Unexpected Terrifying Guest

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The sun was shining bright in the sky, through the trees. A small village filled with cookies. The village had the scent of freshly baked gingerbread and there was children playing around freely. There was cookies happily walking through the village and small shops. Cookies working as lumberjacks at the lodges or at a small sugar quarry waved at cookies and children passing by, giving them a great warm smile. A baker came out of the bakery, holding a tray, and offering sweet jelly breads to the children playing around or to cookies passing by. It truly was peaceful in this village.

"Come on, Gingerpeach! The puppet show is starting soon!" A child tugged on a girls shirt sleeve. The girl had her hair tied up in a ponytail and she wore a mixture of a green shirt and white shorts. "I know, I know, but I want to see Elder!" The girl said as she ran off. "Well hurry then, we won't be waiting for you long!" The kid shouted across. The girl ran through the village, dodging cookies so she didn't bump into them. "Oho! Gingerpeach, would you like a choco sweet je-" "No, thank you Mr.Baker!" She ran past the baker. "Huh... always so interested in his stories..." the baker mumbled to then continue passing out sweet breads. The young cookie continues to run, passing cookies and pets. She then slowed down to catch her breath. "Oh, Gingerpeach! Off to see the elder again?" An old cookie said as he walked with a cane, a blueberry bird on her shoulder. "Mhm! I have to hurry though, Grandma! I have to meet up with my friends after!" The cookie started running again, headed to a lodge near a lake and big willow tree. "Be careful, dear!"

The young cookie reached to a stop at the door of the lodge by the lake and willow tree. She knocked on the door and it went silent. The birds were chirping and the laughter and talk in the distance was heard as she waited. Footsteps were then heard, heading to the door. The sound of the door unlocking was heard and the door opened. A cookie with short gingerbread hair with a white stripe in it, teal eyes, and freckles. They wore a beige poncho with a design of brown color along with some loose white pants. The cookie looked around the age of his mid twenties. He was sipping a cup of tea. "Ah, Gingerpeach, it's good to see you again." He chuckled. "Come in, come in." The cookie moved aside to let the girl, who was called Gingerpeach, in.

"What did you come to me to hear about today?" He asked. "How'd you know?" "Since you always come to me for information about my stories, or for another story, I assume you are gonna ask me again today." He took a sip of his tea as he limped his way in to a living room. The walls and floors were of wood. Some twigs an leaves were visible in some places. The furniture was carved out of wood as well and there were frames of pictures, old papers, and some certificates of some sorts. Items, antiques, and treasures of old and new were seen, decorating the place. Even some small tapestries were hung in the living room, which the two cookies were headed to. The cookie sat down and the child did as well. "Jellies?" The cookie offered as he pointed to a plate of assorted jellies. "Sure!" Gingerpeach accepted and took a jelly. "Now what story did you want to hear today?"

Gingerpeach thought about it for a bit and finished the jelly she had. "Well, it isn't a story I want to hear about, but something that's bugging me that none of your stories explain." She said. The cookie in the poncho raised an eyebrow, staring at the child in confusion. "About what?" "How come you limp all the time?" Gingerpeach asked as she grabbed another jelly. "Ah- well- I hurt my leg a while... while back." He responded, taking a sip of tea as he face showed an expression of mixed negative feelings. "How though?" She asked. The cookie nearly choked on his tea. "I- uhm- I don't really want to talk about the story of what occurred for my leg to be like this... but I will say this..." he shifted in his seat and went to grab a jelly. "My leg was taken away long back, a friend replaced it for me... but my injury only reminds me something terrible... like a curse..." he said as he ate the jelly. "And that terrible thing is that it reminds me... of when the life of my- a loved one was taken away... or in other words passed..." a sorrowful look appeared on his face. "Oh..." the young cookie stayed quiet. "I'm... sorry..." she said. "Hmm... it's alright, this happened years ago. Plus, you can't stop your curious mind from exploring and asking question." He chuckled as his expression changed.

Friends, Courage, Frauds, and Fears (Cookie Run)Where stories live. Discover now