Gates of the Kingdom in Flames

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Temperatures seemed to be rising the farther the group of cookies went. The have been walking for hours to the point that the bottom of their shoes are becoming charred black. The cream wolves paws were also becoming burnt. The kept checking the map every once an a while to see if there was any signs that they were close the this kingdom. Some of the cookies not entirely used to this heat.

Cappuccino Cookie had turned into a small bird as she laid on Nightshade Berry Cookie's head. "You know, I would have expected to have already reached this kingdom..." Raspberry Cookie complained, wiping some sweat off her forehead. Custard Cookie III was starting to fall slightly behind as he looked around the canyon. On the ground, passing by it, he saw a few cookie skeletons that had burnt, torn up clothing with charred feet as the seemed like they were trying to drag themselves further down the path, only to have the unfortunate outcome of death. His eyes widened as he walked faster, trying to catch up to the others.

"It just keeps getting hotter the farther we go!" HollyBerry Cookie stated. "Hmm, then I'm either hallucinating or I actually see walls over there?" Gouda Cheese Cookie said as he pointed up ahead. Everyone looked up to actually see dark chocolate walls of a kingdom. "No, Gouda, it actually is the kingdom we were looking for!" Mocha Cookie said with excitement. They all continued walking up to the walls. The gate way seemed to be made of metal with small sharp spikes that appear around the edge of it and the rest of the wall was chocolate stone. "Do you think they will let us in?" Gingerbrave asked as he looked up at the tall walls. "I don't think it would be that easy, Gingerbrave." Wizard Cookie replied. "Well it won't hurt if we try." Gingerbrave walked up to the metal doors and knocked on it. The metallic noise echoed throughout the canyon. Everyone stayed still, waiting. Nothing happened. "Huh, maybe no one lives here anymore?" Pure Vanilla Cookie suggested. "It's a possibility..." Cappuccino Cookie softly spoke. "Hmm... no, if the book led us here to find these other guardians, I highly doubt it would be empty." White Lily Cookie walked up to the metal and knocked on it again. The same metallic echo went through the walls of the canyon.

Nothing happened. "Let's face it, no one lives here." Golden Cheese Cookie crossed her arms. Right after these words, they heard chains moving and a big thud. The doors slightly opened. "Stupid persisting cinnamon wyverns! Stop throwing rocks on the doors!" A cookie shouted as they pulled the doors open ever so slightly. "If you don't leave, I'll just cut off-" the cookie walked out between the small opening and looked up to see the group of cookies. "Your heads..." he continued slowly as his eyes widen. "Uh..." he had pointed a sword at the group of cookies only to slowly lower it when he realized they were cookies in the first place. Scars were visible on his hands and he wore dark armor. He had a thick mustache and beard as well. "You aren't wyverns..." it seemed he was shock to even see cookies. His sword was still pointing at them, but was loose in his hands to the point it was just pointing slightly down. White Lily Cookie and Gingerbrave took a few steps back from the sword.

"Nope! We're cookies!" Gingerbrave said is his usual positive mood. "And I'm Gingerbrave!" He introduced himself. "Uhm... hi... uhm..." the cookie was rather hesitant of what to do. "I don't have a protocol for this..." he mumbled as his arm that held the sword, no longer pointing it at the cookies. "Uhm, you know what, come in." He said, opening the doors wider to let the him. Everyone looked at each other confused, but didn't ask any questions and just entered. A whole kingdom filled with cookies was seen the second they entered. Mainly they saw production of, especially black smiths and stone cutters. "Uhm, you can explore if you'd like... I suppose?" The guard said as he closed the doors. He went back to his post next to the door, still confused. The group of cookies just started exploring the kingdom. "Weapons get your weapons! Made fresh from our blacksmith!" A merchant shouted as he tried attracting costumers. "Scale armor! Made from actual sheared dragon scale!" Another cookie yelled out. The places was berry crowded. The new group of cookies looked around, amazed. "I can't believe this place was here in the Valley the entire time." HollyBerry Cookie commented.

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