From one Place to the Middle of Nowhere

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Another hot day adventuring in the Dragon's Valley to find the next lost kingdom. The map and writing slowly on its way of being fully deciphered. More progress is now being achieved after being idle in the valley for sometime now. The exposure to the extreme heat of the valley and magma is already starting to show on their clothes a dough. Some of them can barley take the heat anymore. They are now following where the rivers of magma syrup flow down, what I assume is were the map is leading them. What will be in store for them this time?

The group of cookies trek through the burning valley, following the map to the next kingdom. "If we are reading this correctly, we exist the Dragon's Valley to find the Parmesan Dessert right outside...?" Cappuccino Cookie said with a confused tone as she held both the map and journal in her hands. "That's impossible. The Parmesan Dessert nowhere near this valley." HollyBerry Cookie spoke, crossing her arms. Cappuccino Cookie only shrugged in response. "I'll try rereading it to see if I mistranslated anything, if you want." Cappuccino Cookie replied as she walked of.

Pure Vanilla Cookie was moving his staff around to be able to see his surroundings as they all walked to who knows where this time. The second staff in his bag started shaking, starling the healer. Pure Vanilla Cookie turned his staff in his hand to see the other shaking. "What's wrong with you?" He whispered. The flower's eye of the second staff moved to the side indicating to the back of the group. Pure Vanilla Cookie became confused and turn around to see Golden Cheese Cookie deep in thought. Pure Vanilla Cookie became concerned and walked back to be beside the cookie with cheese bird wings. He tapped her shoulder, startling her.

"Huh- why are you back here?" Golden Cheese Cookie asked when she realized who tapped her. "I was about to ask the same thing." Pure Vanilla Cookie chuckled. "Oh, it's nothing really." Golden Cheese Cookie shrugged. "Oh come on, Cheese! Just a few days ago you weren't this slow when we were following the others." HollyBerry Cookie exclaimed, startling both cookies. "Why do you all keep doing that to me?" Golden Cheese Cookie said to then let out a soft, short laugh. "Oh, we didn't mean to startle you, you know that." HollyBerry Cookie laughed, patting Golden Cheese Cookie's back. "Ok, no need for that." The cheese bird cookie mumbled.

"What's on your mind, Golden Cheese?" Pure Vanilla Cookie asked in a calm tone of voice. The cookie's wings flinched at the question. "Hm? What do you mean, nothing's on my mind." Golden Cheese Cookie said immediately, looking away awkwardly. The two other cookies looked at each other, knowing something's wrong. Suddenly, Pure Vanilla Cookie's second staff gave the cheese cookie a good wack on the head. "Ow! What the fuck, Pure Vanilla!" Golden Cheese Cookie exclaimed as she rubbed her head. "Don't look at me! He did it!" Pure Vanilla Cookie blamed as he pointed to his second staff. Golden Cheese Cookie only groaned in response.

"But still. Ignore him. He doesn't know how to talk to people." Pure Vanilla Cookie waved his hand back and forth. The staff rolled its eye out of annoyance. "Really though. What is wrong. After you helped translate that writing with Cappuccino Cookie, you have been acting distant." The healer continued. Golden Cheese Cookie sighed. "I- don't really know how to explain this. I just don't want the others to hear, especially that... coffee cookie." She said quietly. "Hmm... I guess we can work something out." Pure Vanilla Cookie mumbled. He slowed his pace down, falling behind from the two cookies. The two did the same things understanding what the healer was doing.

Golden Cheese Cookie looked up ahead to see the others were out of ears reach. "Ok, look. I've heard that this Cappuccino Cookie is an extremely hard worker, especially of a grand company..." she whispered. The other two hummed in response, listening carefully. "I don't believe that anymore." She continued. "Why is that, Cheese?" HollyBerry Cookie asked. "When I was translating some hieroglyphics with her, she was being rather lazy about it." Golden Cheese Cookie explained. "She didn't even seem interested in doing anything at all. Not even writing, which just came out in what looked like chicken scratch." She went on. "Well, we do have to keep in mind. Cappuccino Cookie did say she is from a place where it often is freezing cold." Pure Vanilla Cookie commented. "Yeah, and look at Dark Cacao when he comes to our kingdoms, especially in the Vanilla Kingdom when their are sudden extreme hot days there." HollyBerry Cookie pointed out. "And for the witches sake. The cookie can shape shift into a literal chicken." HollyBerry Cookie laughed. "Hmh. You do have a point, but something is just off about her." Golden Cheese Cookie said as she looked up ahead to see the coffee cookie they are speaking of reading the map. "About how she said they are from a freezing cold place. When I asked her about it, where specifically she could be from, she had smoothly avoided the question that I barely realized today that she never answered me." Golden Cheese Cookie added on.

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