The Blood Gurdians and the Monster Book

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-Strawberry Jam (Blood) Warning———————————————————————
The air is as boiling hot as usually in the Dragon's Valley. The magma syrup is bubbling and the sky is red and full of flaming smoke. Dragons flew in the distance near the volcanoes and rivers of lava flowed down the valley. Looking into the progress of the group of cookies on their journey... uhm... well...?

"Would you two stop fighting for just a minute!" A cookie complained as they pushed two irritated cookies away from each other. "They started it!" They shouted. "Better yet, make them stop arguing for an hour!" Another cookie shouted. The group of cookies have been in the Dragon's Valley for sometime already, still trying to figure out how to open the book of the kingdom of flames. "Look, we don't care who started it! Just stop this instance." Raspberry Cookie butted in, going in between the two annoyed cookies. "Just stay apart for now, because your arguing is already getting to everyone's nerves." Habanero Pepper Cookie said as she pulled Scorpion Pepper Cookie away. "Now, Cappuccino, have you found anything about the book that can help us open it?" Wizard Cookie asked. "Hmm, all this book has written the title of the book and what I think may be the writer or author." Cappuccino Cookie shrugged. "The author?" White Lily Cookie walked into the conversation. "Uhm... these ancient letterings translates to..." Cappuccino Cookie then pointed at small lettering near the bottom of the cover of the book. "Amara Scelerisque Crepito Crustulum." She read. "What type of name is that?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked as she crossed her arms. "Whoever wrote this is someone who knows Latin, and they used a different writing system for language and writing-" "Nobody cares about that!" Coffee Cheesecake Cookie complained. Cappuccino Cookie just stared at her with annoyance.

"Anyway... their language and writing system works on multiple languages put into the same writing. The common being Korean." She continued. "What every cookie learns..." Pure Vanilla Cookie mumbled as he stared at the book. "But for some odd reason, this title is in a mixture of both translations to Latin and Korean. The title being in Korean and the name of the writer in Latin." Cappuccino Cookie pointed out. "Then what about the other two books? You barley tell us this now." Nightshade Berry Cookie asked as he kicked some pebbles on the ground. "That's... the first book was..." the cookie holding the book looked away from the others to avoid eye contact. "I don't know how to explain the first book. The writing was unusual and I barley was able to read it." Cappuccino Cookie admitted. "And the second? How were you able to read that one if you could barley read the first one?" Wild Berry Cookie asked with suspicion in his voice. "Oh, that book is the same as the third. Just that the fact it's filled with all sorts of languages that... oddly enough, wouldn't have been achievable since some contains language from across the continent and back then, not many explorers ventured that far." Cappuccino Cookie looked back to them. "What I find odd is that, other than this design of a skull, there are these two markings that don't match to anything written on this book nor that can translate to anything from a different writing system." She said with a confused tone in her voice. Cappuccino Cookie then turned the book to the side and pointed at two odd markings.

"What do they have to do with this?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked. Cappuccino Cookie only shrugged in response. "What do you mean you don't know? I thought you said you can understand all the other languages?" Coffee Cheesecake Cookie said with annoyance. "Ah-ah, I never said all other languages. All I said was I study them. I can't memorize every single language." Cappuccino Cookie said as she put the book down on the nearest rock. "Plus, I'm not going to know the answer for everything." She added. "Oh, I thought you being an overachiever, you would have the answer." "That has nothing to do with any of this." Cappuccino Cookie argued, keeping her composure. "Though thank you for acknowledging that I can be a hard worker." She added with a smile. Coffee Cheesecake Cookie rolled her eyes and walked away.

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