Urgent Letters

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-Around the Time the First Book was Open-

It was a peaceful clear night. The stars twinkled and the moon was full and shining throughout the Cookie Kingdom. The trees slowly dancing in the spring wind. Most cookies were fast asleep. Now to the house of where the cookies who called themselves guardians of this orange stone. The entire household is asleep. Most of them tossing and turning in their sleep.

"No..." Cappuccino Cookie mumbled in her sleep as she tossed and turned. It seemed that this cookie was having a nightmare of some sort. After a a minute or two a whisper was heard.

"Who are you really?"

Cappuccino Cookie gasped as she sat up straight. Her eyes were widen as if she saw something terrifying. Cappuccino Cookie was taking deep breaths as she closed her eyes tightly. "Oh Divine..." she muttered under her breath. She then opened her eyes to look around the room only to just squint. Cappuccino Cookie moved her hand to the bed side table to grab some glasses that were placed on top of it. She put on the glasses so that her vision was not blurry anymore. She looked next to her to see a cookie laying on his side, face away from her, still asleep. She sighed as she layer back down, staring up at the ceiling. She closed her eyes trying to go back to sleep.

After a few minutes, a hushed voice of a child whispered, "mom... dad..." Cappuccino Cookie opened her eyes and sat up. She turned to the side to see two young cookies, sleepy and scared. "Oh, Floral, Blueberry. Is everything alright?" Cappuccino Cookie whispered, not wanting to wake up the cookie next to her. "Mommy... we can't go back to sleep..." one of the kids whispered. "Oh... come up. Tell me what happened." The two cookies got on the bed slowly, not wanting to make too much noise. The pink haired cookie used an inhaler before speaking, "We both had a nightmare and in mine, there was mul- tipul cookies who looked somewhat like me. All they did was keep asking who- I was. I told them but they wouldn't listen. Then it got all scary..." "That is what happened in my nightmare as well." The other spoke.

"Hmm... well. You don't have to be afraid, it was just a nightmare. It never really happened, now did it?" Both the children shook their heads. "Can we sleep with you and dad?" The boy whispered as the the other just nodded softly. Cappuccino Cookie chuckled and nodded. She moved to the side so the two kids can go in between to two cookies. They laid down as the other cookie turned. "Wha- what is going on?" He mumbled. "The kids had a nightmare and couldn't sleep, Honey. So they wanted to sleep with us." "Oh... a nightmare?" "Yes, just a dream. There is no need to worry..." Cappuccino Cookie whispered. He chuckled, "Well there isn't a need to be afraid of a silly dream." He started tickling one of the kids. "HAHAHA! Dad!" The boy laughed out loud. He then stopped. "Ok, ok... either way we need to go to sleep." He said as he smiled. "I agree with your father." Cappuccino Cookie said, moving to the bed side table. "Yeah, it is really late..." She said checking her phone. "Huh... April 10..." she mumbled. Cappuccino Cookie then chuckled as she mumbled something that wasn't understandable.

She took off her glasses and placed them on the table. Both the kids had already fell asleep. Cappuccino Cookie turned over and laid down. "Night, Nightshade..." she mumbled. "Good night... Honey..." He responded, already dozing off to sleep. After a few minutes of silence, Cappuccino Cookie turned to lay on her back and stared at the ceiling again. "Hmmm... I wonder..." She mumbled as she closed her eyes to sleep.
-At the Cookie Kingdom Castle-

Gingerbrave's POV:

I opened my eye to see I was in a black void. "Uh, hello?" I looked around to see nothing. "Huh, where am I?" "Gingerbrave..." "Huh?" I turned around to see that cookie from when I blacked out. "You! Courage Cookie wasn't it?" "Yes... Gingerbrave, I need you help..." "Sure! I can help with anything!" "You don't understand... I can live like this anymore..." "What do you mean?" I then noticed paintings behind the cookie. Seven of them. Two being familiar. One of Courage Cookie wearing a purple robe and the other... of a gingerbread cookie? "I can't... I don't want to cause anymore fear to any one... not like before." "Like before? What do you mean like before?"

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