lands, life can still grow. Under a boring cheese stone, lies tunnels. Through tunnels leads to a cavern. This cavern? Bustling with talking, dancing, joy, vegetation, sand, water and flowers galore! Truly a sight to see, safe from the burning heat of the sun. Lovely to see a civilization at peace for once.

"I'm hungry!" "I'm bored!" "Me too!" "I want to play a game!" "Where's daddy!" "I want to play with Uncle Parmesan!!" "I want to be with Mommy!" Complaints off young children everywhere came within a room of a castle against the edge of this underground kingdom, with walls made of carefully carved and detailed cheese stone, as these children climbed and pulled on a beast that seemed to try and supervise all the young cookies. The beast seemed to be of something similar to a giant rabbit with what seemed to be antlers. In a panicked state, it tried its best to make sure the children don't run off, or prevent them from pulling on its fur. Though, there were too many children for it to handle, and clearly was begging to stress out with all the complaining and yelling that soon was about to lead to burst of tears. The creature panicked and tried calming the children before they started to cry.

"Now now, children, your Uncle Parmesan is waiting outside the castle to take care of you all." A servant spoke up as she entered the room. The children went silent for a moment, only to then start rushing out of the room either excitement. The creature fell back exhausted and laid down, though was glad that the chaos was over now. The servant started to clean the room around, remaining calm as if this wasn't new. After a few moments of silence, the servant then spoke up as she was reorganizing some objects, "Hm... I was told, directly from the king, to say specifically... "Please get Queen Honey Cream Cookie for I require assistance." And that it's for some work for the kingdom." The creature gave a small nod as it remained laid on the ground to eyes with its eyes closed. After another moment of silence grew until the servant spoke again in a blunt tone while she folded a cloth, "Oh, and the royal advisor rejected the idea, and she told me not to tell this information." After this was said, the creatures shot open as its ears perked up. The servant let out a peep as she shrugged and then walked off quickly, leaving the creature in a state of shock yet, a sense of anger could be seen.
A cookie, who and long pale yellow hair that reach the ground, who wore a simple white draped dress with small golden markings, marched down the halls of this castle like structure. From what it seemed, something had ticked this cookie off, and she hurried down the hall to the stand I front of two doors. She sighed, fixed her hair, since it was slightly a mess. After taking a deep breath, she pushed the doors open slowly, to then hear two voices. "I don't understand why we need to do that, we can't just cover up the mine if there is still useful recourses." A man spoke, sounding rather puzzled. A woman was then heard giggling at these words and spoke in a soft, sly tone, "Why, my king... it's simple really... we just take the resources out, and replace it for where we can set more bee hives to set, for more honey production for this kingdom..." The cookie who was listening in, gave a sigh in frustration and opened the door, catching the other cookies' attention. There in a study room was a man sitting at a desk, seeming to be working on some important papers, and a woman sitting in that table, having a fan over her mouth hand and a cobra around her shoulders as it looked up at who just entered the room. The cookie who held this fan, which interestingly had a design of a heart in it, didn't seem too happy with the sudden intrusion.

"Ah... Queen Honey Cream... what a surprise to see you." She spoke, trying to sound happy as she got off the table, starting to fanning herself, revealing a suspiciously deceitful smile. "Ah, there you are, my sweet Honey Flower." The other cookie said with a cheerful expression as he stood up. He then walked over to the cookie who had just entered the room and gave her a loving hug. The cookie gave a soft, tired smile and hugged him back. "I was told you need my help for something?" She asked as she pulled away from the hug. "Ah, yes. I see the servant informed you well. Yes yes, I was hoping for a third opinion this matter of a kingdom's mine that I said to be running low on resources. Come here." The cookie said as he brought the cookie, who had just entered, near the desk of maps and papers. "Now, I asked Caramel about this section of the land down here in the kingdom." He said as he pointed on a map, that seemed to be showing the kingdom they were in now. "Hm... yes... and I'm sure my statement of how we should do things... should be quite simple yet successful for this mine..." the other cookie in the room, who was fanning herself, added as she walked closer to the table once more. "Hm..." the long yellowed hair cookie looked at the map that was pointed at, and thought for a moment. "Well... I can't say the idea your advisor has is a bad one... it's quite clever... but... if you moved more hives here, there wouldn't be enough flowers for the bees to collect to create honey..." she replied as she looked up at the man. "But the land in this area is very fertile and has plenty of vegetation, enough to support some cattle... so why not instead of transferring bee hives... you transfer any extra cattle from other areas to these lands once the remaining resources are extracted from the mine?" She suggested as she pointed at the map while she explained. "It will allow cookies of this area to have a chance to raise cattle to their own benefits." She added.

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