Hidden Tunnel Behind the Boulder

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Hours, and hours passed. Then a couple of days. Walking through the harsh endless desert of the golden sand of parmesan. The hot sun, bright as always, beating down on the dough of the cookies. Some cookies were able to handle it, while some others, not so well. From the path they took, they didn't really find anything. Nothing that seemed like what they would be looking for. Nothing but parmesand, and occasional cheesestone mounts that slowly dropped cheese from the top. Sun, sand, and cheese.

"I had my doubts about following you all on this path, and I was right." Golden Cheese Cookie huffed, a bit angered of the fact they have found nothing. "Follow your heart. Hah! Now look where we are, in the middle of no where!" She complained. "Oh, quit your whining already! If you're so confident you know the way, why don't you just lead us to our destination?!" Dark Cacao Cookie was not taking the cheese bird cookie's complaining to any degree. He was getting quite annoyed at this point. The cookies were walking through the hot parmesand desert, trying to find their way to the kingdom they seek. "I would, but I'm not the one with the map." Golden Cheese Cookie crossed her arms. Wizard Cookie then walked up to the coffee cookie that held the map, and seemed quite concerned. "If I may ask, are you sure this is the correct way that we should be going? I feel that even just either been going nowhere or worse, in circles." Cappuccino Cookie looked up from the map and looked at Wizard Cookie. "From what I've studied and observed of this map, and within the books, I'm sure we should at least find something that could possibly be a lead." She spoke in a reassuring voice as her expression remain calm.

"I understand that, but it's been a couple of days, and we've seen nothing that could be linked to any form of a kingdom or civilization related to what we are searching for." Wizard Cookie stated his concern about the situation. "Au contraire." Cappuccino Cookie spoke up as she folded the map neatly, and quickly putting it in her coat. "I've notice that some giant cheese stones we've passed by recently, also may have included ancient architecture that seems to have gone through rough patches over the years, which makes these structures, similar looking to ancient like pillars, but now more blended to the cheese stones instead of the architecture it once was." She explained. "So those pillars were built... roughly around... the same time the kingdom we are headed to." Cappuccino Cookie added to her explanation as she took out the journal and opened it too look at recent notes. "What?! Since when did you see these pillars?!" Wizard Cookie asked shocked at this information. "We've passed by many. And don't worry, if my calculations are correct from what I've noticed about these structures... we should be encountering another one not too far from here." Cappuccino Cookie slowly began to mumbled toward the end of her entrance as she revised through the journal, speaking in a somewhat reassuring tone.

"So, you mentioned that you've seen these ancient architectural structures for the past few days..." White Lily Cookie stopped walking as she spoke up, having some concerns about the explanation Cappuccino Cookie gave, "Yet, you didn't disclose this information to us earlier?" Everyone else as well stopped in their tracks to listen to the Ancient Hero speak. Cappuccino Cookie looked up from the journal and thought for a moment before giving any response. "... well, again, I was just stating that we indeed are heading the right direction." She gave a small unsure shrug. "That doesn't mean you should say absolutely nothing about something that could be important as this. You should have at least mentioned you say something rather than just making all of us head to a direction where you are the only one knowing where we are headed to." White Lily Cookie spoke out her concern in the situation. "Well, uh..." Cappuccino Cookie was about to speak until Pure Vanilla Cookie interrupted. "White Lily Cookie is right. At least say something rather than nothing about it."

Gouda Cookie chuckled and spoke in a light-hearted, sarcastic tone, "I should ask about your vow of silence more often, Coffee Cup." Cappuccino Cookie thought for a moment, and then tilted her head as she seemed confused. "What vow?" She asked as she seemed to continue to process what the cheese cookie said. "Sarcasm you idiot." Coffee Cheesecake Cookie lightly smacked the back of Cappuccino Cookie's head. There was a short moment of silence. "Oh..." Cappuccino Cookie mumbled as she rubbed the back of her head. Clotted Cream Cookie cleared his throat and spoke up, "You mentioned that you say there should be another structure somewhere nearby, no?" Cappuccino Cookie looked up at the consul, and to the journal she had in hand. "Oh, yes, that's correct." She said as she flipped through the pages of the journal. "And if my calculations are correct..." she mumbled as she read through the journal. "The next structure should be..." A pale orange light then shined, the cookie shifting form. The light trailed away a bit and a cream wolf appeared after the light took a form and faded away. "That way." The cream wolf pointed towards the direction it faced.

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