A Miracle, Yet a Disaster

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"Financier... No..." Clotted Cream Cookie spoke with anguish as he held the bars of the cage. Everyone in the cage was shocked. They couldn't believe what they just saw. Clotted Cream Cookie couldn't take in what he just saw. The crowd had gasped as they saw the dragon swallowing, giving off a laughy expression. The cookie on the ground immediately got up and ran away as he witness the beast licking its mouth, looking around. "D- did that thing just-" Raspberry Cookie looked at the dragon in disbelief as it had eaten a friend. "That was hard to see... uhm... the beast just ate one of the contestants. I don't know how they are going to process that..." the host said in the microphone.

Scorpion Pepper Cookie was in shock as well. He leaned foreword and turned his to look at one of the cookies next to him. "You interfered... didn't you..." He asked. "For what what I do or what that beast does is none of your concern." The man said with a smile on his face. "Uh-huh..." Scorpion Pepper Cookie slowly went back to his seat, still rubbing his side from stinging pain. "Uhm... Dad... what's going to happen to those cookies?" The little girl asked, sounding a bit frightened. Scorpion Pepper Cookie didn't know how to respond to this. "Uhm... let's take you to Aunt Viper and Aunt Bonnet for now, Ghost." He said standing up only to feel a sudden stinging pain in his legs, making him fall back. "Oh Dear, is it happening again so soon?" The elderly woman next to him asked, worried. "I'm not sure... but I think I'm fine..." Scorpion Pepper Cookie said. "I'll take Ghost Pepper down for you then." The woman said, standing up. The child stood up and grabbed the woman's hand and the both walked away.

The dragon looked down at the five other cookies and hissed. It dived its head down to attack the cookies again. Wild Berry Cookie raised his fist, ready to attack only for the dragon to stop moving right before it touched them. It raised its head back up and started hitting its chest as it started coughing. A lump appeared at its lower part of its neck. It started screeching in pain as a sword pierced through its neck, cutting around it. The creature fell to the ground and the head had fallen off. "What is this?" The host said, amazed of what just occurred. A cookie had fallen from the severed part of the dragon's throat. "The tables have turned and the cookie is still alive! This- this is the most shocking thing that has ever occurred and in the history of battles!" Cinnamon Butter Cookie exclaimed in the microphone. The crowd cheered out as the cookie tried standing only to fall back to the ground.

The five cookie gasped as they rushed to the cookie you had fallen. "Financier!" The went down to the cookie. "W- what happened?" They asked, seeming dizzy. Crunchy Chip Cookie took a few steps back swatting the air. "Man! It stinks!" He exclaimed. Dragon blood stains were visible on Financier Cookie's clothing and something slimey dripping. "Are you alright?!" Black Raisin Cookie asked. "I- uh... think so?" Financier Cookie said, trying to stand up, but fell again. "How many fingers am I holding?" Raspberry Cookie asked, holding two fingers up. Financier Cookie tried focusing her vision just to see it blurry. "Uh... six?" "Uh..." Raspberry Cookie looked at her hand and put it down. "Close enough. Come on, let's get you up." The rest of the group just looked up at her, giving a look of annoyance. Raspberry Cookie and Wild Berry Cookie helped her stand up. "I feel that something's wrong..." Black Raisin Cookie muttered as she looked around. "You always say that." Raspberry Cookie said, putting Financier Cookie's arm around her shoulder. "No... why haven't they announced round two over if the dragon is dead?"

Blueberry Coffee Cookie gasped as his eyes widened. "A dragon with an unusual long neck and scales of chocolate within this climate..." he mumbled. "What do you mean?" Floral Latte Cookie asked, tilting her head. "It- it- it's one of those dragons with many heads. Uhm... this one is a rare species that live in Dragon's valley!" He exclaimed with excitement as his eyes lit up. "Dragon with many heads?" HollyBerry Cookie asked. "Oh no..." Cappuccino Cookie said under her breath as she looked at the six cookies and dead dragon. "Get out of there!" She yelled, startling everyone in the cage. The cookies in the arena were unable to hear the shouting. "Why the fuck are you yelling?" Coffee Cheesecake Cookie asked with annoyance. "They need to get out of there!" she exclaimed with worry. "But, the one important thing they need to hear, the only shout heard was the Consul's!" Cappuccino Cookie the complained. "Why do they need to get out of there?" Wizard Cookie asked, terrified to even say this question. "That isn't a regular dragon..." Cappuccino Cookie mumbled.

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