Through Dragon's Valley

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Morning had risen upon Dragon City. Cookies were removing the vines from last night and fixing the buildings that were damaged. Cookies were in the hospital being healed. The group of cookies that are in their journey decided to help out the city before leaving. White Lily Cookie hasn't spoken a word after what had happened last night. Cappuccino Cookie had her thoughts rushing as she tried figuring out what those creatures meant by White Lily being a key.

"I recommend to escort the city to somewhere safer. Not the Berry Kingdom for it was left abandoned due to a similar attack by those monsters." HollyBerry Cookie recommended to Tarte Tatin Cookie. "Mhm, I see... can you explain what is going on though?" Tarte Tatin Cookie asked. "All I know is that we are on another journey to save Earthbread again." HollyBerry Cookie laughed. "Well, I do hope it goes well. We will head to the Cookie Kingdom for it is the nearest kingdom other than the Berry Kingdom." "We hope you have a safe journey there my good friend." HollyBerry Cookie said with a bit of a different tone of voice than usual. "Is everything alright, HollyBerry Cookie?" Tarte Tatin Cookie asked as she notice the unusual tone of the berry cookie's voice. "It's just that it's concerning how they rushed all the cookies in one kingdom in a short amount of time..." HollyBerry Cookie responded with a concerned look on her face.

While the other guardians where moving vines and debris, Cappuccino Cookie was writing in her journal as she frantically looked through both the orange and purple book. "You know you could help us other than scribble in that book..." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie muttered as she pushed a vine away from debris that was under it. "This just doesn't make sense!" Cappuccino Cookie complained as she reread parts of the books to herself. "What doesn't make sense?" Gouda Cheese Cookie asked as he sat next to her. "These two books, the often cut off, such as this orange one, it goes from inventions, cuts off, to love life, cuts off, then speaks of the war?" She explained as she closed the orange book. "And the purple one, it gives predictions of random events, cuts off, love life, cuts off, more predictions, cuts off again, to a coronation, cuts off immediately, prediction and information of the war and something called war of the past where depictions and rough drawings of dragons and other mythical creatures are seen fighting cookies..." she closed the books after finishing her explanation. "Nothing about a key or keys." Cappuccino Cookie then closed her journal and put it inside her coat.

"I'm sure that will be figured out soon. Now come on." Gouda Cheese Cookie stood up, pulling Cappuccino Cookie's arm, making her stand up. "I suppose... but still, what did those creatures mean by White Lily Cookie being one of the keys?" Cappuccino Cookie asked as she picked the two books on the ground. Gouda Cheese Cookie shrugged and continued to help remove the vines with his magic. "I'm just saying, something's off..." Cappuccino Cookie shrugged as she placed the books in the back pack and starting to help with the clean up.
Dragons, wyverns, and other beast were flying across the sky, over the forest under them. They were made of ash, dust and black ooze as their eyes and inside of their mouths glowed purple. They've been flying for a while now as the sun now shined over them. One of the dragons, being the biggest of them all, was angered. "Commander... w- what about the king... w- what will he do once he finds out we're empty handed?" One of the wyverns asked as they flew closer to the head of the huge dragon. No response. "Command- AH!" The wyvern suddenly turned into an unknown shape that was made of ooze and a cloud of ash followed it as it fell. The same thing started happening to the other creatures. The dragon stopped flying and dived down to the ground. Once it reached the ground, it turned into an odd shape of ooze and cloud of ash near the floor, making it difficult to see the ground. More creatures fell to the ground, all hitting it with a splat. "We are too far from the city to reach their thoughts and fears..." Their Commander mumbled.

The commander of the creatures stuck out a glow from its self as it held something. It opened its claw like hand to reveal an orb of light. They turned into a cookie like the one before in Dragon City, tapped the orb and a figure appeared on it. "Speak." The figure on the orb ordered. "Your Majesty- we weren't able to get the cookie who can read the map." The orb shined bright as a figure started forming from the light. A transparent creature in cookie form was now visible. "Why are you reporting this to me?" They spoke in a deep threatening voice. "Y- your Majesty, please understand- the- the gingerbread cookie used a spell that was to strong for any of us to handle!" The commander took a few steps back, not expecting to fully see the figure.

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