New, Wierd, Good, or Bad Battle Style

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The morning had come and it was the day the journey began. The cookies who were going on this journey were meeting up at the entrance of the kingdom. Gingerbrave and his friends were the first to arrive, then the Ancient Hero's and their guards, then the Consul and his guard. Now they were just waiting for the guardians. The Ancients were talking to together and the girds with each other. Clotted Cream Cookie was talking to Gingerbrave and his friends about this journey.

"I don't understand the sudden change of mind for them..." Crunchy Chip Cookie whispered. To the other guards. "I'm sure they know what they're doing Crunchy Chip." Black Raisin Cookie said in reply to his statement. "I have to agree with Black Raisin, they have to know what they are doing, but yet, I also agree with Crunchy Chips question." Wild Berry Cookie spoke. "I just hope nothing wrong happens on this journey." Cotija Cheese Cookie mumbled. They continued to talk as they waited.

"Just out of curiosity, what made you four change your minds about this situation?" Pure Vanilla Cookie asked. The four other Ancients looked at each other. "I don't think you guys would believe me if I told you." White Lily Cookie chuckled nervously. "You took the words out of my mouth." HollyBerry Cookie said laughing. Both Dark Cacao Cookie and Golden Cheese Cookie also agreed. "Huh, I would have said the same thing as well." Pure Vanilla Cookie said. "Also why are you bringing a second orchid staff?" Golden Cheese Cookie asked, pointing at a second vanilla orchid that was peaking out of the bag. "Uhm..." "Is he really coming with us?" White Lily Cookie asked. "Well- you know how he can get when I'm going off to maybe a dangerous place or adventure or when something bad happens to me." Pure Vanilla Cookie said as an anxious expression appeared on his face. "He worries too much about you." "Your telling me? Remember the time he tried killing Cao because- well." "Yeah. I remember." Dark Cacao said as he remembered the memory. The continued talking as they waited.

"Gingerbrave, are you alright? You look like you didn't sleep well." Clotted Cream Cookie asked as he notice how exhausted Gingerbrave was. "Huh? Oh no, I'm fine." Gingerbrave said in response. Wizard Cookie has been suspecting something was up for the past few days, but every time he asked, Gingerbrave always said the same answer. "Uh-huh. Alright." Clotted Cream Cookie shrugged it off. "I still don't understand what convinced everybody to come along." Chili Pepper Cookie said. "We'll just have to see, plus, a new adventure doesn't hurt." Gingerbrave said. They continued to talk as they waited.

After a few minutes four cookies came walking towards the entrance. "Sorry that were the last ones to come." Cappuccino Cookie apologized. Everyone turned around to see the four cookies coming. "No need to apologize. We're just glad that your here." Pure Vanilla Cookie spoke. "Wasn't there five of you?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked. "Oh, Nightshade Berry Cookie will be here soon." They said while walking up to the others. They then see three other cookies walking towards them. Two children and Nightshade Berry Cookie. Everyone looked behind the four cookies, wondering who the other two cookies were. Nightshade Berry Cookie seemed worried about something.

"Sorry for the wait- uhm- Cappu, can I talk with you real quick?" Nightshade Berry Cookie said while pulling Cappuccino Cookie away from the group of cookies. The two kids walked next to the other three cookies as Nightshade Berry Cookie and Cappuccino Cookie were talking. "What are you two doing here?" Gouda Cheese Cookie asked the two children. "Dad said we could come." The boy responded. "Did he talk to your mom about this?" Both the children shrugged their shoulders, not knowing the answer to that. "And you didn't tell me this in the morning?!" Cappuccino Cookie shouted. "Well, there's our answer." Gouda Cheese Cookie said.

Cappuccino Cookie came back to the group, "You are unbelievable, you know that." "Wait- if your worried enough, I already packed their things." Nightshade Berry Cookie said grabbing her shoulder. "Even Floral's-" "Yes, even her spares don't worry." "Fine... alright then." Cappuccino Cookie calmed down a bit. "But this argument isn't over." She bonked Nightshade Berry Cookie on the head with the staff with a orange crystal lily that was in in her hand. "Ow- Ok ok!" He said while rubbing his head. "Sorry for the inconvenience. Are we ready then?" Cappuccino Cookie acted like nothing ever happened. No one questioned it and just nodded their heads.

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