Ancient Ruin's Tunnel Maze, the Voices, and the Path of the Beetles and Spiders

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"Enough with the beetles already!"

Gingerbrave and his friends along with other allies continued to wander the maze like tunnels, following the directions of a lazy cat. Each turn they take, more cheese beetles are encountered, even some occasional spiders, insects, cheese worms, and even snakes, but mostly encountering beetles everywhere. The maze seemed endless, and at some point, some cookies were wondering if the directions of the coffee cookie was even correct. They occasionally encountered some strange architecture and ancient carved writings, which they guess they can assume they were going the right way.

"So, how much longer is it going to take for all this... maze thing to be done with?" Scorpion Pepper Cookie asked, getting annoyed with how long this tunnel was taking them. "I don't know... books never mentioned how long these mazes take..." Cappuccino mumbled, seeming too tired to deal with the complaints. "Uhm, I don't mean to be a constant pest about asking this once more, Cappuccino Cookie..." Wizard Cookie spoke up, trying to keep his voice calm and sound as if everything is going fine, "...and of course it might be getting annoying with everyone constantly mentioning it, but are you really, and I mean, really certain that we aren't going in circles?" "I am certain... if I wasn't, I wouldn't have accepted to tell you all which path should be taken." Cappuccino said, jumping off Nightshade Berry Cookie's head and shifting back into a cookie. "And so I'm certain that we head down this way." She added as she pointed to a tunnel to the left of this confusingly large maze. "Just be glad Gouda is not the one leading you all. He would have let us be more lost than a new stray in the largest city in Crispia." She shrugged as she started walking down the tunnel she had pointed at.

No one really questioned that, and GingerBrave spoke up, "I'm sure, Cappuccino Cookie knows what's the correct path. We've all gotten so far already, so what's the worst that could happen?" He then started following down the same path. Everyone looked down the path, at GingerBrave who walked with his head high with confidence. "Death?" Chili Pepper Cookie said as everyone started following the path. The flashlights continued to brighten up the tunnel they walked through, which helped wonders in this situation. "You know... I always wondered what it would be like to wander outside the kingdom... but I never expected to be stuck in what looks like an underground labyrinth." Scotch Bonnet Cookie said bluntly as she moved her flashlight around while looking with curiosity around the place. "Well, the world is crazy sometimes. One day your home, feeling safe, next it feels like it's a never ending city full of chaos." Coffee Cheese Cookie shrugged, while hearing Gouda Cheese Cookie murmuring to himself as he held a deck of playing cards.

"And speaking of cities..." White Lily Cookie spoke up, "You mentioned you are from a place called Neon Gummy City, correct?" She asked with her soft gentle voice that always is full of curiosity. "Yeah? So what?" Coffee Cheese Cookie looked over at the Ancient Hero that wore green. "Oh, no, nothing. Just curious... it's just... Neon Gummy City is just..." White Lily Cookie became hesitant with her words, not wanting to sound offensive. She then was interrupted by Gouda Cookie, who was still a bit distracted with his cards, "Not really safe place to live because of all the thieves, criminals, disasters of those criminals, crimes in general, destruction, etc.?" "I- well, yeah... I've heard it's a feeding ground for trouble and... chaos in general..." The Ancient Hero replied, a bit taken aback from the interruption. "Eh, you'll get use-"  Gouda Cookie stopped speaking when suddenly, the tunnel started shaking. Everyone stopped as there was a small tremor shaking the place, causing some dust, sand, and rubble to fall. It soon then stopped, everyone just looking around with surprised or worried looks.

"The hell was that..." Chili Pepper Cookie mumbled as she looked around. "It... I believe that was an earthquake that occurred just now." Wizard Cookie said as he waved his hand in front of him to swat away dust that was falling. Carolina Reaper Cookie looked up while pointing his flash light to the top of the tunnel, only to start to feel a tickling sensation in his nose. He then immediately sneezed strongly, turning away from everyone else. Though, even if it was a simple sneeze, cracks began to form on the ground and slightly on the walls of the tunnel as mahatma syrup began to seep out. Everyone was startled from the sneeze that seemed to echo down both ways of the tunnel, but what caught them off guard was the magma syrup. "I think it'd be best if you held in your sneezes..." Raspberry Cookie said as she watched the magma in the cracks cool and harden, poking her sword on the hardened lava. "Sorry..." Carolina Reaper Cookie mumbled, sounding a bit congested as he sniffled. "That always happens when you sneeze. Why?" Naga Viper Cookie asked, easing a brow as she spoke out her question. "Oh, for the life of the Spirit of Flames... drop it... that's the hundredth time you've asked me that in your entire life time..." Carolina Reaper Cookie grumbled his replied as tried preventing another sneeze.

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