Annoyance Out of Two

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"Are you sure you guys don't have a key for this thing?" Carolina Reaper Pepper Cookie asked as he examined a thick leather book with lettering in red. The group of cookies were resting in the canyon, nearby a cave. It wasn't too long ago since they left the kingdom of flames and now they are trying to figure out how to open the red book they had. "Originally, the book was already open, but once it was revealed to more cookies, it was locked." HollyBerry Cookie explained. "That doesn't make sense. Books don't just magically close on their own." Naga Viper Pepper Cookie commented. "There still could be a possibility that someone put a spell for the lock to close once someone opens it." Pure Vanilla Cookie suggested. "The question is, why though. It's as if the writer of these books don't want anyone reading them." White Lily Cookie added. "Wait, how are you guys able to read this?" Scotch Bonnet Pepper Cookie asked as she grabbed the book. "Because this looks like gibberish to me." She pointed to the lettering of the book cover. "We aren't the ones who read these books." Wizard Cookie admitted.

"Then how did you read this map?" Habanero Pepper Cookie asked, opening the map that the group of cookies used to find the kingdom in Dragon's Valley. "It was Cappuccino Cookie who translated it for us." Gingerbrave answered, looking around for the cookie who understood the written language on the books and map. "Speaking of Cappuccino Cookie, where is she?" He asked. Cappuccino Cookie was no where in sight. "Eh, she'll be back." Gouda Cheese Cookie waved his hand, signaling that it's all fine. "So the only one that can read it is gone?" Carolina Reaper Pepper Cookie looked up from the book. "I wouldn't say gone, more like exploring." Gouda Cheese Cookie reworded Carolina Reaper Cookie's statement. "Uh-huh..."

Scorpion Pepper Cookie wasn't paying attention the the argument that was starting to rise. He was walking around in the area kicking some stones around as if he was looking for something. He looked up at the cave he stood in front of him. He took a small glimpse at the arguing cookies and back at the cave. He just walked in to explore a bit to waist some time. The cave was empty, slightly lit up by magma syrup around the place. He crouched down at piles of stones and shuffled them around as he continued looking for something. He continued walking down the cave, only hearing the bubbling sound of the magma in it. Due to some resent events, he just wanted some time alone, and this cave seemed to do just help that. Or so he thought.

He had crouched down to another pile of stones and shuffled them around, closely examining them, but then was startled by a sudden burst of noise which soon went silent. He stood up straight, as he gave a skeptical look down in the cave. He didn't see much up ahead. He had no idea what that sound was and it just made curiosity peep from him. He walked deeper into the cave, putting his hand at his waist, prepared to pull his sword out just in case of any danger that might jump at him. It silence was becoming what felt like deafening. All he heard was bubbling of magma and his own footsteps. He then heard a noise. He heard... humming?

He became rather confused of what he was hearing and it just gave him an ominous feeling about the cave. He gripped on the handle of his sword as he followed the humming. He soon then walked up to what looks like a lake of lava and a cookie. A cookie was sitting down on the ground, legs crisscrossed. Their back was facing towards him so he could see their face. The humming was coming from them. He walked closer till he was behind them. The cookie still didn't notice that Scorpion Pepper Cookie was there. He decided to peek over their shoulder to see what they were doing. He saw that the cookie was scribbling something on a journal. The cookie's hummus started to slow down to then stop. The smelled the air and looked up to see Scorpion Pepper Cookie. She slammed the journal shut and stood up. "What are you doing?!" The cookie exclaimed as she took something out of her ears. "Uhm, wondering what you are doing here, Ms... Cappuccino Cookie." Scorpion Pepper Cookie mumbled, suspicious of her quick actions.

"Well, why don't you mind your own business?" Cappuccino Cookie argued with annoyance as she took out something to what Scorpion Pepper Cookie saw as a small box of some sort. "What's that?" He asked out of curiosity. "They're air pods..." she muttered as she opened the item in her hand and put to headphones in it. Scorpion Pepper Cookie just looked down at her with confusion. Cappuccino Cookie looked up at him a noticed his confusion. "Wireless headphones?" She continued, trying to simplify her answer. Scorpion Pepper Cookie still didn't understand and raised a brow. "That you connect to a phone?" She continued, looking confused herself. "Ph... one?" Scorpion Pepper Cookie repeated, still not knowing what she's talking about. "Wow... your kingdom really is isolated." Cappuccino Cookie turned around as she put the case in her pocket. "It isn't my fault that my kingdom has been like that since only the Divine knows." "For the Witches' sake, who said it was your fault?" Cappuccino Cookie muttered as she picked up a pencil that was on the ground.

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