Ginger Dream

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Gingerbrave's POV:


I heard a whisper and I opened my eyes to see that I'm in the woods at night. The moonlight shined bright through the tall pine trees. I looked around to see there was no one and there was no camp. "Where is everyone?" I asked myself out loud. I was in an area where only grass was grown if and the trees surround the area like a ring. "Hmmm, did I black out or something?" I looked around, turning in a complete circle to then look up. All I saw was the night sky filled with stars. "Where did everyone go? They wouldn't just leave me behind, lost in the forest..." I looked down as a gloomy feeling filled me.

"Do not fret Gingerbrave, your friends did not leave you, nor did you leave them."

I heard the same voice again and I looked up to see a cookie. A gingerbread cookie like me! "W- who are you?!" I asked as I took a few steps back. "Do not worry, for I am no threat to you or your friends, but an ally, a friend." They spoke. I took a better look at them and I have to say, being honest here, they look almost like me. They had different sugar buttons, their eyes were of a different shade of blue, a white stripe in their hair like mine, but theirs swirls more, and they wore a green cloak. "I am Gingercandy, closest friend to the five siblings and Courage Cookie Jr... and I suppose, I that made me a friend of Nightmare, the one who wants vengeance for his father and revenge from the five siblings' families and you..." the cookie said. It took me around a minute to process the last few words, "Revenge on the five siblings's- families... and me?" I asked. "Yes... he is angered that the siblings and I banished him. He is taking his revenge upon the descendants and you." "But... why me?"

The cookie stayed silent. "You are Gingerbrave, correct?" I slowly nodded my head, wondering why he didn't answer my question. "I see you have found the family of Royal Lily Cookie, other wise the current guardians of that orange stone." "Royal Lily Cookie?" I asked, not knowing who that cookie was. "Yes, one of the five siblings that helped banish Nightmare... but I still don't see how she manage to do that?" The cookie pit a hand to his chin as he thought about it. "How come?" "Anyway, that's off topic, and I think you'll find that out somewhere on this journey- uhm... I'm just here to tell you something quite important." I looked at the cookie who had a concern face. "Something important? What is it?" It went silent as we just stared. I was just waiting for a response. "Take word of advice, the Royal Lily family line always struggles to trust or even listen. I would recommend something they like in order to deal." "What? Deal?" I had no idea what this was supposed to mean. "Advice for the five guardians, for two of them, seriousness isn't always key for them to make a deal. One seems cold hearted yet enjoys the sweetness. One may seem pointless, but knows what to do. The last needs to find their place on both sides of the line."

"Huh? I don't understand." He again didn't answer and continued speaking. "For the strawberry jam stone, cold and murdurous they may seem, but soft and sweet like a jelly bean. For the true of their souls may appear, but they do admit, the love to be sweet." It went silent again and I still don't understand what this cookie means. "The dark heart may seem passionate and warm hearted, but be aware, their souls are shatter and broken hearted. The need of attention is necessary." The wind was slowly blowing through the forest, moving the grass and leaves of the tree. Even out hair was flowing in the wind. "The greed stone, they may seem like they will always give or take, but give them a chance to give all they want and for them to take it all in. Do not rush, unless needed to." "Uhm... I still don't-" He interrupted me before I could finish speaking, "And for the last, they may seem insane, so just let them be free, but not for too long, they won't be able to handle it. To contain, let them take it in as best they can. Believe it or not, they have conscious of what they do, but dislike it."

The cookie stayed silent. Around a minute passed until I asked my question again. "I don't really understand all that you just said or about why I am part of this?" The cookie chuckled. "Oh Gingerbrave, you'll soon understand all the words I have said. They will help you on this journey." The wind started picking up and the temperature was starting to drop. I was shivering from the cold, but I tried hiding the fact I was cold. The cookie started walking up to me as he took of his cloak off. He put it around me and it felt like the cold was never there. "May this cloak allow those who remember me to trust you." He said as he stood up straight, looking down at me with a soft warm smile. He looked next to me and bent down to pick something up. It was my candy cane? "I believe this is yours?" I nodded my head and went to grab it, but before I could, he opened his mouth to say something. "May my spirit be your guide within your candy cane. When ever you need my help... call upon my name and I will be their to guid you in any type of situation you are in."

He opened his hands as my candy cane rested in his palms. It glowed as sparkling light swirls around it like one of Wizard Cookie's spells. I grabbed my candy cane and something about it felt different, yet the same. That didn't make sense to me. I looked back up at the cookie and notice the sun was rising behind him. "Call upon Gingercandy. Call upon my name for any help you need. You will have the answer of the advice you seem." The cookie started fading. "Wait! I still don't understand!" I tried reaching out for only to be unable to move from place. "You soon will, Gingerbrave. You soon will." He said as he continued to fade I heard someone's voice call my name.

"Gingerbrave! Wake up! We can't leave you behind!"
I slowly open my eyes to see that I was in a tent. I sat up as I rubbed my eyes. "Huh? What happened?" I realized I was holding my candy cane in my other hand. "Gingerbave! Come get some breakfast before it gets cold!" I heard some call out my name from outside the tent. I crawled over to the exit of the tent and piped my head out to see bright morning sunlight. I shielded my eyes with my arms as I stepped out of the tent. "Oh Gingerbave, your awake!" Pure Vanilla Cookie said, turning his staff to see me. "Ooh, nice cloak." Blueberry Coffee Cookie complimented as he looked up from his book.

"Huh?" I walked out of the tent and touched something around my neck. It was a green cloak. "What the..." I mumbled to myself. I thought it was just a dream. "Where did you get that?" Chili Pepper Cookie asked as she sat down in the grass. "Uhm..." I can't just say it was from a cookie in my dream?! Think Gingerbrave, think! "I uhm- had packed it along with my other stuff- a- and I decided to wear it today?" I scratched the back of my head as I chuckled nervously. "Oh, ok." I saw Wizard Cookie stare at me confused, but I shrugged it off and at some breakfast. I stared at my candy staff and thought about the dream I had. I was struggling to remember all the things that cookie said. What also bugged me was how he was also a gingerbread cookie. I never seen any other gingerbread cookie other than me. "That was some ginger dream.." I mumbled to my self. We all finished up our breakfast started packing up.

Cappuccino Cookie had climbed out of a tree as she held a journal and the purple book. "Did you stay up all night again?" Nightshade Berry Cookie asked with a concerned look on his face. Even if his face was mostly covered by his scarf, I could still tell. Cappuccino Cookie looked up at him, "No, not all night... most..." she mumbled as she yawned. Nightshade Berry Cookie followed her and I continued packing my stuff. I continued to think how I got the cloak. I swear it was just a dream... right?

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