Kingdom's New Stray

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The kingdom was rather peaceful, even enter some sudden events that took place. Everyone still aware of the Shadow Thief, questioning the M.E.H what happened in the museum. Some of the musicians are still frighten from what they found in the forest. Other than all those unfortunate events, winter is almost over. The Sugar Gnome Cake Shop was closing soon. Everyone is trying to get a cake before the end of the day. There was only one person not buying a cake tomorrow. With the same response, "I am too busy." A coffee cookie who never really seems to stop working. Espresso Cookie.

It was night, with the moon shining bright. A good night to take a break and relax, well, to what other cookies say. To Espresso Cookie, it was a night like any other, a late night of work. He mainly focuses on enhancing his coffee magic, but sometimes he can work too much. Cookies have claimed to find Espresso Cookie blacking out of exhaustion, but as usual, all he cares about is his work. Now on this night in the kingdom, it seemed to be an ordinary night, or so he thought.
Lights in the house, papers everywhere, and a lot of empty uncleaned cups of coffee. There was Espresso Cookie, working on making his magic greater, and making the perfect cup of coffee. He was writing something down to then hear a cat meowing. He looked up to see a coffee-brown fluffy cat in an empty coffee cup. He looked back to what we was writing, reading his calculations. The cat jumped out of the cup, to walk up to the cookie and sit in front of him. "Not now..." the cat meowed in response. "Not right now... I'm busy..." the coffee cookie repeated, righting down something. The cat looked annoyed and walked away. He walked to a cup of coffee that was actually filled, unlike the rest. He started pushing the cup of coffee off the table. He pushed it off for Espresso Cookie to notice and look frustrated. He got up to get paper towels to clean up the mess.

He entered the kitchen to have a feeling of something off or wrong. He looked around, seeing nothing. Espresso Cookie shrugged it off, grabbed the paper towels, and went back to his office. He went to the mess and cleaned it up, picking up the cup and putting it on the table. The cat stared at the mage as he was sitting down. As Espresso Cookie was about to sit down, a loud crashing sound of dishes was heard from the kitchen. Both the cat and cookie's eyes widen. Espresso Cookie immediately went to the kitchen to see a complete mess. The refrigerator was open and nearly empty. Food and dishes on the floor. Most of the food had been eaten or partially eaten. This left Espresso Cookie confused. As he was about to pick everything up, something was moving under the mess. Shocking the mage, he saw something peeking out. A nose? A cake's nose? A head then popped out. It looked like a pup. The pup groaned in pain. It shook its head to then notice Espresso Cookie. Its eyes widen, jumped while yelping, and backing up to a wall, its tail between its legs and ears down. "What on Earthbread?!" Espresso Cookie shouted. The cake pup stared at Espresso Cookie, scared. It turned its eye, looking at something else for a second. Espresso Cookie looked at the same direction just to see more of the mess. He turned back to see the pup gone. He looked around, confused. He turned around to see an open window. "I swear all the windows were closed..." he looked back at the mess. "This is just great." Espresso Cookie said with gritted teeth.
-Next Day-

Sugar Gnomes rushing back and forth behind the counter, making cakes for the cookies of the kingdom. "What would you like Candy Diver Cookie?" A sugar gnome asked, holding a note pad. "● ⎅, ■■■■■ ■■■ !!!, ⍙⍙⍙, ★★★★." The cookie said. "Uh- huh-" the sugar gnome responded, pretending he understood. He wrote down the order and went to the kitchen with the other sugar gnomes. He was taking a close look at what he wrote for the cookie. "Uh... a two layer cake with... three... triangles?" The two other sugar gnomes looked confused and looked at the order. "Who ordered this?" "Candy Diver Cookie..." "T- two layer cake? What flavor?" A timid sugar gnome asked. "Er- it looks like choco cream to me."  "Yeah, I guess we should try that." "What about these triangles?" "Eh... when you wrote this down what question did you ask them?" "Uh... I think when I asked Candy Diver Cookie if he wanted frosting." "S- so that's frosting?" "I guess?" "I am just going to say it's milky frosting." "Ok ok, hurry! We are going to have an entire line of customers!" "Are you sure we have enough supplies." "Yes I'm sure!" They threw sugar gnomes rushed to do the cake for Candy Diver Cookie. "3 choco stars... a-a-and four!" A sugar gnome said while putting the toppings. They packed the cake up and exited the kitchen to see a long line of cookies. "Oh boy... this is going to be a long, long day." He said with a sigh while giving Candy Diver Cookie his order.
-Hours Later (Closing Time)-

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