The Magma Rock Mines

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"I think I know how to help you guys"

White Lily Cookie jumped and immediately turned around. Everyone turned over to see who just spoke. "Forgive me! Just let me try to help you guys!" The cookie pleaded, hiding in the shadows. "Who are you?" "Look... I know you guys won't trust me after what I said earlier, but please understand!" The cookie begged as they took a few steps away. "How are you going to help us?" Golden Cheese Cookie asked. "If you guys need your stuff, I can get you inside the castle with ease! No one's there since they are after you guys!" The cookie tried to explain. The group of cookies had no other choice at this point. None of them know where to go or how the kingdom is. They were on the run and they need to find their way to the castle. "That still doesn't answer the question, who are you?" Cappuccino Cookie asked as she adjusted her monocle. The cookie in the shadows became hesitant to the question. Dark Cacao Cookie then pointed his sword at the cookie. "Answer the question." He demanded.

"Alright! Look! I know you guys might hate me for what I said, but please trust me..." the cookie exclaimed as he slowly started walking out of the shadows of the buildings. "You... You're the one the put us in that arena!" Cotija Cheese Cookie was exclaimed as he raised his spear up at the cookie. Everyone else raised their weapons as well. The cookie raised his hands up. "Please! I get your mad, but I was forced to say that to you all!" Scorpion Pepper Cookie pleaded. "How do we know you are telling the truth?" Dark Cacao Cookie moved his sword to Scorpion Pepper Cookie's neck. "I- I don't have any proof! I'm sorry! Please, I only want to help you guys out of here. Please trust me, I would never want to kill some cookies only looking for the guardians of this kingdom!" He begged as he tried making an explanation. "You don't have a proper explanation..." Scorpion Pepper Cookie was sweating at this point as he was trying to think of something. "I- I- I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN FIND THE GUARDIANS!" He shouted out. Everyone slightly lowered their weapons except for Dark Cacao Cookie. "How do we know you are telling the truth about that?" Black Raisin Cookie said with suspicion. "Please trust me! I can explain when we get back into the castle!" Scorpion Pepper Cookie said, looking at the grape jam sword nervously.

"I don't trust this cookie." Dark Cacao Cookie sneered, glaring at Scorpion Pepper Cookie. "Cao, maybe he might help." Pure Vanilla Cookie softly spoke, walking next to Dark Cacao Cookie. "He was the one to put an execution upon us." Dark Cacao Cookie muttered. "Just put your sword down." Pure Vanilla Cookie sighed. Dark Cacao Cookie grumbled as he lowered his weapon. Scorpion Pepper Cookie sighed with relief. Pure Vanilla Cookie walked in front of Scorpion Pepper Cookie as and asked him a question, "You know where these guardians are and you are willing take help us?" "Yes, I don't want new cookies who only came for help to be killed for a ransom. The guardians... I guess you can say are really close to me. They should be at the castle!" Scorpion Pepper Cookie replied, sounding as honest as possible. The eye of the vanilla orchid staff that Pure Vanilla Cookie held stared into Scorpion Pepper Cookie's eyes. "He's telling the truth." Pure Vanilla Cookie turned around to the others.

Everyone looked at each other and lowered their weapons. "Thank you..." Scorpion Pepper Cookie thank them, feeling a bunch of pressure get unloaded off his shoulders. "Come on, I know a way to get to the castle that the soldiers have no idea of." Scorpion Pepper Cookie said, walking away while also motioning his hand for the cookies to follow them. Although they didn't fully trust in this cookie, they followed. They went through the shadows behind the buildings, avoiding being seen by any cookies. "Hold on..." Scorpion Pepper Cookie said as he blocked them with his arms. Soldiers started rushing by. "Where are they! The king will be furious!" One of the soldiers shouted out of frustration. "H- how will the they p- punish us if we don't find them?!" One of the other soldiers there panicked. They rushed off, panicking to find the prisoners.

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