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All the cookies that were in the meeting went back to where they stay in the Cookie Kingdom. Each one, preparing items and other necessities for this journey. The Ancients stayed in homes they have in the Cookie Kingdom and are to send letters to their kingdoms to notify the cookies that they will be gone for some time. The guardians were preparing items they usually used on adventures and packed necessities. Let us see how that is going for these cookies.
-With Gingerbrave and his friends-

All the cookies in the meeting left the castle after they said their goodbyes. Gingerbrave and friends were deciding what to bring for the journey they will start tomorrow. "So we need food, drinks, medical aid, m-" Wizard Cookie was then cut off by Gingerbrave, "Wizard Cookie, you need to calm down. We will get everything we need for this adventure!" Gingerbrave was in a very excited mood. "You don't have to worry! We just have to pack the necessities like food water, extra cloths and we are done!" "Gingerbrave, you don't even wear cloths." "Uhm, well you get the point." Gingerbrave shrugged.

"Where do we put this stuff?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked as she along with Strawberry Cookie and Custard Cookie III bringing stuff in their hands. "Just put it on the bag that is on that table over there." Gingerbrave pointed at a bag that was semi filled with objects for there journey. The three of them walked over to the bag and packed everything they had in hand. "Why did you even want to go on this trip Gingerbrave?" Strawberry Cookie asked. "I- uh... don't know." Gingerbrave lied. In reality he did know why. That cookie from his dreams, Courage Cookie, was asking, no, begging for help of some sort. Did Gingerbrave know what to help with exactly. No, not really. It is just that he feels like his dreams are so real. His nightmares are like they will actually happen or something.

All the others went back to packing. Wizard Cookie, on the hand, could tell that something was wrong with Gingerbrave. He could tell something was bothering him. "Are you alright Gingerbrave? You've been acting- weird lately..." And this was true. Gingerbrave was acting a bit off. He usually was the type to be excited all the time, loud, energetic, brave, filled with energy in general, but lately, Gingerbrave has be more quiet, lost in thought, more jumpy, and drowsy most of the time. "W- what do you mean? Everything is fine, why?" Gingerbrave looked nervous. Something was up and Wizard Cookie could tell. "Never mind..." Wizard Cookie shrugged it off and went to help the others.

Gingerbrave was confused so he walked off to his room. The halls were peacful and the sunlight enter though the windows. The sun was nearly about to set. Gingerbrave was walking through the halls as his expression showed that he was extremely tired. He walked into his room and closed the door. He laid on his bed, sprawled out. He put his hands on his face and rubbed it. "What are these nightmares?" He mumbled. He placed his hands down at his sides and stared at the ceiling. He was trying to think of who this Courage Cookie was. He never met someone named that nor has he ever heard of someone called that. Another thing he was question was, "Who was that gingerbread cookie in that painting I saw in that nightmare?" He spoke.

He sat up with a confused yet tired look on his face. "Maybe these nightmares aren't nightmares?" He thought about this. "But how can it not be a nightmare or a dream in general? It was all my imagination, no?" He laid back down still questioning himself about his nightmares. "They feel so real though." And what also caught his eyes were those other paintings. Three of them being familiar. One being of Courage Cookie and two others he didn't know the names of. "Another gingerbread cookie and that other one... hmm... looks a lot like someone I've seen before." Gingerbrave began dozing off into sleep, still thinking about many many questions he had, but yet, could not answer.
-With the cookies of the Vanilla Kingdom-

Pure Vanilla Cookie was in his room packing some stuff. He held his vanilla orchid staff while there was another laying against the wall. The staff on the wall stared at Pure Vanilla Cookie in annoyance. "Oh, don't look at me like that. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this." Pure Vanilla Cookie spoke. The staff then changed form into a cookie. "When were you planning on another adventure, Nilla? What on Earthbread changed your mind. You told me you didn't believe what those cookies said before." "Look, I don't know how to explain this, Vanilla Cream, but I guess something is telling me that this is urgent." "Brother! You are telling me you and Lily and the other ancients are trusting these random cookies about this." Vanilla Cream Cookie argued. "Well..." Pure Vanilla Cookie was rather hesitant to then turn to the cookie. "Well, maybe I am."

Friends, Courage, Frauds, and Fears (Cookie Run)Where stories live. Discover now