Rookie's First Job

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The sky was sunny, yet cold. The calm, freezing air swayed the leaves of the pines in the woods. The villages of the snowy region was thriving quite well. The soldiers trained hard as usual and many were on duty at the walls of the citadel or protecting the villages around the kingdom. Villagers didn't even suspect anything when extra guards came to the kingdom, so they were on with there day, working and producing products of the kingdom. The first watcher was trying her best to keep everything in order and to keep everyone safe, orders of the great king, Dark Cacao Cookie. Though no one really knew where the king and the captain of the cream wolves went of to for their unexpected journey.

Though the day had just stated and cookies were already busy, there was still this one young adult cookie in his home asleep. The young cookie sat in a chair at a desk where there was a journal with notes a drawings on it. He had his head laid in his arms as he laid on his head and arms on the desk. The young cookie snored as a sliver of morning sunlight entered though the window in front of the desk and passed through the curtains. A rice cake hound laid curled in a cake hound bed in the same room. It was overall peaceful, until a loud thud of a snowball hitting the window was heard, startling the cookie awake. "Huh?! Woah!" The poor cookie fell as he pushed himself away from the desk out of reflexes, causing the chair to tilt back too far. He was still panicked and confused as he looked around. "What's going on?! Where are they attacking from?!" He said as he immediately stood up, waking up the rice cake hound up and causing it to bark. He looked around the room and his mind became clear.

"Oh..." was all he said as realized where he was. "Not on duty yet..." he sighed as he picked up the chair, hearing the hound's barks calm down to a stop. "Hmm..." the cookie became confused as he looked around the room. "Not on duty yet..." he repeated. "Wait... what time is it?" He said asked himself as he rushed to the desk. He grabbed the clock and read the time. "What?! No, no, no, no! I forgot to set the alarm!" He said as he rushed to the bed room. The cake hound tilted its head as its head followed the cookie running, nearly tripping. The cookie came out trying to put on grey winter pants as he grabbed a bag at the side of the desk. "How could I let this happen and on the first day!" He complained, placing the bag on the chair and rushed back to the bed room. The cake hound sat in its bed as he watched the cookie running back and forth the place, now putting on a belt that half a strap on the side for a weapon. "Uh... whistle... and the other thing they will give..." he muttered under his breath as he rapped a cloth strap around his forehead, moving his hair away from his face. He put on a coat with white animal fur on the inside as he tried putting on his shoes at the same time. He hopped his way to the chair, having a hand trying to proper out one of the shoes on and grabbed the bag. The cookie put the strap of the bag around his neck and on his shoulder. They started to rush of, but looked at the note journal on his desk. He then thought about take it. "Eh..." he shrugged and walked off. The cake hound laid his head down and closed his eyes to then hear footsteps rushing back into the room. "It wouldn't hurt." The cookie came back and grabbed the journal and pencil before leaving again.

The cookie slammed the front door as he rushed off, leaving footprints in the snow. He ran past some kids who were having a snowball fight with each other and they all looked at him running. "Hey! I thought you left an hour ago!" One of the kids shouted. The young cookie then got hit in the face with a snow ball and fell to the ground. The frantic cookie ignored the kids and ran as fast as he could, shoving the journal in the bag he had. "Can't be late!" He huffed as he ran past cookies who stared at him confused. "Woah! Calm down, kid" an elderly cookie with a thick beard said as he grabbed the sleeve of the cookie. "I can't now, Bitter, I'm really late for my first day." He relied impatiently. "D'ya over sleep after staying up late writing those notes again?" The elder laughed. "Not now with the jokes! I really have to go! Talk to you after my shift!" The cookie said as he ran off again. The old man laughed to himself as he went on with his day.

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