Normal Yet Weird

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The weather was burning hot with in the stone choco walls. Halls were filled with armor stands against the wall. The carpet leading down the halls were the color of red and there were armed soldiers guarding doors and doorways. Through the window, bright light could be seen from the lava. Outside was a view of a red sky and smoke from volcanoes in the distant. Villages and towns were seen through out the land. It seemed to be a kingdom.

Down the hall, past through the guards, we enter a room where a cookie asleep in bed and a big creature beside the bed sleeps. The room was well furnished. The furniture was mainly made of dark chocolate wood and a red rug laid on the floor. They're was an open door that lead into a bathroom. It was silent in the room. The only thing that was heard was the breathing if the cookie and creature. Running footsteps were heard, heading to the door that entered the room. A young cookie quickly opened the door. The young cookie had bright red hair that reached to their shoulders and had orange eyes. The young cookie jumped on the bed, waking up the cookie sleeping. "Mom! Mom! Dad! Wake up!" The young cookie shouted. The cookie started waking up, "Oh, honey, go to your room... get ready..." the cookie groaned as she turned around to her side. "Ok!" The child ran out of the room laughing.

The cookie groaned as she sat up and turning to the side. The cookie's hair was a mixture of orangish-yellow and quite messy. She had earrings of red gem stone. Their eyes are of an orange color. She saw the creature and the empty spot of the bed next to her. She sighed as she got out of bed. She slowly walked next to the creature and pat it's head. "Wake up big guy... you have another big day ahead of you." She mumbled as she went to the closet to grab some clothes. The creature woke up and stood up. It had a skull like head with two sharp teeth seeming like fangs or pincers. It had horns as well. It's fur was black like coal dust and it had brown quills like a porcupine. Rib bones were visible, wrapped around its chest. Its tail looked like one of a scorpion's but covered in fur and lined with with quills except for the tip. The creature had eight limbs. Two pairs of front legs and two pairs of hind legs. It bent down, stretching, as it flapped feathery wings and yawning. The sound of a back cracking was heard. It stood up, letting its front part of its body raise up in the air, front legs not touching the ground, as it walked out of the room.

A minute or two later, a cookie walked in. The cookie had bright red hair with a brown streak in it it and had brown eyes. He wore lose clothes and looked as if he just woke up. They also wore similar earrings of a red gem as the other cookie. The cookie walked over to the wardrobe to grab some clothes as he heard the shower start running. A child then ran inside the room and started tugging the other cookie's shirt. "Dad! Dad! Grandma and Grandpa want to see you after you are done getting ready!" The young cookie said, being full of energy. The cookie yawned, "Oh, thank you for letting me know... why don't you go play with your friends, Ghost Pepper?" "Ok!" The child ran out of the room. When the child was out of sight, the cookie sighed in frustration. "What do they want from me now..."
"Don't worry, they won't be mad at you- for no reason again?" The orangish-yellow haired cookie spoke as she walked beside the cookie with bright red hair.  The cookie groaned before speaking, "I just hope... they've just been on the edge lately... and I don't know why." "Well it can't be that bad. Not as bad as a family curse." A soldier then came running towards the two cookies. "Queen Habanero Pepper Cookie, you are requested by the other guardians. A terrible mess has just occurred. King Scorpion Pepper Cookie, the former King and Queen are requesting your presents immediately." The soldier spoke while standing up straight, his hand on the sword at his side. "Oh what could have happened to the others... sorry dear, I have to go." "It's alright... go on. You know where I'll be if you need me." The bright red haired cookie, who goes by Scorpion Pepper Cookie said in a soft tone of voice. "Alright, I will see you soon." The cookie, who goes by Habanero Pepper said as made a quick kiss on the others lips before walking off. The soldier followed her and guided her to where the situation was.

Scorpion Pepper Cookie sighed as he continued to walk down the halls. He arrived to a great big door guarded by to intimidating guards. The moved aside to let Scorpion Pepper Cookie in. He pushed the doors open to see two older cookies talking to each other. They turned over as they soon heard the doors open. "Ah, my dear Scorpion, you arrived...! Late." From a cheerful mood to a disapproved one, one of the cookies spoke. They had a mixture of green and red hair with some white. They also were missing an arm. "Well- I was just notified that you-" Scorpion Pepper Cookie tried explaining, but was interrupted by a cookie with light green, with some white streaks, haired cookie. "There are no excuses. Come we need to talk to you about something important." Scorpion Pepper Cookie walked to them. The first cookie put a crown on his head.

The two cookies started walking and Scorpion Pepper Cookie followed. "We've extended your training hours and shortened your breaks from training to progress more in the work you do for the kingdom." The first cookie spoke. "What?! I thought you told me you wouldn't do that?!" With no response to the complaint, the second cookie added to the others statement. "We also have set you a new adviser." "What was wrong with the old one?" Scorpion Pepper Cookie asked. "Nothing... it's just something terrible happened to him... anyway, we thought that you focus to much time on those carvings during your breaks, so we decided this is for your own good, my Dear." "But Ma-" he was interrupted by the first cookie, "No buts. You need to learn to be a proper ruler of this kingdom and you must do all your training with your weapons as well." "Are you sure this is for my own good, or the family's?" Scorpion Pepper Cookie asked. No response.

"Why don't you guys ever answer my questions?" "It does not matter. You too soon have to put you daughter in the same training. So you better have learned everything to teach her." The second spoke. "Uhm- Father, I was actually thinking that we should let her be free to choose if she wants to train or not." Scorpion Pepper Cookie sheepishly asked. The two cookies just stared at him. "Hm, I think you had a terrible knock on the head last week, your speaking nonsense." The turned forward. "Yes... I think you need to take a break of thinking of this stuff, you know it is tradition for this family to start their training at around her age. A ten year old always starts at training and will always prevail throughout the years." "But she's only eight..." "Again with your buts. That is the reason why we extended your training. You will train her when you learn everything and she comes of age." It went silent. "Uhm... I just don't think it would be best for her to learn- this type of violence at that age..." Scorpion Pepper Cookie mumbled.

"You learned that violence at that age, and look at you now, a ruler of this entire kingdom." "Yeah... ha... b- but still you never really allowed me to choose what I wanted to do or be. A- and I thought the eldest child of the rulers became the next in line." Scorpion Pepper Cookie responded to the statement. "We let you practice your carpentry skills, no? Don't ask me you want more off that?" The second cookie threatened. "No! No! That's not what I'm asking... I- just want to do what's best for my daughter... for my family?" He replied back nervously. "Good. Either way, it is best for your daughter. It's been best for this family for hundreds of years. You don't want to break tradition, now do you?" The first cookie asked.  Scorpion Pepper Cookie mumbled something. "What was that?" "No..." "Speak up boy, your mother asked you a question." The second cookie threatened. "No! I don't want to break tradition... I'm sorry for saying anything about and I will make sure I won't speak of anything related to it." He responded. "Good, you still know not to talk back." The continued walking through the halls of the castle.

"You must be off, your training starts in fifteen minutes." The two cookies walked off as Scorpion Pepper Cookie just stood there. He turned around and walked towards the training grounds. "Why couldn't Reaper be the ruler... he's older than me anyway..." he muttered. "Why can't I choose what's best for my daughter. They aren't her parents." He reached some doors, hearing some metal clank and other weapons. "Ever since I had that nightmare... everything around here feels normal, yet weird. What the fuck is going on..." He spoke to himself as he opened and walked the through the doors. He entered the training grounds, put his crown down on the nearest table, and grabbed a sword to begin his training.

Indeed, what is going on around here?

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