Ancient's Stolen Items

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As you may know, the Ancient Cookies received a letter supposedly from the five young rulers of the Cookie Kingdom. When they five heard that they were invited to a meeting, they all were confused. No one wrote a letter for a meeting to be done. As the Ancients arrived and were told of this, they wondered who wrote it. No one knows. They five Ancient Heroes all went back to their kingdoms, and nothing really new happened. The same old same old. Duties must be done for some of them, they must check upon the entire kingdom to see if nothing out of the ordinary is happening, and especially protecting the Soul Jams at all cost. Each castle well guard as well, but none of this stops a certain cookie from breaking in.
-In the Vanilla Kingdom-

It was a peaceful, warm day in the Vanilla Kingdom. The sun shined bright upon the castle in the sky and upon every building in the kingdom. It was just like any normal day here. The Ancient Hero, Pure Vanilla Cookie, was roaming around in his castle. It seemed he was trying to find something. He peaked his head in different rooms, to still be unable to find what he is looking for. "I wonder where he went..." the Vanillian murmured. "Hmm maybe..." he began walking to a specific room. He made it to what seemed like a guest bedroom. He opened the room to see a well decorated room and a pet tank being cover by a white rag. "Vanilla Cream Cookie?" He called out. Pure Vanilla Cookie moved his staff to look around the room, just to find nobody there. As he was about to close the door and leave, he froze and thought, 'Does he still have them?' He walked inside the room instead of leaving. Pure Vanilla Cookie walked towards a drawer and put his staff down. He opened the draw and there were many sweets scattered in it. He moved his hand around in the drawer looking for something. He then grabs a bag of mints. "You thought you could hide this from me." He said grinning. He closed the drawer while holding the bag of mints and reached out to grab his staff. He gripped his hands to not feel anything. He moved his hand to the wall where he placed it then he bent down to the ground to see if it fell. Pure Vanilla Cookie's eyes widen. The vanilla orchid is staff was gone.

A cookie came out the kitchen with a freshly baked cupcake. The cookie the cookie was taller than Pure Vanilla Cookie. He had blond, curly, ice cream hair and yellow eyes. He was wearing a pale yellow hoodie and white jeans. He took a bite of the vanilla flavored cupcake as he saw someone walking by. It was Pure Vanilla Cookie walking around the castle with his... staff. "Hey Nilla, I made some cupcakes if you want some." Pure Vanilla Cookie cleared his throat then spoke, "Uh sure! Maybe later though. I have somewhere to be and somewhere where to go! You know, hehe." He chuckled nervously. The other cookie raised an eyebrow in suspicions of how Pure Vanilla Cookie was asking, but shrugged it off. "Alright, if you do end up wanting to try some, there in the kitchen." He said taking another bite of his cupcake. Pure Vanilla Cookie started walking away. The cookie walked the other direction to the guest room Pure Vanilla Cookie had been in. He then heard a voice from the room, "Hey, Vanilla Cream Cookie! Have you seen my staff?" Pure Vanilla Cookie walked out the room. "Wait- didn't you just- walk over there?" The cookie who seems to go by Vanilla Cream Cookie said rather confused as he looked back to see the other 'Pure Vanilla Cookie' wasn't there. "What? No, I was looking for you." Pure Vanilla said rather confused at what the other cookie was talking about. "Shit!" Vanilla Cream Cookie exclaimed as he ran the direction he saw the other Pure Vanilla Cookie went. Pure Vanilla Cookie followed the sound of the running footsteps.

"HEY!" Vanilla Cream Cookie yelled once the imposter was visible. They turned around for there eyes to open and yell, "Yikes!" The imposter began running away with the vanilla orchid staff. "GET BACK HERE!" "Vanilla Cream! What's going on?!" Pure Vanilla Cookie shouted in the distance. They continued chasing the fake Pure Vanilla Cookie down many halls, doors, and stairs. "You know this isn't very nice!" They shouted still in Pure Vanilla Cookie's voice. They bursted the doors ahead to reveal the dining hall. They went inside as the doors were closing. Vanilla Cream held the doors open and ran inside, forgetting Pure Vanilla Cookie was behind him. The doors closed and a loud thump was heard. Vanilla Cream Cookie turned around to see Pure Vanilla Cookie open the door and come inside while nursing his nose. "Oh- I'm sorry Nilla." "Aww, how sweet. I take it you two are relatives or something?" The two cookies heard the imposter.

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