Do As The King Says

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The forest was dark and quiet. The sky covered in clouds and the moon light unable to shine across the woods. The stars not as twinkly as usual. The animals frighten and hidden, leaving the forest dead silent. The only thing able to be heard was someone or so thing rushing through the forest as fast as they can. They were breathing heavily for they have been on the move for hours. They stopped as they put their hand on the nearest tree. "Oh Divine... coming b- back to Earthbread... and- rushing th- through it is tiring..." They caught their breath and looked around. A cake wolf was prowling around to then turn its head to the cookie like creature. The creature softly made a wicked laughed as their eyes glowed brighter. The cake whimpered and quivered.

All that was heard in the forest was loud yelping and howling. The echoing scared the animals that were hidden much, much more than before. A cake wolf was running through the forest now as its eyes glowed purple. The creature ran as fast as it could, avoiding any obstacles in its ways. As it continued to run, the surroundings began to shift to a dying forest, leaving the luscious green forest behind. Sticks were snapping and old leaves crunching. Fog started taking over the view and the only light visible was the glowing purple color of the wolf's eyes and mouth. The temperatures also slowly dropped to a cold wind howling between the branches of dead trees.
A while has passed and a mansion was visible. The walls were slowly braking down as some withering vines grew on it. The roof was missing some tiles and some of the windows were cracked or even broken. The cake ran up to the house and change back to the creature from before. He was breathing heavily as he rung the doorbell. The ringing was distorted and broken down. The sound faded and the cookie like creature waited and caught their breath. The doors began to unlock and the door squeaked open. A dessert similar to the cookie creature opened the door. They seemed pale doughed and miserable. Their clothing made them look like a butler. "Yes?" They even spoke and sounded like one. "I have word for the king's family!" The creature spoke in their soft raspy voice. "Hmm, come in." The butler moved aside to let them in.

The walked through the dark halls as they felt a cold breeze. There was some tables that were old, some vases that were chipped, and a rug on the floor that was old and raggedy. The sound of crows from outside on the broken windows were heard. The creature turned his head towards the window and the crows went silent and flew away. The arrived in front of two huge doors. "You are required to be in cookie form." The butler spoke. "Why?" "Master prefers to speak that way especially right now, for at the moment, his sons and daughters are visiting and are not used to see a pure blood." "Aren't you a pure blood?" "Yes, but I usually take cookie form for it is Master's orders when the Nightmare children visit." "Fine." A cloud of ash and dust swarmed around the creature. When the cloud cleared, a normal looking cookie was there. They look the same but the ash and dust was gone and they were not dripping goop anymore. Their face was no longer with sharp smile and their eyes and mouth no longer glowed. They showed annoyance at the fact they had to do this.

The butler knocked on the doors and a voice came from the other side. "Come in!" The butler opened the two doors wide open. "Master Elderberry Cookie, a Nightmare has returned and has news for you." The butler spoke. "Hmm, thank you." A cookie facing away from the door and through a huge window. The butler allowed the cookie to come in and then closed the doors. "What is it you want to tell me." They spoke, not moving from his place. "I have word for the king. I heard you are able to contact him." "What is the word." "Well is it true?" Many whispers were heard in the room. Whispers of mockery and disbelief. The cookie turned his head towards the wall to see the cookie who came in. "What is it you speak of?" "Is it true, that Nightmare will return?" The cookie turned his head back, facing the window. Soft malicious laughter escaped his mouth. "Answer me this, little night terror." He spoke. "How is it that you came back to Earthbread and still not believe your king will return?"

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